I got bit buy a copperhead in Indiana one summer, in the calf of my leg. Was drinking Tequila and it would have been about 30min walk in the hills to the car and 45min drive to the hospital.
Its impossible to cut your self like they say to make an X , and you cannot suck the back of your own leg. So I just sat down and relaxed back at camp.
Two days later back home I called the Doctor and he said well maybe a tetnes shot would be good, so at his office on day three the Doctor said this shot may be more dangerous at your age than the snake bite.
Its impossible to cut your self like they say to make an X , and you cannot suck the back of your own leg. So I just sat down and relaxed back at camp.
Two days later back home I called the Doctor and he said well maybe a tetnes shot would be good, so at his office on day three the Doctor said this shot may be more dangerous at your age than the snake bite.