Old Silver
- #181
Thread Owner
In the last couple of my posts, where is it that I am harassing or arguing with Franklin, you, or anyone?
You keep claiming that I have run posters from these threads. Did they contact you and tell this? Who? If you make this charge you should be able to present evidence of this and of you other claims against me.
When does your constantly repeated complaints since 2013 concerning my doing this and that because you do like or agree with my posts become harassment?
You keep mentioning a moderator's warning, but neglect to mention that you were also warned.
To the best of my knowledge, and rereading over several of my posts since the admonition by several moderators, I do NOT see where I have argued or harassed anyone on these threads.
If you can cite and quote these transgressions, I will do my best not to commit them again in the future and post to your higher expectations, because, really, I am tired of this constantly repeated complaints of yours...
...OR , do I have to begin every post where I ask a question with the disclaimer, "This is not an argument or harassment, just a basic question"?
More arguing. If you reread the post you will see I did explain it, and even gave one example. One of MANY examples. If that's not enough, look at what Franklin was telling you just before I posted. We were both telling you pretty much the same thing, as many posters here have done. The fact is, you have fought with all of us, bar none, and many of them don't post anymore.