Alexander Tetradrachm-question on mint mark

I hope autographcollector! has not been holding his breath since 2015 for the answer.
His coin probably looks (Iooked) like this:

Amphipolis is usually cited as the site of Alexander's principal Macedonian tetradrachm mint The mint mark will appear on the reverse side of the coin.
Don in SoCal
PS: For an in depth chat about Alexander's mints.........
"As numismatic commentary on the geographic scope of Alexander's influence, 464 or 36.6 percent of his tetradrachms were issued in Europe (includes the regions of Macedonia, Greece, Thrace, and Cyprus), 777 or 61.2 percent were issued in Asia (includes the regions of Asia Minor, Syria, Phoenicia, Babylonia, Media, Susiana, and Arabia), and 16 or 1.3 percent were issued in Africa (includes the regions of Egypt and Cyrenaica).

The ten most prolific cities minting Alexander tetradrachms were, in order, Amphipolis (176), Babylon (135), Pella (73), Aradus (57), Mesembria (49), Tarsus (46), Miletus (38), Ake (38), Chios (30), and Aspendus (29).


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