Franklin told you what the problem is, in his post above. You harass posters who don't think exactly like you think, repeating yourself over and over. And as the one you referred to as "another," I have tried to explain that to you multiple times. You've made your point known about what you believe and think about the Beale story, and that's fine, you have the right to do that. You DON'T have the right to harass and argue with everyone here. You have fought with every single poster on this board who have posted anything to do with the Beale story possibly being true. Every single one of us, bar none. You have been warned by a moderator about that - "ECS if you do not believe in treasure story that is your right, but you can't be constantly argumentative with those that do."
Look on the right hand side of the page under the heading "Last post by." From top to bottom it's almost entirely posts by ECS. You have a right to post, but after the same things 5,000 times, as Franklin explained, it becomes harassment...