Allergies, Help!


Silver Member
Feb 21, 2008
SE Missouri
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This has been the worst in 10 years. It's mostly my eyes, but it is keeping me inside with a cloth over my eyes. I am taking pills, nose spray, & eyedrops, all to no avail. got any home remedies or personal experience as how to deal with it? I ended up in er last time & they gave me epinephrin (?)
don't wanna do that again.
any help would be appreciated.
oh I eat local honey, (suppose to help)

Sorry to hear about your allergies. Have you tried Benadryl? The children's version works on the dogs, and the regular works on us and the grandkids.
Hope this helps,

Well the best thing i can tell you is go see your Dr.....

Have you gotten a script for Flonase? This year has been horrible for some reason, maybe the mild winter. I normally don't have bad allergies but I don't know how I would have made it this summer without Flonase. Hope you feel better.


My wife is in the same boat this year. I took the family out for a walk the other night to look for fossils and the wife has spent the last 3 days in bed because her allergies flared up so bad. She had the allergy testing done awhile back with some shocking results. Let's just say she should be living in a bubble with the amount of postive hits the testing produced. The allergist gave her several prescriptions but, she is stubborn like a mule and won't get them filled. Worst part is we live in the woods and she is allergic to damn near every plant and animal around us. Her allergist joked that she is basically allergic to air in general.

Truthfully, move to Arizona, Artifacts galore, gold and a healthy dry climate. Hotter than Hades, but it's a dry heat, sort of like inside an oven. Might even extend your lifespan 2-3 months.

If headaches are part of the trouble, try holding your head over hot steam, careful to not burn your face. I have sinus headaches, and that helps when nothing else will.

thanx everyone for the info. I have tried everything y'all have suggested, & still = this yr is bad but I just finished cleaning up the yard from the storm, & then mowed. I had goggles on, a super wide brimmed hat, & a badanna. I must have been a sight to see. one of my neighbors stopped to pull in the drive way, saw me & took off. hope I didn't scare her too bad!
I'm thinkin I'm gonna be cleanin up after that storm for awhile.

Zyrtec works for me. I actually prefer it over other stuff (Claritin, Equate, Benadryl, Sudafed, Flonase, etc). The best part about Zyrtec is that despite the expense, it's not a "horse pill" for one-per-day relief.

Kennalog shot from your dr will take care of alergies for the hole year, I have such a bad grass alergy that it made it next to impossable to detect or even mow the lawn, I ended up in the ER twice. Have gotten the shot every year for the last three years and I have absolutely no problems. Its a miricle drug because none of the other OTC meds worked at all for me.

Montana, thanx for the info I have thought about getting the shots, but didn't know what it was called. I will go to my doc. at this point, I am a prisoner in my sealed up house. with the lawn growing higher every day. I think I have been on Tnet more this past couple wks than the whole time I've been a member. I can only do so much housework, reading, & knitting. If I can't get out & find treasures, I will watch as others do.

Buy yourself some local unprocessed honey at your area farmers market....take a tablespoon a day. The small doses of pollen in the honey will help build up your immunity. This really does work. I have hundreds of people buy my honey on a regular basis with great results. Keep in doesn't just help you overnight.

Did you read the original post?

Oh well, the wife always tells me that I have selective hearing....guess I have selective reading also.

Oh well, the wife always tells me that I have selective hearing....guess I have selective reading also.

no problem I have selective memory.
by the way, my eye doc gave me new product- eye drop called lastacaft It WORKS!! I am so happy!! It's expensive, but luckily my insurance paid most of it. now if only they would pay to have the bags under my eyes (from constantly rubbing them) erased. but I don't care, I can go outside again!!

Sorry to hear that and hope you're better. I guess move to the desert or come back to the mountains. You know you liked it up here. Course just opposite of Chisos' post, it's colder than a well digger's a**, but it is a dry cold. Plus, you are one of the few folks on here who might know who M. John Fayhee is, and he's got a couple of books out and been over here at the Moose Jaw promotin them, so all the more reason to move back to the mountains and get exposed to culture. And drink beer while you do.

Zyrtec and Singulair here, along with a nasal saline rinse or douche, google it, all those micro pollens and allergens build up. If you don't rinse them out, they build up an wipe you out.

I had to have surgery for a sinus infection that could not be controlled, afterwords, the doctor told me about the nasal rinse thing. He said "people brush their teeth, but never their nose."

Remember, the space above the roof of your mouth, between your ears, and behind your eyes is empty, dark, moist and warm, great place for things you don't want to grow and fester.

Also, blow your nose gently and slowly, if you blow too hard, it pushes everything into your ear canals. Chances are you nose is not plugged up, but the tissues are swollen and inflamed, closing the passages, the salt water removes the debris, kills anything living there, and causes the swelling to go down. :icon_thumright:

Like someone already stated, you desperately need a Kennalog shot. I've tried absolutely everything out there and nothing helped until this one time shot. You're allowed a shot every 3 months and I guarantee it to work!

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