Ancient ?

Same Janus stone as in Nicolas Poussin painting . Look below the head, same stone cut as the one in the field video. Something else to look for that seems to represent a doorway . Janus?View attachment 1919263View attachment 1919264

Ah Poussin…in plain sight.

The two headed Janus sitting above the two sides of the column that dominates the viewer’s first visual impact. And, to make sure of that the artist added two decorative Garlands for spacing… and also to single out the top… Genius.

But, as the story goes….’as above, so below’ …one must pay attention to the lower pedestal for messages. And …Voila and Voi-la…(see-there)

A very discreet arrow is pointing to a ‘passage’ to what is called the ‘lower world’ or the underworld bellow.
“AC ORCI PENS” translates in ‘besides lower world weigh out’ or ‘near underworld pay out’

They obviously loved riddles. There is never a straight forward message like we use today…..clear and foolproof.

janus.webp janus 2.webp

This could very well be the work of the Iron Sheik. Look how old looking the helmeted head is on the sun sign above the spetsnaz shovel handle . Lots of clues all around. Its Like a riddle when you dont understand the language . Maybe i can tie in a riddle into it.

Cerberus, the dog of the Underworld seems to be barking? His mouth is open...

Ah Poussin…in plain sight.

The two headed Janus sitting above the two sides of the column that dominates the viewer’s first visual impact. And, to make sure of that the artist added two decorative Garlands for spacing… and also to single out the top… Genius.

But, as the story goes….’as above, so below’ …one must pay attention to the lower pedestal for messages. And …Voila and Voi-la…(see-there)

A very discreet arrow is pointing to a ‘passage’ to what is called the ‘lower world’ or the underworld bellow.
“AC ORCI PENS” translates in ‘besides lower world weigh out’ or ‘near underworld pay out’

They obviously loved riddles. There is never a straight forward message like we use today…..clear and foolproof.

View attachment 1919292 View attachment 1919294

Nice catch on the lower section Listo. Thats very interesting what you wrote out there. That guys got stuff in his paintings that you see in the field. Even his multiple use of the circles in that painting with the Janus is interesting.

Nice catch on the lower section Listo. Thats very interesting what you wrote out there. That guys got stuff in his paintings that you see in the field. Even his multiple use of the circles in that painting with the Janus is interesting.

The use of circles by the Maestro? Oh yes. The heavenly Ruler watching from above in a never ending form…

The circle of life is one theme and the subtle message of three levels of ‘as above so below’ is the second theme.

Dancing in the Heavens, as below on Earth, …as below in the underworld.
But the earthly dance in circle is different than the dance in Heavens and the underworld.

One of the child angels (to the left) is playing and blowing round bubbles, while the other little angel (to the right) is measuring time.

Time is limited on this level.

The Janus tells you the rest.

Heracles brings Cerberus.webp

...maybe should take another look at this guy

P's janus.webp P's janus.webp

I'm pretty sure you've seen most of these symbols in the field,
especially the Triangle, placed right on the edge itself and visible from
all angles.

(...and what is known officially

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The use of circles by the Maestro? Oh yes. The heavenly Ruler watching from above in a never ending form…

The circle of life is one theme and the subtle message of three levels of ‘as above so below’ is the second theme.

Dancing in the Heavens, as below on Earth, …as below in the underworld.
But the earthly dance in circle is different than the dance in Heavens and the underworld.

One of the child angels (to the left) is playing and blowing round bubbles, while the other little angel (to the right) is measuring time.

Time is limited on this level.

The Janus tells you the rest.

View attachment 1919511

...maybe should take another look at this guy

View attachment 1919516 View attachment 1919515

I'm pretty sure you've seen most of these symbols in the field,
especially the Triangle, placed right on the edge itself and visible from
all angles.

(...and what is known officially

I"ll be a son of gun, thats wild whats hides on that pilliar.Iam even more interested in his work now. I did some reading on the dog, that was interesting. Cerberus didnt seem to bother me much there, but his buddy the goat did, staring at you the whole time. His is there 24/7, 365 days. No disappearing like Cerberus, cause the Goat is made out of wood.

I"ll be a son of gun, thats wild whats hides on that pilliar.Iam even more interested in his work now. I did some reading on the dog, that was interesting. Cerberus didnt seem to bother me much there, but his buddy the goat did, staring at you the whole time. His is there 24/7, 365 days. No disappearing like Cerberus, cause the Goat is made out of wood.

Speaking of coincidences (if any)…why is that Janus,… Golden?

As the Janus and Horse are in the Possian painting. The horse is also with the Janus in the field of view . Horse? I always thought of it as such.111013a 097.webp Its very close to the Janus ,and seems to be the same style of work, but a much more complex message . Over my head, but enjoyable to see it.

Heart is on upper right side at 45/225. Not sure it would help.

As the Janus and Horse are in the Possian painting. The horse is also with the Janus in the field of view . Horse? I always thought of it as such.View attachment 1919934 Its very close to the Janus ,and seems to be the same style of work, but a much more complex message . Over my head, but enjoyable to see it.


On the next rock past the dry wood, you have two little arrows are pointing S, just like your compass. They’re pointing to a monument that looks like a tilted letter E on its side with the legs pointing S. You may find a black heart near the west end of that monument.

Should be interesting to see if that works out, because I think that your compass is sitting on an interim location, and there’s not much more that I can see of interest around here.
If you happen to check it out sometime, pay more attention to the western end of that E monument.

I would call this white tablet...a list of 'things to come' to, or an inventory as to what to look for.

(if you splash some water on it, it will become more visible and easy to read and may show some colors you don't expect)

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View attachment 1919940

On the next rock past the dry wood, you have two little arrows are pointing S, just like your compass. They’re pointing to a monument that looks like a tilted letter E on its side with the legs pointing S. You may find a black heart near the west end of that monument.

Should be interesting to see if that works out, because I think that your compass is sitting on an interim location, and there’s not much more that I can see of interest around here.
If you happen to check it out sometime, pay more attention to the western end of that E monument.

I would call this white tablet...a list of 'things to come' to, or an inventory as to what to look for.

(if you splash some water on it, it will become more visible and easy to read and may show some colors you don't expect)

Id like to see that stone with water on it, i bet it would be beautiful . So complex and deep messages layered in their work. Sure seems to have been a major task just laying out a site. Ever little detail seems to have been done with precision and passion. Definitely believed in what they where doing. It doesn't seem like it was all about mining, it seems the messaging was just as important . A lot of time spent on those rocks. I dont think modern miners would do all that extra work.

Good spot on the E and arrows Listo., that is very interesting, and the black heart is probably there. If i head back to there, ill have a look.

This could very well be the work of the Iron Sheik. Look how old looking the helmeted head is on the sun sign above the spetsnaz shovel handle . Lots of clues all around. Its Like a riddle when you dont understand the language . Maybe i can tie in a riddle into it.

Here is a little more info. on this stone. It had two larger stones covering it. I had to peel off those two stones to reveal the winged lion?, winged churb? hiding behind those two stones. The two stones i peeled off, had their own shape and symbolism , but seem to be vary important when teamed together . Keep peeling back the layers. Maybe it never ends, Infinity 8.
OIP (2).webpRiddle of the Sphinx.webpangel_of_death.webpWow i really went on a spelling wreck.poussindancemusictime.webp

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That last video was great. The circle stuff was interesting . This should be good, cant wait to see what type of baths are represented, and what is said. Make sure you wipe your feet before you enter.


"King Solomon's mines in Spain? Not likely, experts say."

(........... However, archaeologists and historians not involved with the researcher's work are skeptical....) ha-ha-ha...are they ever?

That was a interesting read. I could see that happening. I will have to do some reading on David and Hiram. Sardinia mention is very interesting. Another place i have seen a map of, Sardinia. Unbelievable how accurate their maps are. Not sure why they made alls these maps over here, of the areas over in Europe and Middle east. Maybe they are showing what region they were from? Someone was here a long long time. I still think someone was here before them. The Serpent people, Naga country, Flying gargoyle looking creatures. Head hunters No puppy dog use by these guys. These guys moved some mountains. Lunar and Serpent based stuff.:dontknow:

This guy could keep a Sardinia work crew motivated and focused on the task at hand out here in the Southwest during Ancient times.


"King Solomon's mines in Spain? Not likely, experts say."

(........... However, archaeologists and historians not involved with the researcher's work are skeptical....) ha-ha-ha...are they ever?

I sure can see Hiram/David/Solomon's men behind this work out here. It sure seems to be a very diverse group. Now that i have seen this about Goats. What a great animal to use in the Southwest for hiking,mining,prospecting . Need very little water outside the forage they eat, they dont need leading , run to you when spooked, can provide you with milk to keep you alive. Those guys that did this work out here sure seemed to like them. I bet they brought a lot of these goats with them.

I sure can see Hiram/David/Solomon's men behind this work out here. It sure seems to be a very diverse group. Now that i have seen this about Goats. What a great animal to use in the Southwest for hiking,mining,prospecting . Need very little water outside the forage they eat, they dont need leading , run to you when spooked, can provide you with milk to keep you alive. Those guys that did this work out here sure seemed to like them. I bet they brought a lot of these goats with them.

" I bet they brought a lot of these goats with them. "

They sure did …(bring some goats with them)

What other livestock animal could be more versatile for human use and survival? For thousands of years the people in Africa and the Middle-East used the goat as a Wealth symbol. The more goats you owned … the wealthier the man (or the household) was.

You could use just about everything the goat would provide: milk/cheese, meat, hide, workforce, etc. …and you could sell them (for cash/gold/silver) or trade them for other goods, just like currency.

Also, the meat and the milk/cheese product, was and still is Kosher for Jews and Halal for Muslims as religious requirement, thus permissible for consumption.
Heck, there were situations where ‘men’ used them to ‘buy’ there wives from their parents in exchange for goats…..and/or in other circumstances as part of the matrimonial deal and arrangements, the groom would receive a certain number of goats as part of the bride’s dowry.

In some parts of the world, even today the goat is looked upon as = currency = wealth.

The goat was so much part of their life –from a practical aspect- that it also became part of their culture and folklore. When you see ancient depiction of goats in the field,… might be wealth related symbol and not something spooky

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