Ancient ?

Have you explored this area?

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The ant eater thing. Don't know but I have seen ants on mine. They do the work for the queen. You could be right about the food thing. But the ant eater eats the workers ants. So with the symbolism things it's a new to me.

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I learned alot from this last trip. I now know what type of signs are being used to mark their vaults for this type of people. this area is full of them.

Here's some more info on the shadow head with open mouth, that has a opening in the mountain at that spot. That Aztec /Maya shadow head is facing south, all other signs say go north. So iam thinking this spot is the H.Q.,living quarters, with the south looking face, Ant eater snout pointing out food pantry below ?. The Chief is north,and looking north. Feathered serpent is north,looking north. Ceremonies center is north. Go north for the treasure.

Here's some more info on the shadow head with open mouth, that has a opening in the mountain at that spot. That Aztec /Maya shadow head is facing south, all other signs say go north. So iam thinking this spot is the H.Q.,living quarters, with the south looking face, Ant eater snout pointing out food pantry below ?. The Chief is north,and looking north. Feathered serpent is north,looking north. Ceremonies center is north. Go north for the treasure.
That's good to know. I've reached that conclusion on my site. Although the sites are different in a way. The set up are very close to each other. Now let me ask you. Are there three different mesa with different heights that share a common one ? Like a fork or E shape.

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anteater looks like a hummingbird? .i think the hummiingbird is pointing to your U cut in the rock? snake is looking down with mans face undersnake.

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After looking more at the pictures. The area to the left of ant eater . It has something they are looking at.

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That's good to know. I've reached that conclusion on my site. Although the sites are different in a way. The set up are very close to each other. Now let me ask you. Are there three different mesa with different heights that share a common one ? Like a fork or E shape.

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It could be Backwoods, I havent really looked at it that way. The way iam reading it,everything is saying to go left(north). All the larger cut stones say go that way. The Chief has a large stone below him,cut and polished,kinda like a arrow or phallus pointing north.Chief is looking north. Iam digging north of there,below one of the older vaults. That cache,i believe was done by one the raiders of that site.

Heres a large stone down in the large wash,below the Aztec shadow head. Pointing north(left). There could be caches in this area,but thats not my main focus in this area. I wanna try and figure out if this is there home base in this area.View attachment 1429502

This wash is a Y, one fork towards the camera, the other goes the direction of the pointer. I was at the other far end of the wash,that the pointer is pointing to. You could see where it was dammed up at one time. That wash comes out at the area where i believe the had there ceremonies. Its the mojo area,a battle area of Pagan ceremonies,Then worked over,took over by the christians. The christian really tried carving over stuff the best they could. But they just couldn't get all the Pagan stuff out. Ill post some photos of that canyon. I showed them before,but didnt tie them together with this info. Ill show the ceremonies rock,what i think it is,anyways. I could be wrong.

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Hey dog, you have a big cross there ..something buried?

There very well could be weregolf, I thought the same thing when i seen that large stone. This area is full of caches. But i havent been on foot exploring this area yet. My first hike will be to go up to the cave entrance at the mouth. I want to see how far it goes back in there, and whats carved on the walls. Its a long steep hike up in there,so ill have to stay focused on that, and try and avoid spending to much time on all the worked rocks there on the way. This first trip,i want to work the cave. I hope to do a video also.

To the left of the go this way stone. There are a small group of something at left center of pic. 2017-03-21%2020.07.27.webp what is that?

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To the left of the go this way stone. There are a small group of something at left center of pic. View attachment 1429809 what is that?

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Backwoods, that a grouping of stones,some worked i belive, looks to be drill holes also

Ok, iam gonna show you guys,where the Chief is?,the cut and polished phallus pointer?,the ceremony stone,map rock info. area?, appox area where the wash is to the pointer stone in the wash below the Aztec/Mayan shadow,and some more info. on the stuff. Remember originally Ancient, then worked (raided) later by a christian group. View attachment 1430101

Here's some info. on what iam calling the ceremony , map rock info. stone. I never hiked up to it, but i did a fly over with google earth.on the back side of that cleared bed rock, is the same kinda shape round and cleared, except for a large circle ring of stones,larger stones are used. Now on the front side of the bed rock,towards the top,is a large dished out shape,you cant see it unless your above it.But i cant make out what the shape is with google earth,l dont think the shadow is right with google earth. Id love to have a drone for this.This is where a fight is going on here, with strange flying shadow creatures(Pagan),and a darn good job(stone work) by the christians to cancel it out. Much mojo going on there.

Notice below the tip of arrow. It look like a shadow 8 or Maybe a rabbit. I would say you had many places there to explore. A lifetime of work for one man. And probably cost many to work that place when built. You should be in good shape walking that place.

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Everything is looking toward the center.

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