Another Dutch Hunter Crosses Over


Really sorry for your loss.

Lots of friendly acquaintances come thru our lives, but true friends are rare and to be treasured.

He is with you still.

Take care,


Amen to those words buddy. Joe was a member here but as far as I know, never did post anything, just read and followed the discussions. Joe lived in Edgemont so we got to see him and talk daily, and really notice the missing link around here. Joe had a theory on metals deposits around volcanic vents, that I have not been able to disprove and might be correct, that due to the weight (specific gravity) differences, gold would always be found in a 'ring' around the vent at the closest distance, then silver, and lastly copper. It seems to hold true where volcanic calderas exist with metallic minerals around them.

Diamond Joe got his nickname by the usual way - he found diamonds where no one had ever found them before, one particular instance he hired a geologist to examine and test the site because he thought it was a kimberlite pipe, and sure enough it is, with gem quality diamonds, just needs to be eroded another forty feet or so and it will be on the surface. That said, he never found a diamond at the Arkansas diamond mine/state park, although one visit would hardly be a good test of his abilities to spot them. Now that he is gone, no one will know where that kimberlite pipe is located until nature erodes down the surface.

I wish he had told me that he was quitting the chemo, we could have done more to settle his accounts/business instead of the mad scramble we have been trying to deal with. I was driving him for his appointments as he was not willing or able to drive more than a couple of blocks in town, I should have known something was up when he didn't have any more appointments after December 7th, though at the time I thought it would just continue after the holiday. He was 61 when he died, spent 20 days suffering in the hospital unable to speak, swallow, stand, sit or move anything but his eyes. I hope no one else has to go through that.

Thanks to you all for the kind words and wishes, I really do appreciate it.

Amen to those words buddy. Joe was a member here but as far as I know, never did post anything, just read and followed the discussions. Joe lived in Edgemont so we got to see him and talk daily, and really notice the missing link around here. Joe had a theory on metals deposits around volcanic vents, that I have not been able to disprove and might be correct, that due to the weight (specific gravity) differences, gold would always be found in a 'ring' around the vent at the closest distance, then silver, and lastly copper. It seems to hold true where volcanic calderas exist with metallic minerals around them.

Diamond Joe got his nickname by the usual way - he found diamonds where no one had ever found them before, one particular instance he hired a geologist to examine and test the site because he thought it was a kimberlite pipe, and sure enough it is, with gem quality diamonds, just needs to be eroded another forty feet or so and it will be on the surface. That said, he never found a diamond at the Arkansas diamond mine/state park, although one visit would hardly be a good test of his abilities to spot them. Now that he is gone, no one will know where that kimberlite pipe is located until nature erodes down the surface.

I wish he had told me that he was quitting the chemo, we could have done more to settle his accounts/business instead of the mad scramble we have been trying to deal with. I was driving him for his appointments as he was not willing or able to drive more than a couple of blocks in town, I should have known something was up when he didn't have any more appointments after December 7th, though at the time I thought it would just continue after the holiday. He was 61 when he died, spent 20 days suffering in the hospital unable to speak, swallow, stand, sit or move anything but his eyes. I hope no one else has to go through that.

Thanks to you all for the kind words and wishes, I really do appreciate it.
I am so sorry, Roy (and Beth). It hurts to the core when someone you love suffers and you are helpless ... At least, you can harbour all the good memories ...

Flint Carter passed away in December of 2018. I just heard about it from a friend who read it in the newspaper. Flint started the Buffalo Bill Cody Museum in Oracle AZ. I knew Flint from the old chicken coop he converted into his own Museum in Saddlebrook. Flint was a quite a character and gave talks on the Legend of the Iron Door Mine and the Nine Mile City. Flint was also a Lost Dutchman Mine hunter many people didn't know. He searched for the Dutchman in his younger years. I saw Flint at a Desert Gold Diggers meeting a few years back when he gave his talk on Cody's Mine in Oracle. Flint sold his own gemstone style Ore he called "Cody stone". His Museum and Buffalo Bill Cody's Wild West days are celebrated in Oracle each year. Old Flint rolled his own Laredo cigarettes and had a huge collection of research both on the iron door mine and the lost Dutchman mine. In his final days Flint Traveled around telling his tales of discovery and unknown history of the Catalina Mountains his home turf.

He died in peacefully.

I'll miss old Flint he was a great Treasure Hunter!

[h=1][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]CodyStone is Flint Carter's Legacy[/FONT][/h]
[h=3][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
William T. "Flint" Carter passed away
in December 2018.[/FONT][/h]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]William "Flint"Carter was a seasoned prospector who had dozens of mining claims in theSanta Catalina Mountains north of Tucson, Arizona. After fortyyears, Flint knew all about the mountains, its legends (like the Iron Door Mine), andits precious minerals (like Cody Stone).[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Before his death, Flint was able to compile his experiences and knowledge about the Santa Catalina Mountains in TheCanyon of Gold, Buffalo Bill Cody, and the Legendary IronDoor Mine Treasure.
He also collaborated with author Robert Zucker with "Treasuresof the Santa Catalina Mountains." Both books are available on
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]For more information, contact[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In honor of Flint, the 4th Annual Cody Days in Oracle will still be held on Saturday, February 23 and Sunday, February 24, 2019. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Read more about Cody Daysin Oracle.[/FONT][/FONT]

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Flint Carter passed away in December of 2018. I just heard about it from a friend who read it in the newspaper. Flint started the Buffalo Bill Cody Museum in Oracle AZ. I knew Flint from the old chicken coop he converted into his own Museum in Saddlebrook. Flint was a quite a character and gave talks on the Legend of the Iron Door Mine and the Nine Mile City. Flint was also a Lost Dutchman Mine hunter many people didn't know. He searched for the Dutchman in his younger years. I saw Flint at a Desert Gold Diggers meeting a few years back when he gave his talk on Cody's Mine in Oracle. Flint sold his own gemstone style Ore he called "Cody stone". His Museum and Buffalo Bill Cody's Wild West days are celebrated in Oracle each year. Old Flint rolled his own Laredo cigarettes and had a huge collection of research both on the iron door mine and the lost Dutchman mine. In his final days Flint Traveled around telling his tales of discovery and unknown history of the Catalina Mountains his home turf.

He died in peacefully.

I'll miss old Flint he was a great Treasure Hunter!

[h=1][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]CodyStone is Flint Carter's Legacy[/FONT][/h]
[h=3][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
William T. "Flint" Carter passed away
in December 2018.[/FONT][/h]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]William "Flint"Carter was a seasoned prospector who had dozens of mining claims in theSanta Catalina Mountains north of Tucson, Arizona. After fortyyears, Flint knew all about the mountains, its legends (like the Iron Door Mine), andits precious minerals (like Cody Stone).[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Before his death, Flint was able to compile his experiences and knowledge about the Santa Catalina Mountains in TheCanyon of Gold, Buffalo Bill Cody, and the Legendary IronDoor Mine Treasure.
He also collaborated with author Robert Zucker with "Treasuresof the Santa Catalina Mountains." Both books are available on
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]For more information, contact[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In honor of Flint, the 4th Annual Cody Days in Oracle will still be held on Saturday, February 23 and Sunday, February 24, 2019. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Read more about Cody Daysin Oracle.[/FONT][/FONT]

Bill, sorry to hear this. Sounds like he was someone I would have liked to meet.

Any pics of the Cody Stone?
Take care, Jim

Edit: Sorry Bill, didn't realize you had provided several links, including the Cody Stone.


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Bill, sorry to hear this. Sounds like he was someone I would have liked to meet.

Any pics of the Cody Stone?
Take care, Jim

Edit: Sorry Bill, didn't realize you had provided several links, including the Cody Stone.


Funny story with the Cody Stone. My Brother-in-Law and I went to his original museum years ago when he had it in an old chicken coup. I called him first and he said he didn't like nor did he want any visitors at all! After a few phone calls he relented and let us come to the public museum and see his collection of historical documents relating to the Iron Door Mine and the lost city. He also had information on the Lost Dutchman Mine. Flint was quite a character and showed us the huge underground tunnel he had dug under his converted chicken coup he transformed into a house and museum of sorts. Flint was a chain smoker and rolled Laredo's obsessively. He had many boxes of what we thought were historic documents stacked up all over taking up most of his house space. When we asked about them he opened the boxes and we were surprised they were full of already rolled cartons of Laredo's! Flint went out of his way to tell us he was trying to become famous so he didn't have to work. He had many health issues at the time from his chain smoking cigarettes and other now legal materials through a water pipe.

Back then he showed us his "Cody Stone" and told us it was just plain old quartz that he sent to China and had gold and sliver leaf installed in it. We left with a chuckle and never heard about old Flint until one day I went by there and he was being foreclosed on by a bank for not paying his second mortgage on the chicken coup house. They begged him to get a job, any job, so they didn't have to foreclose. I aske him why he didn't get a job and he replied he had a job. I said what job would that be? He said with a smirk while sitting there rolling his Laredo's "What do you think I'm doing right now?" I laughed and said rolling Laredo's! He said no the Museum! I said you don't want anyone coming here and you refuse donations! He just smiled. I asked him where all that money went to and he said he used it for filing mining claims in the Catalina's and doing upkeep on those claims.

I left and never saw him for years until I went to a business meeting one time at the local desert Gold diggers club. I was there to explain why they were getting their roads closed to their mine claims by the Forest Service when they gave that permission back to them in there claim plans. When the meeting was over they were discussing other business including the up and coming raffle they were having. They were looking to authorize the purchase of the raffle prize for $2500 dollars of a high grade ore known to have come from what they were told was possibly the Iron Door Mine. When they said it came from a man named Flint Carter and it was Cody Stone I had to raise my hand.

I told them it was fake ore from China and that I knew it was because I had been told that by Flint himself! It cause quite an uproar as they were about to distribute the funds for the purchase!

I hadn't seen Flint in many, many, years before that and didn't recognize him. He was sitting in the board meeting a few seats away from me...

The story gets even funnier but I'll tell that when I get more time.

I just think he didn't have any affinity for laboring!

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After the Desert Gold Diggers business meeting in which I had no clue Flint was in we both left and he never knew who I was. We hadn't seen each other in so long and only briefly met a few times so he didn't even know who had gave up his secret that night.

A few weeks later at one of the clubs regular meetings I was sitting behind the secretary that took the minutes of the business meeting. She also wrote and published the newsletters for the DGD. I was asking her about the up and coming common dig and discussing the mine claims with her when she told me that after the meeting there had been a huge argument between the purchasing agent for the club, the President of the club, Flint Carter and other high ranking members!
She said Flint had finally admitted he sent quartz off to China and had the gold leaf fused into the rock! He called it "Jewelry Grade Ore"! They quickly with drew their offer to purchase the obvious fake gold ore!

She asked me about Flint and what he was about. So I told her he was a great character and witty with a good sense of humor but you couldn't trust him to sell you anything like mining claims or gold ore. I didn't say anything to bad about him but it was still something you wouldn't want to say to a persons face especially if they knew what they were...

Flint had been scheduled to give a presentation at the meeting about his ore and theories on the Iron Door Mine and Buffalo Bill Cody's involvement in the venture. I thought that they would have canceled his talk so I never gave it any thought.

Well right after I told the lady all about Flint's funny ways the President of the club got up and introduced the next speaker as Flint Carter!

It gets even worse.

He stood up right in front of my seat I was sitting in when I told the secretary all about him! Only then did I recognize him from years earlier!

Flint still had no clue who I was and how I knew his dirty little secrets he had told me so many years earlier.

People in the room were making fun of his talk as it progressed when he started talking about his Cody Stone. After he stared at me for some time he finally remembered me and came up to shake my hand. I think it was more of a "You got me on that one" sort of gesture but he still didn't think I was the one that outed him for his fake ore at the meeting.

Right after we talked and he sat back down they held the raffle.

I won the largest nugget in the raffle!

I went up and retrieved the nugget and on my way back I decided to have a little more fun.

I stopped at Flint's chair on my way to my chair and in front of the whole club proclaimed "Now see this Flint. this is what real gold looks like!".

The whole place busted out laughing!!

Sorry for your loss Bill. Thanks for sharing the stories.

On March 31, 2019 Gerald "Gerry" Hamrick died in Prescott, Arizona. Gerry was a long time Dutch hunter who did a considerable amount of research on the Lost Dutchman Mine subject.
Gerry was born in Baltimore, Maryland on March 20, 1927, he was 92.

so sorry to hear this matthew.

My condolences to all his friends, and family.

sorry to hear about cody's passing, he sounds like he was a special person.

Sorry for the loss of your friend Matthew. I know how it feels. As we get older it seems we have so many more Dutch Hunters passing.
I hope those alive will see the day that old Jacobs Mine is brought to light.
From what I hear it's in the works. It's just a matter of time and legal wrangling that's made the mine find held up.

Maybe in our lifetime it will be finally put to rest.

That will give some limited justification and peace to so many that have passed searching for answers.

I have doubts the Forest Service will ever let that happen. They would rather re-name the mountains to keep it away from Dutch Hunters. Something like "No Mine Mountains". I guess now it's the "Dutchman Found Mountains" and they don't like it!

I sorry to say my brother Ron passed away on xmas day 2018...he loved the superstitions hated the elevation changes ...he spent the last 7 years at home with his family and friends and we got to talk about treasure hunting just about every week .. I got two new metal detectors and told him he could have them they would not work .. but they were both new .both his son have them now and two new treasure hunters are born ...when I think about making the rendezvous I think what is Ron doing then and then I remember he passed away ...he was great rock hound and bottle digger ,and loved metal detecting one left but me ..he wanted me to do two things , join the VFW and that was one of them 'done".. the other thing was go back and put the clues back in the right order , he said you know you got it . its just a matter of going back to the house in the cave and figuring out the next step ...then again I am smarter then that .I know where it is now ...and I will be back if god is willing ...but I will never be alone Ron will be there in spirit ...

Sorry for your loss Bob. You have got it right too, Ron will be right at your shoulder now.

Condolences to both Matthew and BB - it is sad to see so many having to throw in the towel :sad10:. They will all be sorely missed ...

Sorry to hear about the loss of your brother BB

I sorry to say my brother Ron passed away on xmas day 2018...he loved the superstitions hated the elevation changes ...he spent the last 7 years at home with his family and friends and we got to talk about treasure hunting just about every week .. I got two new metal detectors and told him he could have them they would not work .. but they were both new .both his son have them now and two new treasure hunters are born ...when I think about making the rendezvous I think what is Ron doing then and then I remember he passed away ...he was great rock hound and bottle digger ,and loved metal detecting one left but me ..he wanted me to do two things , join the VFW and that was one of them 'done".. the other thing was go back and put the clues back in the right order , he said you know you got it . its just a matter of going back to the house in the cave and figuring out the next step ...then again I am smarter then that .I know where it is now ...and I will be back if god is willing ...but I will never be alone Ron will be there in spirit ...

Sounds like Ron was a great guy. Wish I had met him.

May he be with you always, and until you meet with him again! Skol!

Condolences to you and your family :(

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