Additional evidence

  • Thread starter Thread starter Old Silver
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In the last couple of my posts, where is it that I am harassing or arguing with Franklin, you, or anyone?
You keep claiming that I have run posters from these threads. Did they contact you and tell this? Who? If you make this charge you should be able to present evidence of this and of you other claims against me.

When does your constantly repeated complaints since 2013 concerning my doing this and that because you do like or agree with my posts become harassment?

You keep mentioning a moderator's warning, but neglect to mention that you were also warned.
To the best of my knowledge, and rereading over several of my posts since the admonition by several moderators, I do NOT see where I have argued or harassed anyone on these threads.

If you can cite and quote these transgressions, I will do my best not to commit them again in the future and post to your higher expectations, because, really, I am tired of this constantly repeated complaints of yours...
...OR , do I have to begin every post where I ask a question with the disclaimer, "This is not an argument or harassment, just a basic question"?

More arguing. If you reread the post you will see I did explain it, and even gave one example. One of MANY examples. If that's not enough, look at what Franklin was telling you just before I posted. We were both telling you pretty much the same thing, as many posters here have done. The fact is, you have fought with all of us, bar none, and many of them don't post anymore.


Yes Maxi bought Robert Morriss' House. And we know of James Beverly Risque and the Masons attended several parades and dinners yet where does this prove or disapprove the Beale Mystery. That is known facts neither for or against. But you have made several statements without any proof such as all those gentlemen you quoted from the Job Print Pamphlet living in Lynchburg saying they did not want their names or their ancestors in a fiction novel. Where is the proof? Also you say that Maxi was the only living person still living when the Job Print Pamphlet was published. What about James Beverly Ward and all of his 12 children? What about their grandchildren? The son of his niece that started the Piggly Wiggly store chain. Don't you think any of them would have objected if they thought their father had published a fiction novel telling everyone that it was true. James Beverly Ward if he was not the author but indeed agent for the author---------they both had from 1862 to 1885 to talk to everyone involved with the story. So when you say that Maxi was the only one living that could check with, why did not the author and James Beverly Ward seek out Paschal Buford and others to verify the story to be true. The reasons are plain they knew the story was true.
You either misunderstood, or attempted to change my statements meaning.
According to research, some of which you even posted, the Buford's were never consulted about Beale's stay, which they could confirm or deny, and it is a FACT that Ward applied for copyright after both Pascal and Francis Buford passed away.
I also posted the link where the Buford children were asked about Beale, including CSA Lt Col (ret) Vincent A Witcher's complaint to Rowland Buford, but you already know this.
...and you are aware of Ward's Grandson, Gorham B Walker's comment to US Lt Thomas Fawcett: " thought that undoubely Mr Ward was the true author of the Beale Papers".
Everything that I have posted can be researched and verified, and I am sure that you know already know this.
What I don't understand is this constant argument with facts from one who is trying to solve the "Beale Mystery" as either truth or fiction.

More arguing. If you reread the post you will see I did explain it, and even gave one example. One of MANY examples. If that's not enough, look at what Franklin was telling you just before I posted. We were both telling you pretty much the same thing, as many posters here have done. The fact is, you have fought with all of us, bar none, and many of them don't post anymore.
The poster from your example has been back several times on this and other topics, and others made similar comments to him, but you seem to only mention mine.
Not to argue with you, but who are all these posters you claim I ran off?
...and you haven't addressed my question on who I have harassed or argued with since the moderators warning?
From here, it looks like YOU are doing all the arguing and harassment.

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You either misunderstood, or attempted to change my statements meaning.
According to research, some of which you even posted, the Buford's were never consulted about Beale's stay, which they could confirm or deny, and it is a FACT that Ward applied for copyright after both Pascal and Francis Buford passed away.
I also posted the link where the Buford children were asked about Beale, including CSA Lt Col (ret) Vincent A Witcher's complaint to Rowland Buford, but you already know this.
...and you are aware of Ward's Grandson, Gorham B Walker's comment to US Lt Thomas Fawcett: " thought that undoubely Mr Ward was the true author of the Beale Papers".
Everything that I have posted can be researched and verified, and I am sure that you know already know this.
What I don't understand is this constant argument with facts from one who is trying to solve the "Beale Mystery" as either truth or fiction.

The only facts that are shown by what you just said is that some people didn't believe the Beale papers as true. That's not a revelation. And that Some of the Buford children didn't remember some of their customers?That's not anything unusual if you think about it.

The poster from your example has been back several times on this and other topics, and others made similar comments to him, but you seem to only mention mine.
Not to argue with you, but who are all these posters you claim I ran off?
...and you haven't addressed my question on who I have harassed or argued with since the moderators warning?
From here, it looks like YOU are doing all the arguing and harassment.

Why? I stated why. You started the fight.
And I also stated you have fought with every single one of us who have posted even a possibility of the Beale story being true. The proof is in the threads. Look at the ones you stood against who no longer post. It's easy to find.

Have you ever presented verifiable documented FACTS from people who believe the Beale Papers as true?

I didn't start any fight with you, but you have been on this rant since you first post in 2013 on my "Ward based his.." thread, and I agree, the proof is in the threads, and are easy to find. I can bump those first few to help your memory.
I realize, I should be flattered that my posts are considered such a threat to you that you have to constantly target me, but enough is enough.
If presenting factual information that is contrary to the Beale story being true, then, yes, I am guilty.
...but, so far, no one, not even you, have presented anything that can prove the Beale story true.
If my posts so offend you, please , please put me on ignore, but this never ending harassing accusations needs to end.
This will be my last response to you.

Back to the Beale codes discussion, which it should have been the whole time.

HA! Thought ppl wanted "The Beale Treasure"... "SCREW" the Codes/Ciphers! Thought D & R was the objective (DISCOVERY & RECOVERY)... TN is a TREASURE "Found" kinda place, I thought... NOT a Puzzle-Solving "Site"; hmmm...
BEALE CODE FORUM... DANG! MAYBE, it just doesn't matter; like the Vietnam War (or) CONFLICT. Dunno. WHAT is TRUTH here...?

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HA! Thought ppl wanted "The Beale Treasure"... "SCREW the Codes/Ciphers! Thought D & R was the objective (DISCOVERY & RECOVERY)... TN is a TREASURE "Found" kinda place, I thought... NOT a Puzzle-Solving "Site"; hmmm...
BEALE CODE FORUM... DANG! MAYBE, it just doesn't matter; like the Vietnam War (or) CONFLICT. Dunno. WHAT is TRUTH here...?

The forum heading says, Beale Codes. It doesn't matter what you call it, as long as you know what you're talking about, I guess.

The forum heading says, Beale Codes. It doesn't matter what you call it, as long as you know what you're talking about, I guess.
LOL! NOT gonna waste MY time on "Beale" Codes/Ciphers; it's like POLITICS or RELIGION... MUCH bickering!

The one thing I like about this place is if there is a thread I do not like or am not interested in I do not have to post in it or ague over something I do not beleive in.Life is to short to be unhappy or let someone get under your skin.
Just saying......

The one thing I like about this place is if there is a thread I do not like or am not interested in I do not have to post in it or ague over something I do not beleive in.Life is to short to be unhappy or let someone get under your skin.
Just saying......

I like all the information that is posted, but the option orientated reply is a bit rough at time's.

More arguing. If you reread the post you will see I did explain it, and even gave one example. One of MANY examples. If that's not enough, look at what Franklin was telling you just before I posted. We were both telling you pretty much the same thing, as many posters here have done. The fact is, you have fought with all of us, bar none, and many of them don't post anymore.


Tell it like it is Old Silver. I miss your post. I wish you would come back. But with two vultures circling I guess it is not worth it.

Tell it like it is Old Silver. I miss your post. I wish you would come back. But with two vultures circling I guess it is not worth it.
Interesting comment on the Beale topic threads - vultures circle things that are dead.

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