Ancient ?

Really strange, you will find the thumb and forefinger and the thumbs up gang sign in the field . And its found in this carving in England. Then the hoyo in the field with the thumb and forefinger in it, looks like the the shape on the side of this carving in England. Whats up with that? Maybe just a fluke of things. 102118 805.webpshugborough.webp

At some sites you will find representation of people on horse back carrying their flags.Tray and stay safe and wear your mask.

Whats up with this symbolism? Seed pod? Flower? Scorpion claw? I guess maybe i will have to put the rest of the symbols together or maybe phone a freind ? 92318 194.webp119422386_3221158257933209_8308489439301575444_o.webp8cheshvan.webpezraphoto-900x659.webp

Maybe the gang signs can be figured with this. Looks like the thumb has a Kings Crown with other symbols. The index finger has the star. Interesting.Someone had told me once,that the Thumb meant the Kings 5TH. It might have been member saksall 1935 that had told me that.https___i.pinimg.com_originals_4c_b6_33_4cb6336e2a69f877ad895b5a206ceea6.webpnm12112011 163.webp

What going on here? These two Hopi priests are wearing those type of Goat horns. Where the heck in America did they evere see goats with those type of horns? Surely not in the USA. Someone please check the DNA of those two Hopi priests .144c32d43a1980b803fa889bc5feb8d2.webp

This is one of the first sites that i figured out where to dig. What the heck is up with Nubian Goats in the Southwest ? Who the heck would know about them?111013 247.webpth.webpP4220535 (1).webp

Robert Sepehr at 5pm if you have a intrest. Maybe i will get to see some gang signs and there meaning. Maybe some Alantian signs symbols and meanging too. Iam looking forward to watching this one.

Linguistics is the scientific study of language, traditionally by analyzing the interplay between sound and meaning. But how did language begin? What was the first alphabet, how and why were the first letters chosen? What was the role of religion, if any, and what is the power behind the spoken word?

At .36 in this video, i take it that the index fingure with the Star represents that guy pointing at himself. Who is he? I guess i will have to google him when i figure out how to spell his name.
https___i.pinimg.com_originals_4c_b6_33_4cb6336e2a69f877ad895b5a206ceea6.webp. At 1.48 in the video, i will show what i think is a representation of that mountain here in the Southwest. I sure would like to see what shadow and sun signs if any would show up on this carving at certian

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Could this represent the mountain range in the painting thats in the video ? This is a burnt stump in a wash. It was done on purpose, no other burt wood in the area. Its your call.P1010484.webp

In this Video at the .10 second mark,the symbol at the top left hand corner , I have seen out here in the feild at differant places. Iam gonna have to look into that meaning someday .
102118 443 - Copy.webp

At this site, for now iam beliving is a Alantian type storage. It sure has a Maya/Aztec type of feel to it artistic wise also. It is marked with what i belive is a Templars Sheild. I have also seen these storage sites marked with a Chalice. So much exploring to do yet .682019 136.webpOIP (5).webpThose guys sure are some great Treasure hunters,they sure seem to have been at all these Ancient sites.

I find it interesting that this guys brings up the shadow form of the Scythe in this painting at 2:30. In this photo of that shadow form, the dig spot is only feet away. Just a radom fluke ? Or maybe iam really streching things. Its your call.
P9170280.webpOIP (1).webpshugborough.webp

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Scythe, just seems to be a strange word and spelling to me. You will also find this type of Scythe in the field,the type on the Russian flag or is it the Chinese flag? But iam thinking that type of Scythe may represent something else,still working on that ideal.11112018 512.webp

This should be a good one. Robert Sepehr at 5pm today if you have a intrest.

According to folklore, Madoc was a Welsh prince who sailed to America in 1170, over three hundred years before Christopher Columbus's voyage in 1492. While most historians dismiss the legends, some scholars claim that Madoc's voyagers had made it to the New World, intermarried with local Native Americans, and that their Welsh-speaking descendants still live somewhere in the United States.

I found that Gum drop shape very interesting(Omphalos stone). Yousee at 17:25 inthis video
and chech out the shapes of the hedges in this video at 33:50

Keep a eye out for that Gum drop shape in the field,you will find them.Greece-229.webp9e5b519544dc2aac64aa744de766b919.webp34a681fff89f5e2a2ef519c4d0bde144.webpMarble-omphalos.webpOIP (8).webp

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