Well, on the holes, i look thru the holes on both sides, to me that can be helpful at times. I was looking to see if anyone found out something else about them. Again like the looking thru them isnt always spot on, and at other times, its as straight and accurate as can be,its dead on, with a sly dog trick they did. But again they are not all to be read the same,from what i have seen so far. It was by pure luck that i fell into it. There's something else with some of them, thats a little easier to figure out. But still hard if you haven't ever run into those type. I was wanting to see if anyone wanted to share some of that info. that they may have found out on them? Same with the Obelisks or columns, i was wondering if anyone wanted to share what they found associated with them. Kinda like a hand and glove type match thing, foot and shoe, something that they find associated with them. Again not all of them,but some of them. To me its secret stuff, just because i hear no one mentioning the stuff. But surely some one else has seen the connections. Again i dont see a rule book type of set up on these either. Its like the lady in the video that talks about the stone mummy's laid to rest. I had never heard anyone talk about them, till i seen her video, i was like thank goodness someone else is finding those stone people laid to rest. She gives away a secret on how some of them break on down. keep a eye out for them, its legit stuff. I really didnt think anyone would want to offer up any info. on the stuff, but i thought i would ask,just in case someone wanted to reveal some info. on them.