AND THE WINNERS ARE......................

Re: ***WIN PRIZES HERE*** Can you guess the winning number???

Nate in Ohio said:
Studied the planets' alignments a little bit and long story short came up with 38808. ;D

No fair Nate, your Dad works at NASA. ;D

Re: ***WIN PRIZES HERE*** Can you guess the winning number???

stoney56 said:
Borrowed Gypsy's crystal ball, :D and came up with:

HILARIOUS Stoney. ;D :icon_jokercolor: :thumbsup:

Re: ***WIN PRIZES HERE*** Can you guess the winning number???


Re: ***WIN PRIZES HERE*** Can you guess the winning number???

I will go with 38772

Re: ***WIN PRIZES HERE*** Can you guess the winning number???


Re: ***WIN PRIZES HERE*** Can you guess the winning number???


Re: ***WIN PRIZES HERE*** Can you guess the winning number???

38,651 is my "revised"guess

wheat cents were made from the 1909 to 1958 range -- so the number has to be between 20 x 1909 = (38,180) and 20 x 1958= (39,160) --- a 980 number range -- half waymark is 38, 670 --with the hint that is between 38,180 ans 38,700 *--- and the other hint they were only 15 off * with there only be 4 guesses that fell in that "38,180 to 38,700 number zone -- I got it down to "possible" 8 numbers and since 38,681 ( a mere 11 above off the adverage) ia already taken drats !!! --I'll take the next "logical number" -- 38, ,651 * as its 19 below the adverage)

Re: ***WIN PRIZES HERE*** Can you guess the winning number???


Re: ***WIN PRIZES HERE*** Can you guess the winning number???

Rudy says 38,843


Re: ***WIN PRIZES HERE*** Can you guess the winning number???

Thank you for the contest!

Carnac checked the mayonnaise jar on the porch, and he says:


38, 757

Re: ***WIN PRIZES HERE*** Can you guess the winning number???

38768 38595 Cool contest MM. :thumbsup:

Re: ***WIN PRIZES HERE*** Can you guess the winning number???

38,701 or thereabouts. ;D

Re: ***WIN PRIZES HERE*** Can you guess the winning number???

38,511 hummmmm maybe

Re: ***WIN PRIZES HERE*** Can you guess the winning number???

::) ::) :o ;D ;D 37,013 !!!!!!!!!!!!WEE :tongue3: :icon_jokercolor: DID I WIN ??

Re: ***WIN PRIZES HERE*** Can you guess the winning number???

Lottery HUH?

Lotteries are a century old form of entertainment. Archeologists have found evidence of lottery-style games dating back to the Pharaohs of Egypt. Keno is more than 3,000 years old. It was first played in China to fund the building of the Great Wall. In today's version, players typically select up to 10 numbers from a pool of 80 and attempt to match their selected set against 20 randomly-selected numbers.

History's first lottery with prize money was conducted in Florence, Italy in 1530. England established a lottery in 1569, and by 1612 lotteries first came to America.The Virginia Lottery funded half of Jamestown's budget. Lottery funds were used to fight the adversities of early Virginia, such as disease, fire, and famine.

Early U.S. lotteries helped fund the Colonial Army in the Revolutionary War, gallantly fighting for independence from the British, by providing arms and uniforms. After the war, these dollars paid to repair much of the damage left behind. The first state operated lottery in modern times was started by New Hampshire in 1964.

38,771 and that's my final guess.

Re: ***WIN PRIZES HERE*** Can you guess the winning number???

Great contest and nice prizes...thanks for putting the contest on!! :thumbsup:

My guess is .....38,701.

Re: ***WIN PRIZES HERE*** Can you guess the winning number???

Looks like fun MM! After careful consideration :D 38,490

Good luck everyone!

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