Any Dowsing Treasures Found By Anyone?

dogxray said:
Has anyone on this forum personally dowsed and found coins, gold, silver, artifacts?

Not sure if I did or not. I'll tell you what I did, then you decide if my dowsing was successful.

I stood at the edge of an old city park, and before taking my metal detector and hunting for old coins ---I first got a line with an L-rod. That is I let the L-rod determine a direction out in the park. Then I stepped to one side of that first line, about 20 feet, and took another reading, and recorded a second line. I noted where the lines crossed, and then I put the L-rod away and got out my metal detector. I first went directly to the spot where the two lines crossed, and then started hunting. On that very spot, I found nothing. So, I kept searching in ever wider distances from the original spot. Finally, about 10 feet from the original spot, I located a Wheatback Cent. I kept searching in ever wider distances. Nothing else was found, and when I got approximately 50 feet away from the original spot, I just started hunting in my normal "grid-like" pattern. I did turn up a few other old coins... over 100 feet from the original location.

Now, some will say the original spot contained a good target that was merely beyond the range of my metal detector. I don't know, because I'm not in the habit of churning up the ground in city park because my L-rod told me to.

Others will say that the Wheatback Cent was my dowsed-for target, and I was off that far due to solar magnetic interference, or some other excuse from the List of Excuses for Empty Holes.

My own opinion is the act of dowsing did no more for me than what I could've realized by simply thinking about where coins may have been lost; ---and then going to that spot and looking first.

Those are the facts. You decide if "dowsing" could be considered successful in that instance.

Here are some other facts:

1.) That same dowsing experiment was repeated at several other coinhunting locations. The experiment always produced relatively the same results.

2.) That same dowsing experiment was carried out (over 100 times) on "known" targets in a specific closed area, under double-blind conditions. NO MD was involved --only dowsing. The results of ALL those tests, when compared to what could be expected from Chance Guessing, showed that dowsing offered nothing any different from what ordinary random guessing would produce.

You decide.... ;D

Free2Dtect said:
Welcome back MR. Black I'm happy to see a post from you.


Have you ever considered that the tone of the comments and responses to your postings are influenced greatly by your avatar, which is actually a mis-representation of who you really are?

Psychology plays a much larger role in dowsing than most people (even the practitioners) suspect. Perhaps my avatar depicts and solicits a stance that is confrontational right from the outset? It would probably be an interesting experiment in behavioral science if we were to exchange avatars for a few postings, or at least select ones of a strictly bland and neutral flavor. ;D

Free2Dtect said:
Mr Black, you are probably right on the use of avatars. But if i pick my words carefully and use ones with sharpe edges to them they forget the avatar.? ? ;)

If I might paraphase your idea....

I think what you are saying is that if the content and phraseology of a posting contains all the tact and boldness of a speeding out-of-control locomotive, then it matters little what avatar is attached to it. :-\

Ummmmm.... perhaps, not sure I would agree 100%, but certainly phraseology would be a strong factor and could intimidate as well as incite just through careful selection of language terms which could purposely be aimed at 2 to 5 readership levels above the average level of those reading. ;D

JBlack.............You MUST have been one of the best debaters ever on your high school debate team! :D


a little cartoon photo doesnt solicit a negative reaction from me at all. It is a drawing. so much for the psychobabble. :) No use in constantly being negative. kinda sad.

Free2Dtect said:
Now I for one have to stick up for Mr. JBLACK here on this one. He has been a great joy to read and had a very strong following on the old drowsing threads this forum use to allow. I also believe he should be given credit for his expertise and knowledge of his posts. This is not an attack on any who view things differently. He has not been negative in any of his replies to me at anytime.

Thanks for the vote of confidence...​

I have done dowsing. Found a roll of hidden pennies, a hidden dollar bill and an hidden one oz. silver bar. Also have used dowsing for information and have often come up with right answers
Dowsing is also mentioned in Biblical times. it is a proven fact that dowsing has been used to find water and oil.
It is important that one beleive in dowsing for it to work. I have been on this site for around 2 mo. and am a charter member under the name arthur.


Yes you have received a positive reaction.The more you use it the more confident you will become. Where do you live?

Deacon...Thats what it's about...Fun.... You could have found the rings with your detector but you learned something and it was probaly faster....Art

Once you find a signal line you have to follow it to your target. Find a large area ( thirty plus feet.) that has no random signal lines. Place your target in the center. Walk your square as far away from the target as you can. When the rods cross mark the spot. Get a string, fishing line or a rope and put it from your marked spot to the target. From the marked spot walk a S pattern toward the target noting that the rods close each time you cross the line. The rods will cross when you get to he target. The signal line will pass thought the target and keep going. To check that you have not went passed the target square your body to the signal line. The rods will be closed. Drop the rod that is closest to the target to your side. The other rod should point to the target. If it moves the other way you have went passed the target. This will work no matter which hand you drop. Hope this helps someone

The way it works for me is that the signals from the target run north, south, east and west?Art

I have just recently started dowsing with L-Rods and have had very good luck. My first attempt was in my front yard that I have metal detected to death and swear there are no more coins in it. I concentrate and ask to be shown where to metal detect to find a coin. I ask over and over again. I am led to the other side of my driveway before the rods cross. I place one of the rods in the ground to mark the exact location of where they crossed so I can get my metal detector. Much to my surprise I was able to find a penny within 2 inches of where the rods crossed. The next day I tried a park out and asked to be shown where to detect to find rings. Within a few minutes I had 2 rings in my pouch. Today I asked for gold and the rods crossed right over the top of a thin gold chain with a name charm and small diamond on it. I feel that my results have been very good. I have also noticed that if there is nothing around to meet my request then I end up going in circles and the rods never cross. As I stated, I am very new at this and realy don't know what to make of it. I am very surprised I have had as much luck as I have had with them.

dathvick said:
I have just recently started dowsing with L-Rods and have had very good luck.? My first attempt was in my front yard? that I have metal detected to death and swear there are no more coins in it.? I concentrate and ask to be shown where to metal detect to find a coin.? I ask over and over again.? I am led to the other side of my driveway before the rods cross.? I place one of the rods in the ground to mark the exact location of where they crossed so I can get my metal detector.? Much to my surprise I was able to find a penny within 2 inches of where the rods crossed.? The next day I tried a park out and asked to be shown where to detect to find rings.? Within a few minutes I had 2 rings in my pouch.? Today I asked for gold and the rods crossed right over the top of a thin gold chain with a name charm and small diamond on it.? I feel that my results have been very good.? I have also noticed that if there is nothing around to meet my request then I end up going in circles and the rods never cross.? As I stated, I am very new at this and realy don't know what to make of it.? I am very surprised I have had as much luck as I have had with them.

Integrating the use of dowsing rods with a metal detector is very common. Unfortunately, the combination of these two things will never be able to substantiate the power of dowsing alone. Your L-rods can only point, or cross, where you believe there to be a viable target, so in essence you could accomplish the same results by standing at the edge of a likely hunting area, scan the area with your eyes, and then in your mind decide where the best place would be to start looking.

Only after you've completely separated the dowsing rods from the metal detector can you hope to validate and evaluate the merits of dowsing.

aarthrj3811 said:
Your right....I scanned a 16 sq. mile area with my eyes and the gold was right where my mind told me it was. For 6 years my mind told me it was buried under the sand.....Art

Your right?... or did you mean your left?... or perhaps you meant to say you are right? about your write?


aarthrj3811 said:
Your a good debater----to bad you are on the false side of the subject. We could use someone with your way with words on the truth side.? This Gold was found with DOWSING RODS....Art

That gold was found with a shovel and a pan, or a shovel and sluice box. It would have been recovered whether or not you waved your dowsing rods in the air.

When you dowse for gold in a known gold-producing area, chances are 99.44% that you will turn up some amount of gold where you dig. Dowsing had nothing to do with it... or if it did you can't prove it.

The only way you could prove that dowsing found the gold, is to take the same flakes of gold, put them in pill bottle, then put that pill bottle in a grouping of say 10 other "empty" pill bottles. Then bury them or otherwise secret them, and then take your dowsing rods and find the bottle containing the gold. And repeat that exercise about 10 times, each time you ALWAYS find the bottle containing the gold.

I can guarantee your dowsing for gold WILL fail that test, or at best score a result that is totally consistent with what would be expected from random guessing.

End of Story.

If you polled the members of Treasure Net about 9053, give a take a few would say that statement was false. I know people who have worked hard for years before they found any gold.

Read the words. I didn't say you would get rich, or even find a significant amount of gold. What I said was, if you dowse for gold in a known gold-producing area ---you will more often than not find some. It could be just dust, but you will find some.

That act alone, does nothing to validate your dowsing rods as a practical method for locating gold. When you seek gold in a known gold-producing area ---you will find "some" whether or not you employ the art of dowsing. I've done it, so I know what I'm talking about.

Now, beyond that... if you want to validate dowsing as better method of finding gold, over and above pure guessing and best logic, then.....

The only way you could prove that dowsing found the gold, is to take the same flakes of gold, put them in pill bottle, then put that pill bottle in a grouping of say 10 other "empty" pill bottles. Then bury them or otherwise secret them, and then take your dowsing rods and find the bottle containing the gold. And repeat that exercise about 10 times, each time you ALWAYS find the bottle containing the gold.

By the way, that gold was recovered in an area of Nevada that has no records of gold....Art

Yes, and the last information I had, says that Nevada is a known gold-producing area. End of Story. ;D

Yer on. Send me 3 nuggets of your choice. I'll mark them, and photograph them, then bury 'em in random locations in a 40-acre field. You come no less than one month later, find and recover all 3 nuggets in less than 4 hours, and you will win my $25,000 prize. You may use whatever equipment you want, as long as it includes an LRL. All travel is at your expense.

- Carl

Hey Carl..As I have told you before ..I don't want your money.....Could I use the money....ya, I just gave my Jeep to the Salvation Army as I could not trust it anymore.

I don't sell anything but I do pass on information good or bad about products I use. I am working on a non electronic device that if it proves out will be free to all.

You have my e-mail address and if you are in my area I will show you what I can do with the rods........Art

If you really can do what you say you can do, and win my $25,000, then deduct your travel expenses, and give the rest the Salvation Army.

Jblack I have a question for you..... Who asked you to come in here and troll on this post? For some reason I dont think the topic title was "please tell me all the reasons you hate things you dont understand. But maybe you didn't read the OP so I will quote it for you.

Has anyone on this forum personally dowsed and found coins, gold, silver, artifacts?

He was asking if any of the members of this forum had used LRL to locate treasure. NO WHERE in that post do I see him ask for your opinions for or against LRL's. I believe that you think you are really special because you can have such strong opinions about something like this. And you may be. But you know what? Some people dont care that you think dowsing is a spoof. If you really want to talk down a hobbie that some people seem to enjoy greatly then start your own post. That way the people that are here because they enjoy the hobbie can just ignore your negative outlook.

Again thank you for ruining a perfectly fine post with your craptastic know-it-all attitude.


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