Ancient ?

" I bet they brought a lot of these goats with them. "

They sure did …(bring some goats with them)

What other livestock animal could be more versatile for human use and survival? For thousands of years the people in Africa and the Middle-East used the goat as a Wealth symbol. The more goats you owned … the wealthier the man (or the household) was.

You could use just about everything the goat would provide: milk/cheese, meat, hide, workforce, etc. …and you could sell them (for cash/gold/silver) or trade them for other goods, just like currency.

Also, the meat and the milk/cheese product, was and still is Kosher for Jews and Halal for Muslims as religious requirement, thus permissible for consumption.
Heck, there were situations where ‘men’ used them to ‘buy’ there wives from their parents in exchange for goats…..and/or in other circumstances as part of the matrimonial deal and arrangements, the groom would receive a certain number of goats as part of the bride’s dowry.

In some parts of the world, even today the goat is looked upon as = currency = wealth.

The goat was so much part of their life –from a practical aspect- that it also became part of their culture and folklore. When you see ancient depiction of goats in the field,… might be wealth related symbol and not something spooky

I think if i had a goat, i would have to keep it. I guess i could get married if she had enough goats,maybe.

This should be a interesting video . I see a lot of Pagan stuff out here. It must be the BC. guys, before the Christin's belief took over? These guys moved some mountains, loved the Serpent and Moon. They sure seemed to like flying creatures too. But there seems to be even much older workings, like it was their great,great, ancestors work. Before the flying Gargoyles/Jinn creatures.

P9300536 (2).webp

My favorite Jinn.:hello2:

"Charles Morse: What one man can do, another can do"....ha-ha

....but not too many I guess. This guy is part of the elite. Have you seen those eyes? wow, ...and he's "sober"? Imagine him getting pulled over by a cop....ha-ha
Those eyes have a story to tell.....Hello Cirrhosis

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No doubt he is part of the elite . Sure seems to be in pain. Hopefully he got that bad Jinn kicked out of his life.

Anyone got any info. on this artwork that is showed at 7:40 in this video? Like artist name, year done, title . Check that stone out. Funny how those same stone monuments have been built out here in the Southwest . I wonder if that artist did that work before or after Poussin's work? It sure seems to have been very important in those times. Whatever time that was.


  • poussindancemusictime.webp
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Interesting things to this painting, i learned that sets well in the field .


  • Religion-Pearce-Highsmith.jpeg.webp
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Here is where the art work is at. The work is in a Lunette, a very intresting word and place for this painting. mural in lunette from the Family and Education series by Charles Sprague Pearce. North Corridor, Great Hall, Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building, Washington, D.C. Mural contains artist's logo and "COPYRIGHT 1896 BY C.S.PEARCE".

Some definitions of Lunette. For
Architecture . arched aperture or window, especially one in a domed ceiling.

Military History
a fortification with two faces forming a projecting angle, and two flanks.
[COLOR=#1967D2 !important]Religion​
a holder for the consecrated host in a monstrance.


The field stone seems to fit right in.

A representation of the Pyx?


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At 16:40 in this video are the two shapes of the rocks i removed from the winged lion. Placed the same as in the video. It had 3 symbols, those two, then the cap on top, that had a very common shape. Interesting video .

A lot of maps right here in this area of the video from the Southwest USA. All of them so far are of the Mediterranean area. Very well made maps of differant material. Someone sure got around in those days, and loved showing it.

In this video at 17:00 to 17:30,this may very well be the reason for all of these individual maps you will find at these sites. So they identity themselves with the region they are from. Very interesting .

Lets see, here is what i belive to be a representation of the Red Sea. See the backwards E looking shadow at the right hand corner of the compass? You can see that same symbol on the monument at the end of the viedo .
This is about 50 feet from the winged lion pillar . I know, that doesn't look like a Red Sea map.
It gets better. Ill have to try and dig up another map to show.


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How about a little or maybe less reveal ? Might not be the best map of the Red Sea,but if you got to see the whole setup ,it might click for ya. Still looking for one of the other maps that is real close. These guys are real good at their craft.


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