Ancient ?

I'm not sure I follow. Somebody's name appears in your photos? And your PMs disappeared? I would change your password if you haven't already. I'd like to know more if you don't mind telling. I think the mods have access to your PMs but I can't see them doing anything. Things do get screwd up here sometimes, ie pointers in a long thread sometimes duplicate large portions of a thread.

Yes Rob, i was going to post some photos off my e drive the other day, when i would click on a photo, a persons name would appear on the photo, in a white block,black letters, so i ran viruses scans,windows defender, it went away. but i dont think the scans made it go away, i think the person was on at the same time,got in thru my IP addy? now when i logged in today my 44 unread pm count went to zero. i took as someone got into my pm's and read them.

And what i believe started it was, on the treasure legend, vicky peak, caballo thread. treasminder2 posted about a guy surveying for the state of NM. found two black bars of silver under a tree,laying on a rock. i posted about finding two black looking crude stones,that i thought maybe ancient stuff, and i had the thought about doc noss pig iron.but i left them there, which i stated that, and that is true, i dont have them,there are right where i spotted them,i left them there, yes i photoed them. after that things got strange with the computer. i guess it smoked the wacko's out,lol. crazy.

They were kinda black round and long,crudely shaped. heavy. they could be just plan old stone. but i never seen any stones out here that are that color, just like i dont see green stones out here. maybe ill go back with a magnet and file,and see what happens.

Yes, I remember reading about the pig iron. This is weird. I'll bet your PMs are still there they just are marked as someone. Any ideas on who, how and why the name showed up on your pix? If they are on your computer, its a lot harder to get access and edit your pix. Especially without you noticing, you have to enable remote access. I guess it would be easier if they were posted here and somebody hacked your account. If that was the case, I'll bet the mods can find the IP the hack came from. They have the ability to ban somebody not just on their user name but based on their IP as well.

This all seems pretty weird. Dang, I wish I was out west hunting.

Yes Rob, the e drive was my sd card out of my camera,his name was on those photos,i switched to the photos on my computer hard drive,no name,so i dont think he got in there. but someone read all my pm here,i guess, i had 44 notification,now zero.

This whole thing is weird. I'm pretty technical and I don't understand what is going on. How could your SD card have been accessed. Maybe contact the mods and see if they can shed any light on your PMs being read. I hope nobody's secret info was compromised.

I have no ideal Rob, my sd card was in my computer slot and i left my computer on and my internet connection on. so i guess ill just have to get use to shutting everything down when iam not online. lesson learned.

There wasnt any secret info. in the pm's that iam aware of., i changed my password,its super long now,and i didnt save it on the auto save.

I'm seeing a lot of good hard work here, and some wishful thinking. Not to take away from any work in progress. Since I just read 10 pages of post I won't try to comment on them all. I hope you guys aren't getting stuck in one area. Remember the trail goes for miles and there is camps every 4 hours or so. I have seen camps 2 miles apart due to terrain. I think that judy works her sites with a metal detector is cool as I do the same. The sad truth dog about your PM's is it could be anyone or a bad piece of malware. The things we discuss here would only be of interest to a few. The mention of certain keywords will get you unwanted attention. So I don't post much anymore. I noticed a post with a compass which I use the same one. I also use a garmin which can give me 3 types of north.......also I do believe in sacred geometry but don't make a point to get too many compass readings. It is important to know the 4 directions, position of the planets, but I suspect the layout of a site can be laid on a line. My thoughts anyway. Love the pics and the ideas.

I've been having a lot of trouble with my computer too so I took it in to have it checked out and the techs found a lot of malware but nothing serious. I'm dumber than a wood fence when it comes to the tech stuff so I have no idea where it came from. Maybe my wife, she says I'm spending too much time on the computer.:dontknow:

hi dog i sent you a pm the other day . maybe somebody snooped for it . Ive had some weird stuff going on with my computer as well . every once in a while ill get a strange Chinese looking writing that appears across the tabs . Ive hit it with virus scans , malwarebyte etc , nothing comes up in the scans , i have a strange idea it might be attached to the cookies in here , but i don't know . after the cache is cleared it goes away until i log back on and open a couple tabs . nothing is secure online , if someone wanted to snoop they could .

Thanks mdog,that was very interesting to me,humm, maybe ill post a photo of something,hopefully it wont send anyone out of there senses.

Do I see a priest in the shadows

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