I know of many well marked crypts, some larger or more prominent than others. I am very confident I know who placed many of them as well as reasons why.
I shouldn’t post this and it’s not all encompassing, but it is a shortened version of it all and something only a treasure hunter specifically after something like this would figure out. No archaeologists with degrees in bookwork, no history buffs, just a guy after something that isn’t supposed to be here who had some extra time on his hands that studied ancient cultures for the last 6 years and saw some odd things in the field that correlated as such. In fact, my elbow was whacked out for the last 9 months due to injury, so all I did was look for spots and what delineated them instead of thinking about digging around..
You see the "Duat" was the place or land of the dead or afterlife to the Egyptians , It was where the sun god Ra disappeared to each night and was reborn to rise again from each morning, the place of "rebirth". But was it a mythological place? It existed in the underground or underworld , or under their feet , and somewhere where the sun set and rose from , obviously the opposite side of the earth. We are pretty much the opposite side of earth to Egypt. Are these things in hieroglyphs actually mythological as the Egyptian archys suggest? Perhaps they are not mythological at all.
That place of the Duat would geographically be here on this continent if you think about it and understand the description and meaning of it.. It was well known that Egyptian crypts would get looted if they were placed in Egypt, as only a single one out of all that were ever excavated was ever found intact (King Tut, one of the last of the pharaohs). The Egyptians even wrote of the looting problem in ancient texts. To resolve that, in my opinion they would have had to make "mock" tombs and give the appearance of a crypt or a shrine if you will and even go so far as to use a slave for a body double for the mummy to control looting.
But there would be no speaking of it as if the secret was let out, looters would find a way to travel and recover these mass riches that were buried along with the pharaohs and in effect, robbing the Pharaoh of his/her royal eternity.
Now, if they took the pharaoh who was to be buried elsewhere it would secure the afterlife for an eternity if no-one ever found out about it. They believed that for the afterlife, they needed the body as well as all their belongings and it would be buried with them as such.
They believed in duality, light/dark, life/death, shadow/sun, the duality of things being two parts or have a counterpart or the illusion of being separate but related things. They believed the shadow was part of the body and had power and was of the divine. The shadow of a god was thought to cast upon the pharoah.
Even in the uncovered crypts in Egypt they talked about the trip to the land far away described as the Duat, why not it be an actual place that represents it such as here on this continent? In several tombs they depict the pharaoh going off to the Duat in a reed boat. Metaphorical? They had a hieroglyph for foreign land, which had either 1 or 2 bodies of water and mountains in the middle and or each side (djew symbol). Could it be these “mythological” places have been misinterpreted and are actually a real place? Nothing says they are mythology other than the archys giving a personal interpretation of them. They even put false doorways in the crypts that they could communicate with the dead Pharaoh, as well as a place their spirit could pass thru freely.
As I recall they usually faced west ( the false doorways) towards the setting sun. Some Pharaohs were even buried with nearby boats that were used for this supposed "mythological" trip to the Duat. Why did they need a boat to travel ? Was it metaphoric to travel into the sunset across the ocean? Or perhaps it was actually used to carry them, and their “looted” tomb was only a shrine.
Btw there have been people in the past that have reconstructed similar reed boats and crossed the ocean. I guess it's not as impossible as we were made to believe. Thor Heyerdahl did it a couple times to prove it could be done in a reed boat and even did a 5000 mile ocean crossing in a hand made raft as far back as 1947. Then another in reed boat from Africa to Barbados in 1970. Oops.