Another reason I dont care for "Diggers"


Bronze Member
May 16, 2007
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Lewiston, Idaho
Detector(s) used
Multiple Tesoros and Whites
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Another reason I don't care for "Diggers"

Besides all the juvenile antics, ridiculous hoopla, and unfounded speculation on targets, they are detecting areas that the rest of wouldn't stand a chance in hi** of obtaining permission to hunt. I YOU like it, watch it. I'm opting out.

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I'd rather watch Kim n her sisters jumping round then a couple of wing nuts in the woods....jus my .02

I think they act over the top excited for ratings.
It's cool that there's a show showcasing our wonderful hobby but I think it's overdone.

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I was thinking about Bruce :laughing7:

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Oh no..... It's back again.

I'd rather watch Kim n her sisters jumping round then a couple of wing nuts in the woods....jus my .02

I'm not into mentally disabled fat chicks! But to each their own I guess!

Ronnie, you obviously have issues. LOL

Fella, you need to get your eyes checked son, that body in that bikini is freakn' banging. Far from fat. You guys need to keep your spouses out of it.

Fella, you need to get your eyes checked son, that body in that bikini is freakn' banging. Far from fat. You guys need to keep your spouses out of it.

Sorry to burst your bubble buddy but she's a photoshopped Hobbit!

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I dont know about you guys but when i go out hunting it is 90% boredom and looking out for snakes, old scrooges, power tripping police, automatic sprinkler systems etc till i get a good solid signal. The loudest and only sound is usually crickets and an occasional owl or coyote. I dig around for a bit and curse my limp noodle digger and crappy pinpointer before digging up a ultra banging nectar of...1980's shredded Dr. Pepper can... But i love it and it sure beats sitting in the house all the time.

Now if they replicated that reality to tv it would be cancelled after a few shows! So of course the guys got to act crazy as heck and get killer spots.

Some things don't make the transition from reality to reality TV. Detecting and stamp collecting are two of them.

Some things don't make the transition from reality to reality TV. Detecting and stamp collecting are two of them.

Stamp Collecting !

that would be right up there with Golf & poker :thumbsup:
ESPN would be proud

"Ok he's picked up the stamp, Looked at it in the Magnifying glass
Will he put it with the keepers, Or the Ebay pile ?

it's A Keeper !!!
it's a Keeper !!!!
The Crowd is on it's Feet !!!!!

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ever notice that their detectors give only 1 tone no matter what they are swinging over?

ever notice that their detectors give only 1 tone no matter what they are swinging over?

Plus they find everything within three or four swings. And it's always valuable. Real life you pull out a tiny piece of aluminum coated mylar balloon.

Plus they find everything within three or four swings. And it's always valuable. Real life you pull out a tiny piece of aluminum coated mylar balloon.

So is it back on TV I've been stuck in the oil patch with no tv?It would be nice to be able to watch it when I get home. I don't mind the show at all.

That's what editing is for. American pickers is interesting and they don't jump around like idiots when they find something. They also edit their 8 hours looking through junk down to an hour with filler about the history and value of their finds. Diggers could be similar without the behavior that is not at all normal for anyone past age 7.

That's what editing is for. American pickers is interesting and they don't jump around like idiots when they find something. They also edit their 8 hours looking through junk down to an hour with filler about the history and value of their finds. Diggers could be similar without the behavior that is not at all normal for anyone past age 7.

American Pickers is fake fake fake. They often replace the owners with paid actors.

Diggers preally irritates me with the antics and bs, however I will watch it any day over the likes of Pawnstars, pickers, or God forbid... dancing with the stars...

Diggers could be similar without the behavior that is not at all normal for anyone past age 7.

God help me if I ever become a "normal" old guy that's sits around mumbling about the weather and watching out the window waiting to yell at kids...

American Pickers is fake fake fake. They often replace the owners with paid actors.

Diggers preally irritates me with the antics and bs, however I will watch it any day over the likes of Pawnstars, pickers, or God forbid... dancing with the stars...

They're all fake. Unbelievably fake. A friend of mine has a place in the country with an old barn. It wasn't American pickers but a similar show approached him about filming a segment. They put a vintage motorcycle in his barn and covered it with an old piece of canvas as if it had been there for years. They didn't like his driveway so they filmed a neighbor's dirt drive thru the woods to make it look like they discovered the barn back in the woods. My friend didn't want to be on the show so they had another random person stand in as the landowner. Was ridiculous. My guess is that every single reality show like that is completely fake.

They're all fake. Unbelievably fake. A friend of mine has a place in the country with an old barn. It wasn't American pickers but a similar show approached him about filming a segment. They put a vintage motorcycle in his barn and covered it with an old piece of canvas as if it had been there for years. They didn't like his driveway so they filmed a neighbor's dirt drive thru the woods to make it look like they discovered the barn back in the woods. My friend didn't want to be on the show so they had another random person stand in as the landowner. Was ridiculous. My guess is that every single reality show like that is completely fake.

If the Compensation is good , I wouldn't complain.
Of course if they were expecting a freebie I would give them the Boot :unhappysmiley:

unless of course it was Diggers . Then I'd just want to join in :laughing7:
the Tectin' Not the Jumpin'

They're all fake. Unbelievably fake. A friend of mine has a place in the country with an old barn. It wasn't American pickers but a similar show approached him about filming a segment. They put a vintage motorcycle in his barn and covered it with an old piece of canvas as if it had been there for years. They didn't like his driveway so they filmed a neighbor's dirt drive thru the woods to make it look like they discovered the barn back in the woods. My friend didn't want to be on the show so they had another random person stand in as the landowner. Was ridiculous. My guess is that every single reality show like that is completely fake.
They are that is why i do not watch them.. Plus they are the cause of our detecting problems now.. But the ones that watch the shows do not care about our hobby or how some make there living detecting.. As you notice no one from diggers have been on Tnet after the money started to roll in for them … They were on here to promote there show then got a lot of you to watch … Then made big bucks and then said good by to all of you...

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