An Old Cache

Old Dog

Gold Member
May 22, 2007
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Golden Thread
Western Colorado
Well here it is.
After a lot of pressure from lots of folks who asked about the photo in my avatar.
I found this in 91 or 92.

This is a cache I found while working around the back side of the original homestead house on our property here.
It isn't anywhere near as old as the house,
but it is in a direct line of sight from where the main Kitchen window was in the second farm house built in 1901.

This fruit jar had coins that date from 1916 to 1942
Also a couple seated halves, 1843 and 1858.

The rest were all SLQs, Washingtons, Walkers and LOTS of Mercury Dimes.
There were only 5 Barbers in the group.


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thanks for sharing makes folks like me keep on swinging after one

Man oh Man, Now that's what I'm talkin' bout. What a discovery.


you found all that in one jar?! OMG! I woulda passed out! lol.....lucky thang you! WTG!
Awesome! Wished i could be so lucky, dont think my heart could take it though!


You would do just fine,
although it was a couple days before I wanted to scope it out.
Remembering back ,...
I was not in a mood to drop what I was doing to look at it objectivly.

The water line was more important at the time. LOL.
what took my breath were the SLQs.


Looking good Thom!! ;D


lol...i'd be doin fine alright, but hubby wouldnt never get any supper if i were to find what you found! I'd still be diggin! lol....(probably dig my way to china!) When i first read your post it reminded me of when i first got my MD, my husband and i went out to my father in laws land, Father in law said the old man who willed it to his family had buried some money out there in a jar, they didnt believe in banks back then, i was in the barn swinging the metal detector, it went off, made a loud whistle Thom, so i started digging, saw the top of a 'jar lid' and bout stroked out right there! Nothing but a lid, was a beautiful moment though if only for a second! :-\

I was hunting around a older abandoned house I believed to be from the 1930's or 40's. I got a very solid signal from a large rock in the back of the house. This rock was at least a 200 pound rock. I tugged and struggled with that rock for awhile trying to get it up out of the ground and turned over to see what was causing the signal. Finally got it turned over and saw a old style jar lid flush with the top of the ground. Carefully dug around it so as not to break the glass jar with the large cache I had imagined!!! It was just the jar lid!!!!!!! Why and how it ended up under a 200 pound rock the size of a desk top I will never know! OH well maybe next time. Ran my coil over the ground after removing the jar lid. Silence!!!!!! :'(


I got a good signal by an old foundation,Nothing but a hole left but I had found a lot of Silver around tha area, The signal was from under a large rock only a grown man could possibly move, I turned the rock over and undet the flat bottom of the rock was a cast iron pot. It was EMPTY! figures, But in the area behind the cellar hole by the stream I found over 300 Silver coins and 9 gold rings and a bunch of indians, Turns out it was an old gambeling spot in the woods. O well I enjoyed it while I had it.


Geez, I just saw this post...dang it, I would had replied to it long time ago. That was a exciting find. I wish I could find something like that...I might yet one day. Congrats!

;) RR

Thanks Judy,

I hope you do too.
The first time is always the sweetest to remember.
It won't matter how it happens.

Savor the feeling for a few days before you post.

Best of luck



You came pretty close there... for a minute or two.
Did you get all those tools cleaned up and ready to display?

Your husband should help. just to keep it cool. LOL

Good work on that bunch,
I would have gone off.


Old Dog said:
Are you referring to the ditch I dug to place the water line?

The jar was at 15 inches at the top of the jar, 20 inches at the bottom of the jar.

4 feet for the water line... LOL

While I think about it the lid came off in pieces and the metal bail type closer was almost all gone with rust.

Yes I have hit the whole place with a detector and it payed off .
I was able to pick up several other caches similar to this one that I haven't even photographed yet.

Most were newer than this although one was much older. It was also much smaller.
All were in the same type jar .

You said the cache pictured was in a direct line of site of the kitchen . Just curious to know if the
other jars / caches were in lines of site from windows , ect ? Congrats on some great finds .

Three were on an old fence line, They were found when replacing posts.
The last one was found off the corner of the barn about 14 inches deep with a tesoro bandido II.

The older tesoros were pretty good machines. If you can keep them ground balanced.


still a very nice find


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Thom, You stated that one cache was much older? Do you believe that they were put down by two different individuals? ...Dont know why I want to know....just find the story interesting...Steve


I would bet that they were put down by three diferent generations of the same family.
The original owners worked this property for almost 100 years before it changed hands.

The original homestead was here in 1880.
And it still stands,
and I'll bet that old fence was for the most part here since then as well.
It wouldn't surprise me if there were more out there undiscovered as of yet.

There is so much old farming stuff and scrap iron around that a metal detector along the fence is just a waste of time. all of the posts have rotted off and have been replaced with steel ones, and a whole smattering of junk just under the surface of plow and disk and auto parts and just plain half burried junk that a guy could look for a lifetime

Gets my B-I-L out of the easychair and at least doing something.

Wow, what a find. I have always wanted to find a cache like that. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!


Here is a picture of that old homestead house.
The stork is our protest to the historical society.
(they won't let us tear it down)
Maybe next year we will paint it pink or something



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