And........Its done. Mission complete

I used it in the deep woods of Pa. My partner bushwhacked and I covered the ground. I told a friend who had a claim on little big horn to get one. He was finding nuggets at 3 ft. After he bought his he found them much deeper. That's a rough area. The 1847 site would have been perfect for it.
When I first bought it it had a solid coil cover. The coil is a spoke. I'd be on a mountain top and the wind would lift me off the ground catching that coil cover. I had to mod that.
Your right though. I keep it for special places where you don't mind clearing a little ground.

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Wayne the production company pays for that. How could it be worse? The GPR man made off with the stash. Good God. This is why they make tents, guns and camping gear. I'd be sitting on that spot with a 12 ga while you dug. Not like the last time you had Tim and I dig.

Well, I let you guys keep all the rocks, didn't I. 8-)
Production company ? Doesn't sound like they were along for that part of the story.
Speaking of 12 Ga......I'd say that's what put the big hole in the cactus....point blank. That's why all the ribs are broken and bent toward the exit wound side. The V-marks are probably stretch marks in the skin, caused by the force of the blast.

Watching Treasure Quest. Snake Island. Old Cork looking for the Jesuit treasure. Just how many Jesuit treasures are there. Why do they have such a big problem keeping track of them. Where did they get this treasure to begin with. Wayne's kid just got back from Spain. The Spanish have room after room filled to the roof with treasure. What! They did not share with the Jesuits. I guess the Jesuits better look closer to home for their cut. But wasn't it there job to convert and save souls.
Wow Cork just found a Inca gold mask. You **** you did not tell me about that.

What Inca mask? I was watching the gal holding it. Boy, did she have a skimpy swimsuit on. Maybe that's why the sizzle reel got tossed. It didn't have that kind of "sell."

You needed a GPS man to dig it up for you!

I left one site after a couple years of scant work to locate it. Did not count the number of implements and vehicles and debris and livestock...A good strategy to cache something from prying detectors , wasn't hardly room to wiggle a coil. But the obstacle course was only the innocent deliberate evolution of later generations activities.

Wonder if anything or a sample of what had been there was left in place of the recovery on the 47 site. Just to confirm it had been voided.
It would be tempting if a pile of coin, to leave a couple for the next digger. Or at least a beer can.
That is, if the hole was refilled instead of leaving a faint vapor trail from a vamoose sooner than later.

Now that the details of the story are out, of course you get to poke holes in it.

What you don’t get to do is make up a new narrative and attribute it to us. You must read with comprehension. , albeit glaringly difficult for some.

Several of you said you didn’t want the soap opera version. You just wanted the cut to the chase version. You can’t have it both ways. This story could have easily been a 500+ page story. With that you would have learned many more details and how they fit. But; you said Travis’ life wasn’t all that interesting to you.

A couple of things to keep in mind……..

1. You posture; Travis couldn’t have carried 26,000 somethings out of Colossal Cave.
a. Did you miss the part on page 1, installment 1, that Travis worked in the area and was in charge of the donkeys? Think guys, think.
b. As to the burying of the remainder of the Colossal Cave loot at the staged 1847 site………Ryan said remainder!
i. Travis had spent a tremendous amount of cash up to that point in time. We have those records. We have his earnings reports. We have his cash journals. We have his offer on the stones which is above twice his annual salary. Ryan posted a video of Travis’ own grandson recounting the facts of him going to his family’s storage unit.

2. As to where anybody gets the idea the Governor was ever mentioned in Ryan’s final installments is beyond me. The only reference where you could have mistakenly inferred Governor is with the inclusion of the’t. That means government, usually in reference to United States government.

3. As to the interplay of the executives from the GPR company. You are gawking at gnats and swallowing camels on this one. From our perspective the company was so concerned about THEIR liability that they sent their best by air, at their expense, because we believe they knew their fat was in the fire. The two men that were sent by the company were regional trainers from the east and west coast, in charge of educating the staff on how to use the equipment. Why they went to that length is what you should be concentrating on.

4. As to how fast “Blake” converted the “find” to cash is not stated. I can tell you it wasn’t a year. Use your noggin. Those type conversions can and do happen very fast. The amount of return depends on how much one is willing to discount on actual value vs. fast return.

5. Now, the real issue here is likelihood. Some of you are not even touching that area of thought. The task for you is to take what you have been shown and reverse engineer it and then forward engineer it. Take it apart any way that you wish. Here’s your dilemma.

Its all Hooey only if you can reverse engineer these issues with a different outcome. The numbers on the tablets take you to a specific spot. Not 4 feet off, or two feet off, but dead on perfect to where it says. At that spot you find a marked cactus with a hole. That manufactured hole takes you dead on to the burial spot, again with marked cactus. That burial spot registered a hit of non-ferrous metal. That same spot later registered a box formation on GPR. Nowhere else in the area registers even a peep on either form of equipment. Reconcile that.

Travis was a con man. Short and simple. He was also “possibly” a thief. Where is the evidence he found treasure in colossal cave? Who says what he wrote is true? Anyone who would go to the trouble of faking a treasure hole like 1847 site would also salt the hole with say a few gold coins purchased with some of the cash he stole from???

Now that the details of the story are out, of course you get to poke holes in it.

What you don’t get to do is make up a new narrative and attribute it to us. You must read with comprehension. , albeit glaringly difficult for some.

Several of you said you didn’t want the soap opera version. You just wanted the cut to the chase version. You can’t have it both ways. This story could have easily been a 500+ page story. With that you would have learned many more details and how they fit. But; you said Travis’ life wasn’t all that interesting to you.

A couple of things to keep in mind……..

1. You posture; Travis couldn’t have carried 26,000 somethings out of Colossal Cave.
a. Did you miss the part on page 1, installment 1, that Travis worked in the area and was in charge of the donkeys? Think guys, think.
b. As to the burying of the remainder of the Colossal Cave loot at the staged 1847 site………Ryan said remainder!
i. Travis had spent a tremendous amount of cash up to that point in time. We have those records. We have his earnings reports. We have his cash journals. We have his offer on the stones which is above twice his annual salary. Ryan posted a video of Travis’ own grandson recounting the facts of him going to his family’s storage unit.

2. As to where anybody gets the idea the Governor was ever mentioned in Ryan’s final installments is beyond me. The only reference where you could have mistakenly inferred Governor is with the inclusion of the’t. That means government, usually in reference to United States government.

3. As to the interplay of the executives from the GPR company. You are gawking at gnats and swallowing camels on this one. From our perspective the company was so concerned about THEIR liability that they sent their best by air, at their expense, because we believe they knew their fat was in the fire. The two men that were sent by the company were regional trainers from the east and west coast, in charge of educating the staff on how to use the equipment. Why they went to that length is what you should be concentrating on.

4. As to how fast “Blake” converted the “find” to cash is not stated. I can tell you it wasn’t a year. Use your noggin. Those type conversions can and do happen very fast. The amount of return depends on how much one is willing to discount on actual value vs. fast return.

5. Now, the real issue here is likelihood. Some of you are not even touching that area of thought. The task for you is to take what you have been shown and reverse engineer it and then forward engineer it. Take it apart any way that you wish. Here’s your dilemma.

Its all Hooey only if you can reverse engineer these issues with a different outcome. The numbers on the tablets take you to a specific spot. Not 4 feet off, or two feet off, but dead on perfect to where it says. At that spot you find a marked cactus with a hole. That manufactured hole takes you dead on to the burial spot, again with marked cactus. That burial spot registered a hit of non-ferrous metal. That same spot later registered a box formation on GPR. Nowhere else in the area registers even a peep on either form of equipment. Reconcile that.

No, the onus is on you and RG to back up the specious tale spun on the other site, with actual documentation, photos, whatnot. In other words, show us the proof. A smoking gun.

We're not going to take RG's word for it, especially when he's already been caught in an outright lie, trying to peddle what turned out to be a photo ripped from Ebay of a Jesuit Cross.

RG cross.webp

a GPS survey was done on the site? Let's see some pictures. Show us the scans (with interpretation), since they were paid for. A hole was dug by "Blake"? Let's see a picture of the ground that was disturbed. The folks at TNF got involved? Let's see some sort of documentation. Also how did RG get permission to conduct a GPR survey? It took Ron forever to get his HEAT project greenlighted. How did RG cut through all the red tape so fast?

And as far as using your noggin- let's see you use your noggin on this one: "Blake" runs off with said loot and converts to cash and goes on a spending spree. How does he leave a paper trail behind if he used only cash? How do you guys know he purchased "very expensive items"?

And you also haven't explained how the GPR unit got around all the cacti and vegetation.

What Inca mask? I was watching the gal holding it. Boy, did she have a skimpy swimsuit on. Maybe that's why the sizzle reel got tossed. It didn't have that kind of "sell."

Adding a pop corn girl to a series is always a good idea. Or better yet all pop corn girls!
What is a pop corn girl you ask? Years ago I was at a county fair. At a pop corn trailer a line of hundreds of men waiting for pop corn. Naturally I got in line. When my turn came I noticed the pop corn girl only had a very loose tank top on. The change box was on beer case on the floor.

I don't think I need to reverse engineer that one. I had 6 bags that day.

No, the onus is on you and RG to back up the specious tale spun on the other site, with actual documentation, photos, whatnot. In other words, show us the proof. A smoking gun.

We're not going to take RG's word for it, especially when he's already been caught in an outright lie, trying to peddle what turned out to be a photo ripped from Ebay of a Jesuit Cross.

View attachment 1617201

a GPS survey was done on the site? Let's see some pictures. Show us the scans (with interpretation), since they were paid for. A hole was dug by "Blake"? Let's see a picture of the ground that was disturbed. The folks at TNF got involved? Let's see some sort of documentation. Also how did RG get permission to conduct a GPR survey? It took Ron forever to get his HEAT project greenlighted. How did RG cut through all the red tape so fast?

And as far as using your noggin- let's see you use your noggin on this one: "Blake" runs off with said loot and converts to cash and goes on a spending spree. How does he leave a paper trail behind if he used only cash? How do you guys know he purchased "very expensive items"?

And you also haven't explained how the GPR unit got around all the cacti and vegetation.

Evidence and fact to back up the story when a much bigger problem is at hand.
Jr will go down in history as the man who lost the worlds biggest treasure to a GPR man named Blake and not for solving the maps.
As far as evidence is concerned old is working on that. Lots of reverse flushing to do. Oops I meant reverse engineering.

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Evidence and fact to back up the story when a much bigger problem is at hand.
Jr will go down in history as the man who lost the worlds biggest treasure to a GPR man name Blake and not for solving the maps.
As far as evidence is concerned old is working on that. Lots of reverse flushing to do. Oops I meant reverse engineering.


Hope all is well with you,

While I have been working on the Stone Map story for fifty or so years, I have always known it could be a fraud. I made it a point to tell each and every person who went into the mountains with me that, and that we might find a jar with a note congratulating us on reading the stones correctly......Next!

Because of my own experience with RG, I would never believe anything he might dream up. He has gone to extreme lengths to convince us of the truth of his story, all the while trying to recruit many of us to "get on board" with him. That was a little too close for me and I assume for you as well.

I am convince the Stone Maps were a reverse engineered map to nothing.

Take care,



Hope all is well with you,

While I have been working on the Stone Map story for fifty or so years, I have always known it could be a fraud. I made it a point to tell each and every person who went into the mountains with me that, and that we might find a jar with a note congratulating us on reading the stones correctly......Next!

Because of my own experience with RG, I would never believe anything he might dream up. He has gone to extreme lengths to convince us of the truth of his story, all the while trying to recruit many of us to "get on board" with him. That was a little too close for me and I assume for you as well.

I am convince the Stone Maps were a reverse engineered map to nothing.

Take care,


I'm great and hope you are as well. I see Jr is trying to drag Dr Glover into this mess. You may want to advise your friend on that.

Arthur, Arthur, Arthur, oh my.

Nothing is ever enough for you. When are you going to get off your backside and post some of your finds? Do we have to spoon feed every drop of this to you? When is it your turn to do something Yourself (!) besides be a keyboard warrior? You, nor anyone else, is being compelled to believe anything. Do with it what you will.

Where you are going to get backlash is when you made up stuff. Such as your reference to the silver cross. It was used as an example. Nothing more, nothing less.

Those that are so quick to insinuate wrong doing on our part really don't want me to start outlining the backstory of how some of the "events" really went down. They aren't going to come off too well in such a disclosure.

There are tons of video, drone footage, and documents. We owe you nothing. You have contributed nothing tangible to this discussion. Actually the cheese was appropriate. Goes with your whining, nice touch.

Whatever Ryan chooses to release is his choice. You can find it on "the other channel" at his will and pleasure.

My brain came out last night. Drank a box of wine and played volleyball in the pool with it. I believe your story.

The CEO of Discovery called me and told me so.

Is that it now...We have to prove that the lump in the bottom of the toilet bowl Smells? Ummmmm....

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I know one thing. I know bullshit when I read it. Tumlinson was a fraud. You and Ryan have tried every angle to cover for the stone makers sins. It's pretty apparent of that effort.

I have told three people where I am headed on here. If they go find something I am pretty sure that they'd let me in on the news. In y'alls case you are asking us to believe that Tumlinson buried a treasure so he could find it again and then your GPR technician came back and dug it up. If so, press charges, have his bank accounts subpoenaed and take the matter into civil court for damages.

I am sure you cats have that guys name and he could be found, but he is probably living it large in hiding off that 26,000 piece gold treasure with Bigfoot up around Idaho right now.

No confidentiality agreement with said company? Riiiiiiiight.

Amiga Lynda,

Enjoyed the story, I could almost see RG wide eyed as he related it. He has a big imagination like a child, that is all his story is based on. It lacks facts, he keeps referring to facts, but they are all assumtions from his imagination.

The only thing he got right was that he dismantled the manuscript, we will never know what Travis really had to say. On the few passages that have been posted before, I showed you how RG was twisting words to form his assumptions. Those got deleted because RG and company were never after the truth. I also showed you how to prove to yourself the fact that the "vivid" recolections of the Tumlinson's was not true.

RG had stated that if found, the treasure would belong to the SoJ, how can this be? It makes me question the involvement of the SoJ, they are no idiots. RG states that the Bishop of Durango, and a Grijalva split between them a large amount of gold and silver that belonged to the King, so how would they be able to claim what was not theirs? From what I have found, it is my honest opinion that the PSM's that Travis found, lead to a mine, not treasure.

I can see why not even the Discovery Channel would want any part of this story.

If you would like to prove me wrong, I would love to debate any of the so called facts, one at a time, if you can find at least one that is not based on imagination.

What I did get out of the story is that it seems Travis was conned by Charlie Miller.

Homar P. Olivarez

OldManOfTheRiver ( sounds very Native and I like it )

Travis didn't carved the stone maps . You believed almost the half Ryan's story .

Hi Homar

For sure the Trail stone tablets lead to a mine . A mine which became a vault to stash the melted gold . Is the mine ( dot in circle ) up in front of the Horse in the known stone map .

Arthur, Arthur, Arthur, oh my.

Nothing is ever enough for you. When are you going to get off your backside and post some of your finds? Do we have to spoon feed every drop of this to you? When is it your turn to do something Yourself (!) besides be a keyboard warrior? You, nor anyone else, is being compelled to believe anything. Do with it what you will.

Where you are going to get backlash is when you made up stuff. Such as your reference to the silver cross. It was used as an example. Nothing more, nothing less.

Those that are so quick to insinuate wrong doing on our part really don't want me to start outlining the backstory of how some of the "events" really went down. They aren't going to come off too well in such a disclosure.

There are tons of video, drone footage, and documents. We owe you nothing. You have contributed nothing tangible to this discussion. Actually the cheese was appropriate. Goes with your whining, nice touch.

Whatever Ryan chooses to release is his choice. You can find it on "the other channel" at his will and pleasure.

It's actually quite simple: RG/you spun a pretty tall tale. A tale so tall that I daresay you guys are going to displace blindbowman as the king of drivel.

We called your bluff.

Either lay your cards on the table or get out.

Considering what was posted on dusa by Jr I find Deducers questions very reasonable. Many of us have the same questions. Why post these questions on TNet. For one dusa is pretty much a dead forum. Very little activity months apart. TNet on the other hand is a very active successful forum with a worldwide audience.

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