This is a HISTORY Show guys!!! ...
The metal detectors for the most part are the "Equipment" used to uncover the lost artifacts in these old historic sights which in turn are turned over to those historical societies.
It's like getting mad if your a crab fisherman and Deatliest Catch just talks about the places they fish and what they catch instead of the equipment they use, how to use it, who makes the equipment, and how the fisherman act on deck .... WHO CARES ... it's fun to watch .. IT'S TV!!!
I would assume in turn for letting these crazy guys and The National Geographic Channel hunt these locations they spend most of ALL the extra free time during the show in talking more of the history about the location, the people involved, and the outcomes etc. etc. .... this is the deal they probably set up with these historical sights as well ... It's a 30 min show guys, more needs to go into the finds and history of the location and NOT in the tools they are using to accomplish this task. I would like to see more of the other but that is really not what the show is for.
If you want a "Metal Detecting Show" then Youtube is your friend .... this basically is a History Program over anything else and that's all.
They are not on TV to instruct you on how to detect, listen for tones (though they do a teeny tiny bit of that on telling you it's a slammin hit ...LOL), teach you detecting etiquette, or tell you what to buy (cause the answer will just be Garrett, it's a sponsor, that's how this or anything else in the world works, we talk about "sponsors" around here all the time right?) ... a show like that wouldn't last past the pilot episode!
And come on guys, just remember one thing ..... IT'S A DAMN TV SHOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!