Am I wrong?


Jun 11, 2007
Hello all,

I am new to these boards and very new to detecting. I recently went on a family trip to a local river and ended up loosing a $1600 wedding ring. I know the general area I lost it in so I decided I wanted to buy an underwater MD so I could go find the ring.

My Wife thinks I am crazy.

I personally think a $400.00 Investment in a good MD to recover a $1600.00 ring is well worth it. Aside from a good chance at finding the ring, I may (over a period of time) find enough other stuff to more then pay for the detector (Cobra Beach Magnet)

I figure Gold is pretty heavy, even a size 10 mens ring, so it should not be affected too much by current and the current was not that strong. I firmly believe I can find it but my wife thinks I am nuts.

Any input from the long-timers? Am I nuts for thinking I can find this ring?

Not at all !!! Go for it handgrabssmily.gif

A friend just borrowed mine to find his wedding band, and did. So go for it. But read the warning labels, detecting and Treasure Net are both addictive hobbies. Good luck I hope you find it, welcome aboard.

As long as the current is not that strong and the water is not too deep and you have a good idea of where it fell off at like you say,then I say go for it.It can't hurt and you may find out that you enjoy it.Here is a review of your machine from a respected member of this site-,18662.0.html. Be sure to read reply number 10 also.Good luck.If nothing else,you should be able to resell your machine on Ebay for close to what you paid for it if it does not work out for you.

Well, anyone who would pay $1,600 for a ring is already a few clowns short of a circus in my book. So buying a detector is a step in the right direction whether you look for the ring or not. :D

some local dealers rent out machines.

Wives are like that ;)
Trust us when we say it is very addictive hobby.
Rent or borrow one 1st, then if you get the 'beeper bug' you can
CONvince her that you need a machine. :)

I agree on the price of the ring. I did not want to spend that much but she did. I already bought the Beach Magnet. I wanted to go for the Garrett Seahunter Mark II, but I was lucky I could talk her into getting one at all. I have read most all of Monty's posts on underwater MDs, so I am aware of the shortcomings. I think, at least for what I initially need it for, it will work great. If I can find a few extra shiney trinkets, I am sure I could talk her into letting me buy the Seahunter in a year or so.

It will be a few weeks before I can make it back out to the river, but I will be sure to post if I find it or not. In the mean time, I will probably practice with the Beach Magnet on dry land when it comes in. There are a few older schools in my area that are begging to be scanned.


sorry about the loss.

Have an idea. :P

If you can check if there are any MD'ing clubs
in the area. When you go out, ask if any of
them would like to come with you. MD'ers
are like that. Will help you hunt for it.

Just a thought.

Also, as others have said, use caution with
that machine.. It will get you interested in
the hobby and you could kiss the rest of your
life good-bye. ;) ;D

have a good un......

I've heard form a couple of guys who actually kinda' like the Cobra thing, so surely it will find something. Good luck and I hope you find it. Monty


Yes you can find it, With a Cobra thingy! I don"t know, If I were you I"d give a local guy a 20$ bill to find it with a Sea Hunter or a Tiger Shark (my Choice) and he probably would find it if he has any experiance at all.

Why do I get the feeling that this loss has become the perfect excuse to buy a metal detector?......just kidding......all jokes aside, I think you have a good chance at finding it sooner or later with a metal detector. Go for it. BTW, I doubt the hunting will stop there!

don't go with a local guy,, in fact tell nobody where it is till ya get it back...... some people would try to keep it.... you can do this easy... ;D

don't forget to look a little bit downstream just in case. It might not have gone far but it may have slid a little ways before it lodged. The bottom of a creek can be a slickery place! good luck my friend.

If there is any current at all in the river/creek, I would suggest you start a fair ways downstream from where you think it is. Search slowly and carefully. That way, all the stuff in front of you is undisturbed. Doing it the other way, you would either disturb the bottom and possible dislodge the ring or miss it the first time and push it either deeper in the mud or further down between the rocks.


I say go for it, although you might want to try and rent a detector first. If you buy one, just remember, while you may find it, there is no "guarantee" that you will. someone might have come along already, it might have washed downstream, etc.

either way... good luck


Thanks BioPro for the tip. I never enven though about starting downstream and working up. Yea, I am not really linking the idea of hiring a local, even if I knew any in that area. I know many are honorable (at least from these boards anyway), but I's sooner not take the chance with a stranger. Maybe once I get the MD I will try to join a local club and get to know some people first. I will definately let everyone know how it went when I get back.

Thanks everyone for all the great advise and support. And thanks Monty for the great MD reviews.

You might want to use some kind of markers on the shore (pile of stones, etc) to mark the area of the stream that you have searched, in case it takes more than one try and you have to come back on a different day.

Good luck

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