It's used because not everyone know the little things about the Bible. Most of the priest knew it inside and out. Then again I have my on theory on that. The pagan stuff too could have been theirs. I've seen on stones here about finding treasure and what it will do to you. I'm working on another angle that goes a long with yours and others thinking. There is talk of the Knights Templars and others being here. Now we also know that the priest were very educated. It's very likely they knew of the other cultures being displayed. They were all over the world. Unless it all the work of God. I could handle that. Not natural as some say or imagination. Because all this not being taught in school. Most are blind to it. We see it and a lot of others do too. There are many question Dog. It will people like us to find the answers. If there are those who know why all the work we see out in this country and abroad. We know it as trail markers ,treasure signs other meaningful thing. The treasure stuff is hard to find I've never seen just one symbol on a stone. It's loaded to the point of confusion. What are they hiding besides what we know about? Why do we have such an up hill climb just to get info. Is there more? In the bible it talks of the silver and gold. But the treasure you seek is God or the Word of God. I see that on the stones. Most from what I see is . It all about the battle man has within himself. The Good and Bad. One of the things here is about, if I took the treasure from one area. I would have a life of sex and lust. It's on some stones. Very good details if you get the lighting right. Show the debauchery from being on the wrong side of God. I'm more into what's on the stones than anything. Their messages. Then their is some that deals with the Good Side. The Law of God. I'm sure you see that kind of stuff out there. I see it in some pictures from you and others. I think they want the finder to have a good reason for they search. It what you will do when you find it. I've said before, I think all these place were put there for the future. They didn't have any intentions on using them. Hiding it from the Kings. On a site there are multiples stashes. They had their pay. I see that one. There is one that says God's treasure. Then one that say the Kings. One that says the Sons. Then the one that says the pit of Satan. On the stones it says if open then you will find the death and destruction. . All these are referring to deferent places. Your in an area that you can see this in a large format. Make me think my place was a training ground. Make small models then apply to the mountains. My opinion only. You know a lot of them think I'm crazy. I live on a site see it daily. Spending a lot of time just studying the stone work. There is a story on every stone. Most from the Bible. A lot to do with the return and the Battle. My angle has always been from the Biblical side. I get the other from you and others. Ill shut up ,to much coffee tonight.Glad to see your stuff. Keep it up and be safe. Here I have a hard time keeping the powder dry. Raining again. But the bright side rain uncovers. Bad side it covers too. Balanced that God Bless my Friend
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