Another couple attacks !!

Blak bart

Gold Member
Jun 6, 2016
FL keys
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There was a horrible picture of the keys was sobering to see !! Be careful and trust your instinct....if it seems dangerous it probably is !! Everybody watch your back, and use the buddy system or you could just disappear !!

Upvote 25
Odds are odds, you are still 1000s of times more likely to die in auto accident than shark attack. I'm born and raised in Fl too, grew up on our beaches and waterways.

16 reported shark attacks in Fl in 2023 and 394,000 car accidents. Even if you multiply shark attacks by 10 times what is reported that is 160 vs 394,000. More people die in drownings from rip tides than sharks in Fl, in 2023 we had 25 rip tide drownings and 10 deaths from sharks.

All I'm saying is shark attacks are blown way out of proportion by media.

People just need to be smart and aware when in water is all.

Odds of being struck by lighting are only about 1/15,000, but I don't walk the beach when lighting is near carying 5 foot metal scoop and 7 foot aluminum shaft.
Haaaa haaa .... thanks for the actually believe what your fed with no knowledge of how these odds are formulated....that's fine with me....I'll do my thing and worry about my odds....odds are odds are odds....then hold your scoop higher in the thunderstorm.....odds are odds are odds it should make no difference at all ?? If you never go to a casino, you will never win the jackpot....if you go everyday you increase your chance ??? Right ??? Am I wrong to say that???

What does a car crash have to do with a shark attack ?? Or is this about odds, and statistics ?? I see no chance of having a car crash while I'm swimming ??

Haaaa haaa .... thanks for the actually believe what your fed with no knowledge of how these odds are formulated....that's fine with me....I'll do my thing and worry about my odds....odds are odds are odds....then hold your scoop higher in the thunderstorm.....odds are odds are odds it should make no difference at all ?? If you never go to a casino, you will never win the jackpot....if you go everyday you increase your chance ??? Right ??? Am I wrong to say that???

What does a car crash have to do with a shark attack ?? Or is this about odds, and statistics ?? I see no chance of having a car crash while I'm swimming ??
Bart do you walk to the beach or drive, if you drive you have a greater chance of injury or death in auto accident on way to beach than ever in a a shark attack.

How many members here have been in or had family in severe auto accident, compared to a shark attack?

I was born and raised in Florida, my family line goes back to mid 1800s in Florida, we grew up swimming, fishing and playing at the beaches, not once has any of my family ever been attacked by shark, not a single friend has ever been attacked either.

While no family member has ever been attacked by shark, had a cousin who was shot with a speargun underwater because his neighbor walking along seawall thought the dark shape underwater he saw was a shark, it was dusk and he was about 4 foot deep so visibility was poor.

Bart, if you don't agree that is your right, no problem, but let's please keep it cordial.

Here's an idea.
Bart you invite Marty to be your shark detector.
I see this as a win-win opportunity to settle this debate.
Marty doesn't get eaten-he wins.
Marty is dinner you win. :dontknow: :laughing7:

No need for any of that pepper....I 100% understand and respect treasurehunters position. I also respect all his Florida heritage and past. He's very right in saying it's unlikely to be attacked by sharks, and much more likely to be killed in a car crash than by a shark. I was almost killed in a car crash in the Bahamas, coming home from the beach !! So I me !!

I myself also understand that by circumstances alone my chances of being attacked are much greater than the average!! What I disagree with is the whole "odds" game quoted so casually as fact here in this thread ?? Through out the thread this number of four million to one odds has been bantered around as fact ..... without knowing the math problem behind the number, and how that calculation is reached, well then I don't know where I fit into the equation/food chain ??


As you can see from a brief search....these plug in numbers of the math problem, and the wording of the sentence make a huge difference. Right away one source says 11 million to one, and another says 3.7 million to one.....obviously there are differences in data being collected, or the plug in equation numbers are vastly different or the equations are calculated with different data points....I don't know ? A difference of 7+million to one odds is huge, and that number error alone is almost 2 X greater than what was quoted here in this thread that I authored. Because this is such a great discrepancy, and because I don't know what data is being used, I disagree with it being used here. The term beach and shallow water naturally denotes that we are interacting in an environment that increases your chances of attack from sharks. So I have to now start to assess my own personal odds of being attacked and any general odds numbers I have to assume don't encapsulate the beach and shallow water hunters who practice this hobby at a high level....because....we interact in an environmental situation that increases those odds inherently!! This is also why I chuckled at treasurehunters comment about "holding up the sand scoop in a thunderstorm and lightning strikes" if the odds are 1/15000, then you are increasing your odds by what factor by holding up that scoop ??

3 people in this thread alone have been attacked....only one in this thread made the news, and it was brief and short. Just the 3 of us here in this thread throw the whole odds game into question..... what constitutes an attack, and are all attacks counted in this odds making you have to lose a limb, or die, and how many countries participate in this calculation ?? I've been attacked in my view 3 times....I only escaped being bitten by quick reflexes, and 110% situational awareness...hyper focus is necessary to survive this. I was only able to escape injury twice, and the third time I was grazed by teeth that left a nice 2 inch long laceration in my arm. So right away 4 million to one odds don't apply to me, or probably anyone else in this forum that get in the water like I do (as much) and I'm not counting other bumps, nudges, and thumps I suspect might have been sharks !! So my thought was to have a thread that could be used as a tool to at least be alerted in the shallow water hunting community as to where, and when these attacks are occurring and happening. This could help us plan trips and at the same time know which beaches and shallow water spots should be avoided. An example of higher odds and the importance of getting your own odds worked out is this
If Walton beach has a known population of bull sharks migrating along the shallow water, and 3 people get attacked in a day....well the 4 million to one odds are out the window at this point, and I would recommend not going in there because your "odds of being attacked are much greater than 4 million to one ..... aren't they ? So that's my disagreement with treasurehunters quoting of the odds !! Those odds are not relevant to me, and especially others here in this forum....the forum name alone denotes a higher chance of shark interaction just by association with the term beach and shallow water. This thread means alot to me in the fact that I am a shark expert, and have worked with many top researchers tagging, tracking, catching, and dissecting these animals for 20 +years....the numbers are taken from us on research trips, and I Guage my expertise level by how many other experts seek out my opinion on matters concerning sharks....there's no piece of paper or a plaque that says bonifide certified shark expert...the title is given to you by people that have DR. behind there name or you call them professor....when those people want your opinion your an expert....even with the expert opinions there can be a 7 million to one discrepancy in numbers ?? So this is why I disagree with posting odds.....if you work in the sea like me as a fisherman, spearfish, shell dive, snorkel guide, scuba dive, treasuredive, and generally get in the ocean 2-4 times a week....the odds game is constantly being considered, and not just for sharks....jelly fish, sea lice, barracuda, moray eel, sea urchins, fire coral, man o war, bristle worms Etc. Etc. Etc...

I would hate to give out odds that can't be verified or confirmed as hard data on a thread I authored....that's why I disagree .... no offense towards treasurehunter, and I'm always trying hard to get my point across in any disagreement....the word cordial, and the word disagreement are tough to use together, but I will remain respectful, polite, and always.

Odds of dying in auto accident is 1/93, odds of dying in shark attack 1/4,000,000+.
odds are going up... and will continue to rise.

Metal detectors keep them somewhat away... due to the field... otherwise... you would have been chomped long ago as much as your in the water.


I personally have been assaulted and or almost attacked over my years in the water so many times...
I grew up in the waters here.... they have become more exploratory and more aggressive IMO over this time.
Like i have stated many times before on this website... we WILL see a rise in the attacks in coming years.
Its not rocket science...
Its empirical fact.

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