Ancient ?

View attachment 1665060
This is a Shadow Anubis I always felt there was someone important buried up on this hill

I have seen some of your photos, and i bet you have a good reason to feel that way. Follow your instincts. The Ancients out my way where the masters of light and shadows, they knew exactly where the sun and moon where traveling to. You will learn to find their spots. Their work will help with understanding the later groups that came thru. After all, i believe that is where they got it from.

There is a lot of Sentinel info. out there. It has worked very well,and still does. Thats why people are still trying to figure things out. Some people get it, some dont. Its setting right there for everyone. There's just been a great Sentinel propaganda push that has been put on, that has worked very well. I think some people know they have been duped, there just maybe to proud to admit they have been conned. It happened to me, i fell for it at first. It was the field work that exposed the sham work. I think some people are starting to catch on.

Heres a great video. These are what the tombs look like out here. At 20:44 you will see one, and at 23:43 you will see another one, I sure would like to learn how to read these map rocks like her. She gives away what i think is a secret in this video. You have to be in the right place at the right time at some of these tombs to see them. I was so glad when i seen this, it made me feel good that someone else was finding these stone people laid to rest. That iam not cloud watching,going into a Paradilly mode.

One or two of the tombs out here i believe are Egyptian type because of the headdress on them, the others seem to be Aztec/Mayan type because of the headdress that are on them. They do come in different sizes. Iam just having a hard time with the time line, who was first, the chicken or egg? And who was raiding who? Either way, they all needed a place to put there stuff.

Anyone want to give up any info. on the obelisk,or columns ? Or how about the hoyo secrets ? Not the common treasure book stuff , like looking thru them. The stuff no one talks about ?

This guys work has helped me alot in seeing and finding ,these type of signs. Just this year i found more of it. He is working on getting his book on Amazon. This is some great stuff.

Anyone want to give up any info. on the obelisk,or columns ? Or how about the hoyo secrets ? Not the common treasure book stuff , like looking thru them. The stuff no one talks about ?

What stuff do you mean, dog?

What stuff do you mean, dog?

Well, on the holes, i look thru the holes on both sides, to me that can be helpful at times. I was looking to see if anyone found out something else about them. Again like the looking thru them isnt always spot on, and at other times, its as straight and accurate as can be,its dead on, with a sly dog trick they did. But again they are not all to be read the same,from what i have seen so far. It was by pure luck that i fell into it. There's something else with some of them, thats a little easier to figure out. But still hard if you haven't ever run into those type. I was wanting to see if anyone wanted to share some of that info. that they may have found out on them? Same with the Obelisks or columns, i was wondering if anyone wanted to share what they found associated with them. Kinda like a hand and glove type match thing, foot and shoe, something that they find associated with them. Again not all of them,but some of them. To me its secret stuff, just because i hear no one mentioning the stuff. But surely some one else has seen the connections. Again i dont see a rule book type of set up on these either. Its like the lady in the video that talks about the stone mummy's laid to rest. I had never heard anyone talk about them, till i seen her video, i was like thank goodness someone else is finding those stone people laid to rest. She gives away a secret on how some of them break on down. keep a eye out for them, its legit stuff. I really didnt think anyone would want to offer up any info. on the stuff, but i thought i would ask,just in case someone wanted to reveal some info. on them.

Its like Darrell Lanes( Happy Trails) stuff, I would have never been able to move on, so fast and have confidence in what i was seeing was real. I really didnt see anyone talking about this type of giant serpents. This year i found them in shadow form, in years past i found them in stone, to a giant size. I had a hard time with this one sign. I couldnt figure it out, i kept calling it a black pipe(lol). I keep saying to myself,whats this black pipe all about,i would find it at, what i would think of as Aztec/Mayan sites. I was like, i found this sign multiple sites, i would be like,what the heck is up with this black pipe. Then thru looking at his work,i was like darn, thats what it is, its the Obsidian knife, Daa, i just couldn't get it,until i seen his work. Remember the Aztec/Mayans, loved the Heart and Turtle.

Well, on the holes, i look thru the holes on both sides, to me that can be helpful at times. I was looking to see if anyone found out something else about them. Again like the looking thru them isnt always spot on, and at other times, its as straight and accurate as can be,its dead on, with a sly dog trick they did. But again they are not all to be read the same,from what i have seen so far. It was by pure luck that i fell into it. There's something else with some of them, thats a little easier to figure out. But still hard if you haven't ever run into those type. I was wanting to see if anyone wanted to share some of that info. that they may have found out on them? Same with the Obelisks or columns, i was wondering if anyone wanted to share what they found associated with them. Kinda like a hand and glove type match thing, foot and shoe, something that they find associated with them. Again not all of them,but some of them. To me its secret stuff, just because i hear no one mentioning the stuff. But surely some one else has seen the connections. Again i dont see a rule book type of set up on these either. Its like the lady in the video that talks about the stone mummy's laid to rest. I had never heard anyone talk about them, till i seen her video, i was like thank goodness someone else is finding those stone people laid to rest. She gives away a secret on how some of them break on down. keep a eye out for them, its legit stuff. I really didnt think anyone would want to offer up any info. on the stuff, but i thought i would ask,just in case someone wanted to reveal some info. on them.

Hi Dog. On the holes, you might want to get compass headings both ways and see if you can find a common heading. Also, find yourself a sun calculator on line and see if the sun ever lines up with the holes at specific times of the year. I just lined up a hole I call the snake eye with the sunset on the winter solstice. I've posted the picture before. If you have a hole that has been carved through a rock, you might find where rock around the hole has been chiseled away so they wouldn't have to cut through as much rock, when they did the hole. Look for hand and finger holds going to a higher hole so you can tell which way they were siting through the hole. When you look through the hole, make sure you are looking straight through and then look for small pointers that might have been carved on the sides of the hole. These might be pointing to something in the distance.

On the columns, I think I did some research on the snake when Springfield had his excellent thread about the turtle and snake symbols. If I remember right, the column represented the snake and was usually put on a mound or some higher place in the area. If you have a naturally formed column, you will want to look for evidence of chisel marks. or maybe a carved out flat area close to the base of the column. Or maybe just a flat rock positioned close to the base. The treasure or offering will be somewhere in the mound, probably close to the base of the column. This is ancient Old World setup. Remember that the Masons used some Old World stuff in their ceremonies. The eastern star, Venus, comes to mind right off. One of the Masons on tnet could give you more help.

Its like Darrell Lanes( Happy Trails) stuff, I would have never been able to move on, so fast and have confidence in what i was seeing was real. I really didnt see anyone talking about this type of giant serpents. This year i found them in shadow form, in years past i found them in stone, to a giant size. I had a hard time with this one sign. I couldnt figure it out, i kept calling it a black pipe(lol). I keep saying to myself,whats this black pipe all about,i would find it at, what i would think of as Aztec/Mayan sites. I was like, i found this sign multiple sites, i would be like,what the heck is up with this black pipe. Then thru looking at his work,i was like darn, thats what it is, its the Obsidian knife, Daa, i just couldn't get it,until i seen his work. Remember the Aztec/Mayans, loved the Heart and Turtle.

Dog, I don't remember seeing any Maya/Aztec use of the heart symbol. Do you have something?

Dog, is this the obsidian knife you are talking about.

Dog, I have a carving of a knife like this at the site I study. It is a unique form and nothing like a modern blade. It isn't far from the petroglyph that I've posted in the past. I thought that petroglyph looked like a representation of Tlaloc.

Hi Dog. On the holes, you might want to get compass headings both ways and see if you can find a common heading. Also, find yourself a sun calculator on line and see if the sun ever lines up with the holes at specific times of the year. I just lined up a hole I call the snake eye with the sunset on the winter solstice. I've posted the picture before. If you have a hole that has been carved through a rock, you might find where rock around the hole has been chiseled away so they wouldn't have to cut through as much rock, when they did the hole. Look for hand and finger holds going to a higher hole so you can tell which way they were siting through the hole. When you look through the hole, make sure you are looking straight through and then look for small pointers that might have been carved on the sides of the hole. These might be pointing to something in the distance.

On the columns, I think I did some research on the snake when Springfield had his excellent thread about the turtle and snake symbols. If I remember right, the column represented the snake and was usually put on a mound or some higher place in the area. If you have a naturally formed column, you will want to look for evidence of chisel marks. or maybe a carved out flat area close to the base of the column. Or maybe just a flat rock positioned close to the base. The treasure or offering will be somewhere in the mound, probably close to the base of the column. This is ancient Old World setup. Remember that the Masons used some Old World stuff in their ceremonies. The eastern star, Venus, comes to mind right off. One of the Masons on tnet could give you more help.

Yes, i believe alot of the holes are astronomy based, and are probable compass based readings too. I just dont hunt that way or take compass readings at the sites. That stuff is all to complex for me. I believe in it, but i do just fine with following the rocks,and dont take the time to mark all the headings down. We all have limited time at or sites,so i use what works best for me,which is trying to read what they are showing me,and leading me to. I have seen the ones with pointers in them too. It seems they need to be read in different ways depending on the setup. Some day ill probably regret not taking readings,but i just cant take the extra time to do it. I have seen your photo of the sun thru the serpent eye. that is a great photo and proves it.

And i say yes to your column stuff.And i can see it representing the snake. They are up higher, and i can see offerings or gifts being presented to them, They seem to be at main sites very close to the camps.

Dog, I don't remember seeing any Maya/Aztec use of the heart symbol. Do you have something?

No i dont at this time, but i would think that they would have some type of symbol for the heart. I dont know if it would be the classic heart symbol or not. This one in this photo all most looks like a treasure jar type symbol.View attachment 1667197

Dog, I have a carving of a knife like this at the site I study. It is a unique form and nothing like a modern blade. It isn't far from the petroglyph that I've posted in the past. I thought that petroglyph looked like a representation of Tlaloc.

Yes your Petro does look like that, and i bet that is exactly what it is. Are those guys before the Aztecs? I cant believe the work on it, it almost looks like a marble type finish. And now you have a knife in the area too. Amazing. And then the stuff you talked about your snake, how you have a old photo of the rock with no snake, but it gets made at a later time. I couldn't believe it when you said that, i was shocked at that, i would have never guessed that. Then what you said about the work on the cliff face, how you thought it was late 18,early 19th century. I could see that. The art work does look that way. Its great work,like they do with the light and shadows and symbols,but the styling of it does look to be newer. Which is great to me, It makes me think that their heirs where still looking for their Ancestors sites,and doing a remark,or something like that. They where still out there looking for their claimed sites.

Here is a great viedo, i liked it. For some it may cause a lot of drama, so if your real sensitive to what people say and cant just let things go, i wouldnt watch it. But if you like hearing different views and thoughts,it shouldnt be a problem. lots of good stuff,the owl,bees,bull,serpent,door way and so on. Knowledge.

If you go to Treasure Legends, then Aztec gold, Then return of the giant serpent.On page 15,then post 215,on the 7th photo you will see the Obsidian knife. Its looks just like the ones out here. Plus the the other shapes are out hear also. Remember these guys where all over the USA.

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