1Shoot if you were closer to Oregon I'd be over right now to see the mill operate! I'd be happy to get 1 ton a day. Come June hoping to fire mine up if I can find some decent ore. Been prospecting with the detector, tracing the strike of veins mapping everything out in ONx. Been through 1,000 of feet of tunnels. Best I found so far runs 0.14opt gold and .16opt silver. Used a cheap china digital computer scope to take the picture. Crushed to about 80 mesh. Planning on prospecting and hopefully mining 3 months this year solid. Have to wait till the kids are on summer vacation. Start with dig some of the overburden off a vein the old timers surface mined and possibly drift into the sidehill if the vein has consistent values. Gain 1 foot of back for every foot in because the hill is so steep. They surface mined it for a good 300 feet so there's alot of vein left underneath.. If it turns out the vein is barren or pockety I'll forget about drifting on it and look for pockets. Being they surface mined it for such a long consistent stretch though I suspect that it has ore throughout. Won't know till the snow melts and I can get digging!
Low-Sulfide Quartz Gold Deposit Model
Roasting is a process of heating a sulfide ore to a high temperature in the presence of air.