Another Dutch Hunter Crosses Over

My condolences to his family, and friends. I was looking forward to meeting him some day, now I will have to wait and see if I make it to Heaven.

Sorry to hear that. I only met him one time but his name is synonymous with the LDM and often comes up in stories. Another wealth of history is lost. Condolences to his family

Sad to here...
Nice man..

I ran into him a number of times, he was proud of how old he was. Each time I talked to him, he'd say that he was 90 something years old. I asked him if he would ever quit, he said never. Now that's heart.

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Condolences to George's family and friends.

Never met him that I can remember, but I did have some dealings with George, just not direct. Years ago, on another site, I had Late 49er introduce himself to me and ask for assistance finding a local museum that might be interested in a book and some letters he had purchased at a yard sale. The items were said to have been connected to Sims Ely. It all turned out to be BS, but a good friend of mine put him in touch with George. I have both sides of the emails that were exchanged between Late and George. It shed a lot of light on who was behind the whole game. Under different identities, that person still posts, now and then. Lots of webs connected to the LDM.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

This past Saturday I learned of the death of my good friend Rick Woods.

Rick spent many years researching Dutchman and Arizona history and actively searched for the Lost Dutchman Mine in the Superstitions.

Its been over twenty years ago now that Rick and I along with Peter Esposito and Steve Creager partnered up in an effort to locate the mine and caches hidden somewhere in the Superstition Mountains.
The four of us spent many days and nights camped out in some of the most remote and rugged ares of those mountains.
Rick and Steve Creager worked closely together on several research projects that produced some excellent articles that Steve eventually had published.

Rick Woods was a real outdoorsman, an excellent hiker and as much at home sleeping out under the stars as he was in his own bed.
It was from that association with Rick and Steve, Peter and I that Peter Esposito's "Lost Dutchman Mine Forum" came to be. Still hands down the best Dutchman and Arizona history Forum ever to cross the internet.
During Rick's life he was a member and contributor to all the Lost Dutchman forums and wrote several excellent articles himself.

Rick attended several Dutch Hunter Rendezvous, the last being three years ago I believe. He attended with another close friend of his, Tim Hancock.

Rick will be missed by friends, family and Dutch Hunters everywhere.


This past Saturday I learned of the death of my good friend Rick Woods.

Rick spent many years researching Dutchman and Arizona history and actively searched for the Lost Dutchman Mine in the Superstitions.

Its been over twenty years ago now that Rick and I along with Peter Esposito and Steve Creager partnered up in an effort to locate the mine and caches hidden somewhere in the Superstition Mountains.
The four of us spent many days and nights camped out in some of the most remote and rugged ares of those mountains.
Rick and Steve Creager worked closely together on several research projects that produced some excellent articles that Steve eventually had published.

Rick Woods was a real outdoorsman, an excellent hiker and as much at home sleeping out under the stars as he was in his own bed.
It was from that association with Rick and Steve, Peter and I that Peter Esposito's "Lost Dutchman Mine Forum" came to be. Still hands down the best Dutchman and Arizona history Forum ever to cross the internet.
During Rick's life he was a member and contributor to all the Lost Dutchman forums and wrote several excellent articles himself.

Rick attended several Dutch Hunter Rendezvous, the last being three years ago I believe. He attended with another close friend of his, Tim Hancock.

Rick will be missed by friends, family and Dutch Hunters everywhere.



Always sad to hear of another Dutch Hunter's passing. My condolences to Rick's family and friends.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

Always hard losing a close friend, my condolences also to his family and friends.


our condolences to his family and friends.

Ron Quinn Died August 30th of 2017.

Ron was a great story teller, Treasure Hunter, friend, Author, and hunted for the Dutchman once upon a time...I texted a friend of mine and told him I was thinking about Ron so I asked him how he was doing. He said he sent him a Christmas card and it came back he was deceased.

This friend of Ron's had been helping him with a book while checking up on him at his apartment in Tucson. Ron was blind and couldn't drive anymore so he helped him sell his jeep. I guess he was there with him just a few days shy of August 30th 2017. He said Ron was sick, but, Ron said he'd be OK so he never got back up there assuming Ron was doing alright. I guess he died within a few days of the visit. I started Treasure Hunting with Ron back in early 2001. He taught me a lot and was a blast to be hunting with. I will miss Ron greatly. I am thankful he had his manuscripts published into book form before he passed. Ron was 83 years old. He took a lot of secrets to the grave with him. He was a good person and a hell of friend we all will truly miss him.

He's hunting treasures in the sky now so keep on searching up there old buddy.

Ron Quinn Died August 30th of 2017.

Ron was a great story teller, Treasure Hunter, friend, Author, and hunted for the Dutchman once upon a time...I texted a friend of mine and told him I was thinking about Ron so I asked him how he was doing. He said he sent him a Christmas card and it came back he was deceased.

This friend of Ron's had been helping him with a book while checking up on him at his apartment in Tucson. Ron was blind and couldn't drive anymore so he helped him sell his jeep. I guess he was there with him just a few days shy of August 30th 2017. He said Ron was sick, but, Ron said he'd be OK so he never got back up there assuming Ron was doing alright. I guess he died within a few days of the visit. I started Treasure Hunting with Ron back in early 2001. He taught me a lot and was a blast to be hunting with. I will miss Ron greatly. I am thankful he had his manuscripts published into book form before he passed. Ron was 83 years old. He took a lot of secrets to the grave with him. He was a good person and a hell of friend we all will truly miss him.

He's hunting treasures in the sky now so keep on searching up there old buddy.

Sorry for your loss Bill, sad news.

Matthew I am sorry for your loss also, didn't catch the notice until just now so my apologies for the late reply.

Thank you both for letting us know.


Matthew mentioned Tim Hancock a few posts ago. I assume he is the same custom knife maker I met in the Superstitions. Really a good hand in the mountains.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

Diamond Joe Dunham

Diamond Joe (Joseph Dunham) passed away January 15th after a long fight with skin cancer that spread to his brain.

Joe was a successful prospector, treasure hunter and lifelong avid outdoorsman. We had many adventures together and it is ironic that something like skin cancer would kill him in the end after so many close calls with other dangers. Joe was born in Virginia and grew up in Cuba, NY, we met over forty years ago and immediately hit it off, and partnered in many expeditions all over the continent.
<Joe holding the plaid shirt, I am by the tent, this is at Tortilla ranch probably in the 1980s on his last trip into the Superstitions>

Joe fell in love with the Arctic country and made solo trips there a number of times, once nearly ended his life but we were able to laugh about it afterwards. A salesman had told Joe that a set of "flotation tires" he had would absolutely make his quad ATV able to be amphibious, it would literally carry you across the top of the water. Joe flew his ATV into the airport in Nome and made his way out to a certain river, where there was supposed to be a very rich gold placer on the far side and upstream. He confidently rode his ATV right into the raging river, full of melted glacial ice water and it sank like a stone, carrying Joe and ATV some distance down river before he was able to haul himself and the machine out of the water. Fortunately there was enough driftwood nearby and he spent the rest of the day getting dried out after that ice cold soaking, and on his return home he made a special trip to the ATV tire salesman for some choice words!

Joe was always ready for any kind of adventure if gold or silver were involved, and rarely ever complained. His sense of humor helped us get through some otherwise dismal and/or unpleasant times. When he first got started in the prospecting game, he was not comfortable with going underground - but after getting his first big nugget from a deep tunnel, he lost any qualms he had about it.

Joe working in the mine in a tight spot
This is rotated 90 degrees! And yes it really is that tight in the mine.

Joe found a spot of skin cancer last summer, and started a long fight with it, unfortunately the cancer finally won in the end. A lifetime of working outdoors has a price, the Sun can easily cause skin cancer and it can kill. It is nothing to fool around with.

In his last years we seemed to drift apart, partly because Joe's health was failing and he was not able to get around very well although he continued to raise a beautiful garden every year, which was the envy of the town of Edgemont. Mostly he gave away the veggies and fruits, but he also put up a fair amount for his own use. For forty two years we were mining partners, hunting, trapping, shooting, and fishing buddies. We will miss him a lot. He was my best friend.



Really sorry for your loss.

Lots of friendly acquaintances come thru our lives, but true friends are rare and to be treasured.

He is with you still.

Take care,


My condolences to you, Roy.

So sorry for your loss. May Diamond Joe always sparkle in your memory.

Sorry for your loss Roy. I know what it’s like to lose a good friend. We can just be grateful for the time we had to spend with them.

Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend Roy, my condolences to his family, and friends.

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