Ancient ?

A concretion is somewhat like a fossil, except the flesh and everything else is pretty much visibly. Being replaced by another medium such as calcium carbonate, or silica, or some hard form of substance.
Also the plate rocks have been described by others as a "hershies kiss" shaped rock, so I know others are aware of them. They just don't know what they actually represent.

I was thinking something like this.

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This should be a good video by Robert Sepehr at 3pm. Hoping i can spot some symbols from the field.

Astrotheology is a term which refers to the influence the stars and celestial bodies have on religion. The original word for Alchemy comes from Kemet, the ancient name for Egypt and from where we get our word for chemistry. While most people associate it with the transmutation of base metals into gold, its occult context has to do with a sacred transmutation into spiritual gold, an eternally conscious and immortal soul.

This should be a good video by Robert Sepehr at 3pm. Hoping i can spot some symbols from the field.

Astrotheology is a term which refers to the influence the stars and celestial bodies have on religion. The original word for Alchemy comes from Kemet, the ancient name for Egypt and from where we get our word for chemistry. While most people associate it with the transmutation of base metals into gold, its occult context has to do with a sacred transmutation into spiritual gold, an eternally conscious and immortal soul.

Starting at 1035 in the video, i never knew that about the Templars. Now i know way they are such great treasure hunters, and how they acquired much of their knowledge on Ancient signs and symbol use and methods. I find that amazing,so glad Robert Sepehr put that info. out. I had thought that they had gotten the knowledge when the dug under Solomens Temple. But it seems they had it way before that,very interesting.

I found this video interesting by Robert Sepehr . I like how he took the time on Google earth to look and see if he could find the island.

Europe is filled with myths and legends about ancient civilizations that were said to have existed long ago. The most obvious example is the story of Atlantis, made famous by Plato. Other legends speak of inhabited regions to the north, such as Hyperborea, which was allegedly populated by a race of giants. According to Irish folklore an island named Hy-Brasil was located off of the west coast of Ireland, and although it was never officially found, the Island continued to appear on maps until at least 1873.

Wow, i really found this video amazing, can i believe it? Yep. The giant so called native American Indians there, but this guy in the interview says he recognizes their culture to be from the middle east. Then the Federal Reserve bank is thought of, and formed over this sacrificial stone. Holy cow,the stuff i have been learning this year sure has been making life very interesting.

Robert Sepehr sure has giving me a lot of great info. What a researcher.

One of the most influential and popular documents exposing the formation of the FED central banking system is a book called, The Creature From Jekyll Island, which recounts a secret meeting that took place in 1910 on Jekyll Island, a stretch of white-sand beaches and beautiful landscape off the coast of Georgia.

This should be interedting, looking forward to seeing it.Robert Sepehr at 9pm

he Hopi Indians maintained that their ancestors did not arrive over a land bridge from Asia, nor do they believe that they arrived by boat, but instead their origin myths tell the story of how they climbed onto the surface from the underworld. The specific place of emergence of Hopi legend lies deep inside the Grand Canyon, an enchanted opening from the mysterious recesses of the earth, after a Great Deluge had destroyed the third world.

I see this video made it back,not sure why it was taken down the first time. Its seems to be a shorter run then the first time he posted it. I like how the guy mentions the massive architect that had been done there. In the video you will see one of the symbols that they use to mark the opening area to the underground. Its nothing you will find in treasure books, but i have seen that same shape used out here at important openings.It was great to see it. Done by who,:dontknow:. They sure could move some earth.

Here is a video,with the 3 and 7. I found it very interesting with the symbolic symbols in it. Its got me thinking about what they are saying with the Snake, and what they are saying when they show the Snake with the Egg? You will find both signs out here. Robert Sepehr video . Balance the scale .

The Kybalion: Hermetic Philosophy, originally published in 1908, is a book claiming to be the essence of the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus. Purportedly based upon ancient Hermeticism, its philosophies became founding pillars within the New Thought movement of the early 20th century. The book devotes a chapter to each of its seven "Principles", or axioms. Secrets of ImmortalityThank you for supporting Atlantean Gardens![URL=" anGardens&event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDdTd0VtRGs0MzVNd0dsVERaT3ZMWm 5WRlFZd3xBQ3Jtc0tsYXpmN0ZCMDlFb20zVzhuN0VCemFGc1l6 TFVRNV96Y2t1UUQyNjg1cmxGem9wdnB0UXF1djJ2VmpYT1hJQW d5ekZZZG15T19KaTFrNWlwYzd1aFZZTXJEMXVoNzZXaXo4UUhG dTdwakdHOFcxY1ZqZw%3D%3D&v=2eAON2pTe9o[/video]



Here is a little bit more on this photo. I found it really amazing that day, that this Ancient Goat would climb up on this Ancient Monument that has a map of the Adriatic Sea on it + many other things. Iam heading up there that day to gather more info. on the site. And this Ancient Goat climbs up on it. Iam like dang,you got to be kidding me. He let me hike right on up there,then vanished. I took it as a very good sign. P4220535 (1).JPG

7:30 tonight Robert Sepehr . This should interesting.

Anatolians were Indo-European peoples of the Near East, around modern-day Turkey. These peoples were among the oldest Indo-European ethno-linguistic groups, because Anatolians were the first or among the first branches of Indo-European peoples to separate from the initial Proto-Indo-European (Aryan) community that gave origin to the individual Indo-European peoples.

Here is a great video, to me anyways. To bad that guy wont let Harry do more work on his property. Harry's work has helped me a lot,it provided a lot of ahh haa moments for me. I lke the mention of the Ark of the Covenant. There is one about 60 feet from that monument that the Ancient goat is standing on. Its in shadow form, about 3 and half inches. I not saying its the Ark of the Covenant representation. I took it as a box that is carried by poles. I posted the photo of it on T-net before. I like how the planes and helicopters show up,strange. Great video .

Robert Sepehr video at 4pm if you have a intrest.
The Essenes were an apocalyptic sect of Judaism, meaning a sect that thinks of itself as the true form of their religion. The Dead Sea Scrolls are usually thought to have been produced by the Essenes. They consisted of ancient religious manuscripts that were found in 1946, on the northern shore of the Dead Sea in the West Bank.

This guy sure had one heck of a Army,and got around thats for sure. I like how he says he put the mines to work. I almost cant belive he could accomplish all that at that time.

Lets see, it may be time for another give it away moment. Lets see what i can come up with. Of course only if you belive.

This guy here, i think desevers a lot of credits. He got it,he knows whats going on. If you want to learn how to read this stuff,you should watch this viedo. Just some stuff, 20:30 Scientist. 24:15 UFO?(Roger Snow talks of UFO). 27:15, 28:07 King of Ancient America. 47:10 Grape leaves,(Roger Snow talked of grape vines). 52:50 ( Q talks of the eyes).Watch and Learn.

What about Alantis? Do you think the Alantians where smart enough to have a written language ? Do you think their written language is in America ? Roger Snow told me it starts with Alantis. I belive he is right. When he said that, it really set things in motion for me with that time frame .


I believe the Alantians where in America,and left there writings here. I also believe they have been shown on T-net.

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