Another expert telling us that dredging is needed

:occasion14: Not really guys,just dropping in!Thanks for missin' me

I wish they would all quit breathing, they are changing the environment with all that hot air!

I wish they would all quit breathing, they are changing the environment with all that hot air!

Absolutely, this environmental crap is out of control! In protest I think I'll leave my old diesel running all night just so it's warm in the morning!

Sent from a empty soda can!

Whats that you say? Creating holes in the riverbeds gives young fish a safe haven from predators? Stirs up yummy fish food you say? Saves spawning fish the trouble of digging a hole themselves? I feel like anyone that actually goes fishing can figure out through common sense why fish love and benefit from dredgers. If water turbidity is such an "issue" I'd like just one legit experiment showing how the silt kills the fish because if that's the case... any river that floods annually (or at any point) should be, according to their reasoning, devoid of any aquatic life.

I agree with the not breathing thing, the increased c02 is threatening seagulls in the Walmart parking lots 200 miles inland.

The truth has absolutely nuttn' to do with what has happened lo these past 7 years. You are enjoying the by products of ALL OR NOTHING and forever nothing is on the platter NOW-John

Thanks to all that replied,Jon is dead on correct that fact no longer has any bearing in Law.What really cracks me up is these nut jobs scream about natural nature....if the dams were not there what would the salmon do?Historically most of the creeks and rivers were dry every so many years.These are the same whack jobs that want to blow all the dams!

Yes 100% as they all want the dams blown up as who needs water and electricity from a prexisting infrastructure that's paid for a hundredfold. It's much better to go back to caves and kill game as them nasty farmers up in the Siskiyous have lost their water rights due to this insanity and fallow in the once great san juaquin also sic sic sic. :censored: John

And then there's these guys forest circus.jpg The Forest Circus, they tore down this old shack in the middle of no where cabin.jpg and this one as well as many others forest.jpg because they did not want anyone living in them. dredging.jpg Between the Forest Circus and the environmentalist they ran me out of business a long time ago.

And then there's these guys View attachment 1140223 The Forest Circus, they tore down this old shack in the middle of no where View attachment 1140231 and this one as well as many others View attachment 1140233 because they did not want anyone living in them. View attachment 1140234 Between the Forest Circus and the environmentalist they ran me out of business a long time ago.

Love that sign, looks like a poster for "can't do" merit badges! "Please enjoy your stay, have a nice day, and come back soon! You may now take your hands out of your pockets!":BangHead:

There are dozens and dozens of studies that have been done and the truth no longer matters as $$$$$$$$the benjamins rule the day as the radical enviros and tribes get their insane way-John

I think the enviro nazis should lead by example and tear down their homes, stop using electricity and crap in a hole.

It will all come to an end soon enough maybe. According to NASA, California only his one year of water left. And soon the debris from Fukashima will hit the coast, along with the radioactive water.

In the mean time the guberment worries about the size of a gun magazine, what guns should be on the "approved" list and protecting every small animal that exists in Commiefornia.

You know, all the really important stuff.

There are dozens and dozens of studies that have been done and the truth no longer matters as $$$$$$$$the benjamins rule the day as the radical enviros and tribes get their insane way-John

That's for sure, when I first started dredging in California the town near my claim was all about gold miners, then they found more money could be made off of kayaker's. Now it was ok with the Forest Circus for a camera crew that wanted to film Kayakers going over the rapids to hang a cable with a basket from tree to tree across the river so their camera man could get their shots. And they could hang the cable for free. Now if I wanted to hang the same type cable tree to tree to secure my dredge from I would have to pay a fee to do so. Then the town went to mountain bikers, "show me the money". Now on my claim the Forest Circus would not allow me to improve my trails along my claim, if one section washed off the side of the mountain, oh well to bad. But when the town decided that a mountain bike race would bring in the cash and the tourist the Forest Circus was all for it and where did they run the bike route through? Right through my claim and the trails that I was not allowed to touch for almost 15 years suddenly were widened enough for a bike race, in fact you could drive an ATV through most of my claim now. Just what I wanted right? Wrong now I had snipers bringing in all kinds of mining equipment onto the claim to work it when I was not there, my claim markers started disappearing. Let the claim jumping begin. Oh and after a race was run I was being notified by the county to clean up my claim of trash and garbage or pay a fine. Throw all that together with a healthy spattering of Environmental BS and now you have the gold miners on the endangered species list.

I'd bet the nut trees east of the Sierra Nevadas are getting a steady all day dose of H2O! Ten hours driving through & around there last spring and water was flying the whole time!

That's for sure, when I first started dredging in California the town near my claim was all about gold miners, then they found more money could be made off of kayaker's. Now it was ok with the Forest Circus for a camera crew that wanted to film Kayakers going over the rapids to hang a cable with a basket from tree to tree across the river so their camera man could get their shots. And they could hang the cable for free. Now if I wanted to hang the same type cable tree to tree to secure my dredge from I would have to pay a fee to do so. Then the town went to mountain bikers, "show me the money". Now on my claim the Forest Circus would not allow me to improve my trails along my claim, if one section washed off the side of the mountain, oh well to bad. But when the town decided that a mountain bike race would bring in the cash and the tourist the Forest Circus was all for it and where did they run the bike route through? Right through my claim and the trails that I was not allowed to touch for almost 15 years suddenly were widened enough for a bike race, in fact you could drive an ATV through most of my claim now. Just what I wanted right? Wrong now I had snipers bringing in all kinds of mining equipment onto the claim to work it when I was not there, my claim markers started disappearing. Let the claim jumping begin. Oh and after a race was run I was being notified by the county to clean up my claim of trash and garbage or pay a fine. Throw all that together with a healthy spattering of Environmental BS and now you have the gold miners on the endangered species list.

It makes me sad what has happened to you your claim Bob. No one seems to have any respect for the rights and property of others. TOO bad a natural "occurrence" doesn't take place and remove large sections of the new and improved trails on your claim.

time to get it cleaned up even though you didn't leave the trash! take some pictures of the cleaned up claim and of the claim markers and make a report of the "other people" comeing onto your claim and leaveing trash , maybe (hopefully) they will sorta sympathize with you ,BUT they still have you by the short hairs. you can claim this cleanup as part of your annual assessment OR all of it! I know these jerks that trash your claim really pzz everyonf off but unless your there 100% of the time theres no way to stop them!

It makes me sad what has happened to you your claim Bob. No one seems to have any respect for the rights and property of others. TOO bad a natural "occurrence" doesn't take place and remove large sections of the new and improved trails on your claim.

After years of fighting with the different groups, I finally sold the claim, it's someone else's worry now. One group even wanted a law passed that if a dredger moved a boulder underwater we would have to put the boulder back where they moved it from which was absolutely ridicules since winter/spring run off would rearrange the river. Your right there is a total lack of respect in this country anymore. Groups that claim to be tolerant can't stand it if you don't think as they do as they stuff their own agenda's down our throats.

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