AMRA Highbanking in California LEO run in & claim high grading civil or legal?

Garrote Gold

Jr. Member
May 25, 2017
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found this post on amra web site, thought Id bring it over here, im intreagued just in general to the whole highbanking/dredging and how people read between those lines here in the mother load.

What are your thoughts about LEO's and the claim jumping/ high grading situation.

Most people agree its more civil matter for the sheriff but one poster replied with a criminal code, any of you legal guys want to chime in on this, I mean, dont we all have corner signs that say protected under state and feral laws lol?!? Id rather have something besides a citizens arrest when confronting "claim jumpers" when their taking my gold dust haha

Or is this just a recent problem due to all the clubs and people roaming around claims instead of the LEO knowing the owner after a few run ins, now they get gold tweakers in clubs running around digging anything up. I kind like how my DFW or rouge forest ranger is on my side and is gonna check out any wierdos in my area. Will this below penal code come in handy or am I wishfull thinking?

Ca. Penal Code 487 (d)
Every person who feloniously steals, takes, and carries away,
or attempts to take, steal, and carry from any mining claim, tunnel,
sluice, undercurrent, riffle box, or sulfurate machine, another's
gold dust, amalgam, or quicksilver is guilty of grand theft and is punishable by imprisonment in the state prison.

Here is amra post, maybe you guys have some thoughts on this, it was rather good read but with the last fake news Id like to hear someone more well read on the subject. When I dontate to Amra its this stuff that makes me feel like its worth it, but so far this forum is still number one for info......

Alarming actions by California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
A few weeks ago we brought you a story of 8 miners, one a claim owner allowing his buddies to mine with him and of a DFW (CA Department of Fish and Wildlife) officer confiscating their foot valve on their highbanker alleging they were violating the 5653(g) section of the DFW regulations. The miner was told he was being cited, but as of the writing of this story, still has yet to receive any citation, just the confiscation of his equipment and no idea when he can get it back. They were made to hike out of the canyon, one injuring himself just to retrieve their ID's so the DFW agent could identify them. The initial contact by the DFW officer was, as stated by the DFW officer was because he heard there were some people "claim jumping", we'll come back to that in a moment. They were told they had to remove ALL mining equipment from the claim immediately or he was bringing in a helicopter to confiscate the rest of it.
First of all, the 5653 regulation are a copy of SB637, a bill introduced by Senator Ben Allen from Hollywood which requires suction dredgers to obtain a permit from the CA Water Board. Since the passing of this bill over a year and a half ago, the CA Water Board still does not offer any kind of permitting structure. They assured us "they are working on it".
Last night, we received a call from yet another claim owner/miner in Plumas County CA where his highbanking equipment was confiscated just this past Saturday by a DFW Law Enforcement Officer. He was not cited, just had his equipment taken by the DFW agent. Again, the DFW LEO (Law Enforcement Officer) stated they were violating the 5653(g) of the regulation. Here is a text of the addition which was added to 5653:
Defines for the first time by statute what it means to use vacuum or suction dredge equipment, otherwise known as suction dredging, as the use of a mechanized or motorized system for removing or assisting in the removal of, or the processing of, material from the bed, bank, or channel of a river, stream, or lake in order to recover minerals; but also clarifying the definition does not apply to, prohibit, or otherwise restrict nonmotorized recreational mining activities, including panning for gold.
Suction dredge equipment, suction dredging. The regulation clearly, very clearly targets suction dredges, not highbankers.
We spoke to the LEO personally who confiscated the first miners foot valve and he told us a highbanker "aids"' in the processing of material, so therefore his interpretation of the law is that it is illegal. We asked him specifically where he gets the authority to enforce who mines on someone's mining claim and when did DFW obtain the authority to enforce a civil matter.
Let's go over these individually:
It is not the job of any LEO to "interpret" any laws. Their job is to enforce state law and state regulations as written.
The 5653 regulations very specifically target, name and pertain to "suction dredging" not high banking, panning or driving a truck.
I asked the LEO about a scenario. I told him "sometimes I drive an 87' Toyota pick up and use it to haul my mining equipment and highbanker around. I use this truck to AID me in the processing of material, under your interpretation, are you going to confiscate my truck if I'm driving it with my equipment in the back?". He said "see Shannon, there you go, now you understand how complicated this is".
It is not complicated, nor illegal. The law and regulation states, very, very clearly that it pertains to suction dredging, not panning, highbanking or flying a plane. To compare a highbanker to a suction dredge is like comparing a Prius to a log splitter.
A highbanker does not suck materials from the bed, stream or bank. It is a water pump period. Just like the one on a jet boat or the pump a farmer uses to pump water to his crops. Are they going to go an confiscate every jet boat on Shasta Lake or running on the American River? I think not.
He told me "a judge ruled we could enforce claim jumping" but also stated, when asked who the judge was "I don't recall". First of all, who mines on my claim is purely a civil matter. Meaning....if I own a claim and someone else is mining it, it is NOT the job of DFW, BLM, EPA or USFS to even inquire if they have permission to mine on it, we had this same issue with the USFS and are suing them as a result of this, and them pulling a Taser on a miner when asked for ID. It is my obligation to patrol, police and enforce who mines on my claim. For example, if I caught someone mining my claim without my permission, it is my responsibility to make sure I have marked the claim clearly with corner markers and some form of discovery monument. It is then my responsibility to contact the Sheriff of the county in which the claim is located, provide that Sheriff with my real property mining claim documents showing I am the owner and the person does not have permission to mine it. It is a violation of Federal law to claim jump.
There is a matter of what is known as "probable cause". An LEO or any officer must have probable cause that a crime is being committed, is about to be committed or has been committed. In this case, the LEO's justification for initial contact was "claim jumping" and completely outside their authority. This is alarming.
You may be familiar with the 4th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, something we proudly have on the side of our AMRA truck:
the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be searched.
There are a multitude of cases on probable cause, the primary being Terry v Ohio in 1968.
We met with Tom McClintock's office immediately after the first incident and also reached out to Assemblyman Brian Dahle's office. Dahle's office was very helpful and immediately opened up a dialogue with DFW inquiring as to what authority they had to confiscate equipment from legitimate miners when it does not pertain to the regulation or law. The response from DFW is the same as the LEO, they cite 5653(g) saying it "aids" in the processing of material. At their request, we provided a letter from our attorney specifically outlining what the bill's intent was, that the header on the bill and regulation say "suction dredging" and that the regulation is identical to the bill (SB637). Under both, it clearly states it pertains to "suction dredging" and suction dredging alone.
DFW is ignoring the header on the bill, the regulation and our letter. Now, with this newest confiscation, without any citation they have crossed into a new realm of illegality in our opinion. If I came onto your 30 acre property and told you water pumps were illegal and I'm taking it, here's a receipt for it, what would your response be?
We are demanding a meeting with DFW. This is not just infuriating, it is dangerous, illegal and violates an American citizens civil rights.
We will keep you posted on this very important and alarming case here in California.
Please consider making a donation to AMRA, or joining as a member so we may continue this fight for our very rights.

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i didnt say ruined, ineffective for the amount of donations they receive, hell yes!

Id rather hear about your fishing rant than indians. Since GW wants to be fair, give the indians their land and minerals back and let them have your claims. Thats more than fair and you can still mine the miners and sell stuff to them, your favorite way to mine right?

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I'm sorry but my letter to the water board has as much weight as amra. You think that just because amra sent a letter that it has more effect than mine? There is no proof to your comments, but it is wishful thinking and I don't want you to get depressed more than you are. Easy picker, my letter was way better than your empty bable you had months to prepare for Sac meeting. Get you head out of your cloud and say something coherant and on topic instead of fishing license nonsense. Thanks for that, really well said on behalf of the small miners.

Just keep insulting me Todd or whatever your name is. Keep hinting at my mining claims..keep trying to rile me and call me names.

The only reason you are doing it is because you aren't doing to my face.

My point with bringing up licsensing and revenue was to illustrate the scheme of management agencies using our tax dollars to "improve" activities on public lands.
Something we all know isn't true.
Please repost the link to my ad hoc speach. As I remember it was well recieved in the room.

I seriouslly doubt you were there. it was broadcast.

Obviouslly public knowledge is public knowledge. It is difficult to share certain info because you may have to worry about some nutjob coming after you or something.

Considering I own a store and am pretty public it doesn't really matter anymore as far as anonaminity goes.
Ettiquite and common respect and decency are another thing.

My name is Jarrod Hnizdil yes I have two mining claims Easy Picker one and two. I share those claims with a few partners.

If someone wants that info they can get it.

You getting butthurt and outing me in forum posts does nothing but, show your character, intent and cowardice.

I am personal friends with numerous posters on tnet. I have met dozens more. corresponded privately with dozens more.

That is a claim you will never be able to make.

I have never hid behind my avatar. Or Changed my name after getting booted for previous attacks. Toulamne Todd

You are a joke and a punk. Just keep running your mouth because you are too much of a ***** to say who you actually are and are on the internet.If you want to come say what your saying to my face the address is 7170# HWY 49 lotus, Ca. I will meet you here anytime!!

I'm sure this will get reported by you and pulled But, since I don't know the name of your jewelry store I have to say what I'm saying here.
I don't even care if I get a time out or banned. Your a P.O.S.

first off my name is not tuolume or todd but I do have a big claim, it is with partners, I have 4 partners. maybe tnet would be better if only members could see post but its way too easy for lurkers to find your claim and since you work the more easier to high grade you, thats not my fault. We will wait till they regulate dredging and then pay my fees to get back in the water, Im saving my money for that instead of giving it away to advocacy groups with no known quantitative results from said donations.

your point on licensing has nothing to do with the waterboard and its actions on dredging. That was a waste of 2 minutes. I hope your letter was better or it was a lost cause and did nothing for small miners. But you looked really good to your tnet amra friends standing there thanking them, how nice.

I have been on amra claims, to their weekend outings, to the raffles, I donate but I have yet to see anything productive come out of this. The fake news facebook really got me butthurt and I admit I am not going to think that money can fix this problem anymore.

GW, getting a golf clap at a meeting from the choir is not evidence of success. The board already noted that it is better to write a letter than try to get your point across in 2 minutes. Showing up is one thing and repeating what others have said is another. You can find the link yourself and post it or if I do it will get taken down. Really you think your speech was good? You were at the bottom of the list of good speakers that day. If I meet at your place just dont get heated if I complain you dont have the right sunglasses or float tube I was looking for lol!

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GarroteGold, please end all the insults and implied insults and post by our rules.

im sorry i hurt his feelings, way too sensitive to hear the truth. Lets all the miners hold hands and pray Kumbaya maybe that will work. Im a Jeffersonian and he said two hands at work do more than 10,000 in prayer.

Well good for you! You're still able to mine your claims... Are you producing good wages?
Here in California, I was pulling in an average wage of $300 a day in 2009 before the state stepped in and forced me into retirement by making it illegal to dredge here... Here we are 8 years later and we still can't mine our claims, and the fight has been on the whole time. Go ahead and sit quietly in Oklahoma, enjoy the gold that you're working for with minimal regulations. How much of an impact are you making on the economy? How much money are you making off of your mining? Some of us make a living off of our hard work in mining and many of our small gold mining towns have taken a huge hit to their pocketbooks because of over regulation. If you have oil wells in Oklahoma or coal mines, then you'll understand what I'm saying. If you don't fight back when people are taking your rights, you can't succeed. AMRA is doing what they do because they don't just take a back seat and do nothing... I was forced into retirement 8 years ago and I still live completely off of my mining income that I once had... The fact that I can't mine some of my claims in a way that can make me a profit, is why AMRA and a couple other organizations are fighting for me and all of us that have lost our ability to make a decent wage for our families to live off of by over regulation.

Reed my claims are in Arizona not Oklahoma and while I have not had the issues that you have I have still deal with rogue Rangers. You guys in Cali are getting screwed I don't argue. My opinion was just that my opinion everyone has to do what is right to help their situation as for me I stand by my statement. It sucks that a few can make decisions that effect so many. I understand the frustration that is felt by you guys. I didn't mean any disrespect.

There are many forces at work that are a threat to the mining community.. But until we start holding ourselves accountable and set a high standard for ourselves we will fail.
You like to come to the rescue of miners in distress? Well how about holding the people you defend accountable? actually help the miners that need help? The simple truth is AMRA POST reads like it was written by someone who has very little understanding of what they are talking about.. So many mistakes.. Also I abhor the fact that AMRA use its platform to breed hate and encourage it..
GW you find words of wisdom from AMRA and consider yourself a better person for your association with AMRA That's your business.. even with my 7th grade education I can read thru the crap AMRA posts and tear it to pieces.. TRUTH KNOWLEDGE INTEGRITY are traits that are not reflected in AMRAS post not , as far as I can tell not a single one of them..

Anyway to each their own.. My grandpa always said a sucker was born every minute.. SEEMS THATS WHAT GROUPS LIKE AMRA BANK ON!!!

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the guys doing the least complaining the most.

Writing letters doesn't do anything. Theres a reason they take down the dialogue and compile input from the workshops. Same reason Izzy and her crew show up.

If no one showed up it would be a lot easier to just say therer is no opposition.

Funny you mention it's to easy for lurkers to get info, It's way easy when a guy like you searches out the info , because you know my name from speaking. Then name my claims on the forum on purpose to get at me.

You did that. You call people names in other threads. You talk crap on personal attributes and actions. As a way of making a personal jab. Instead of discussing the topic in a mature way.

It is absolutely cowardly and rude.

And still you get to hide behind your fake name. I have more respect on this forum than you will ever have and it is earned.

As far as Amra goes. I don't find words of wisdom from them. I don't donate to them. I support what they are trying to do. They may not have it all right.

But, from the peanut gallery I have yet to see any kind of moral authority as far as the complaints against them from an extreme minority of people who post on tnet.

Breed hate...oh, brother.

Writting letters does nothing? How so?
You can write 100 pages or one and they HAVE to read it all. Obviously you didnt read any details on the waterboard web site where they recommended letters first! They know many people cant show up during a weekday so letters have more weight.
So you think 2 minutes and a few one word points they wrote down from your off topic speech does more than a thought out letter? Gw you should know better
Izzy and her friends wrote long letters, their speech was just a paraphrase of their long letters.
Amra wrote long letters, their speech was just a sniping of that.
you wrote no letter and gave bad speech off topic, thanks on behalf of all miners for your hard work. You had months to prepare and failed.
Letters are better than 2 minutes every time

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They HAVE to read it all oh, please. They just get filed and posted online as proof. Though I don't think the swrcb does that even. Showing up to meetings and workshops carries more weight. Your testimony gets logged as well.
They do not disregard in person input.

They do disregard form letters. Written correspondence goes to the legislature., for the most impact.They hope everyone will write send a form letter and not show up.

It wasn't off topic and The part about fishing licenses was a small part of the three public comments I made at that workshop.

Just because they recommend a letter first other input is not negated.

How about you stop finding ways to attack me.

How about you show us what you have been doing,

and please kindly show copies of your letter...and what you are doing to help out.

Because hopping on a forum and bashing the people who are helping is not helping.

I have also spent hours on the phone between the waterboard, ACOE, DFW, and my district reps. Gathering research, making comments being proactive.

So how about you stop hiding behind your avatar making personal attacks at me and show us who you really are.

Before you tell others to put up or shut up.

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Man I'm ugly....

Not off topic though.

it's about discrimination agains a certain user group...with no scientific basis..Just trying to make comparisons. And refute claims being made.

Also as a way to compare the millions of anglers to the relative handful of dredgers. The fact that if there are less fisherman and more fish.....and no dredger has killed any.

We do not have a negative impact and we are not adding a pollutant.

No reason to be over redundant. Next time maybe you can get up and say something.

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im sorry i hurt his feelings, way too sensitive to hear the truth. Lets all the miners hold hands and pray Kumbaya maybe that will work. Im a Jeffersonian and he said two hands at work do more than 10,000 in prayer.

Has nothing to do with "his feelings" it violates our rules that you agreed to by posting here.

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