Addiction and self damage legalized, spraying water on tiny rocks banned

Kind of simple to me. The state isn't making a pile of money from dredgers so they got banned. They are getting piles of money through the sales of pot so it's OK as long as the revenue keeps rolling in. Now, the feds understand we all know "The War on Drugs" is pure BS on many levels. With that revenue going to the states the feds are realizing they're missing out on all that money. I figure by the middle of 2018 the feds will throw out what the states & people voted and all the dispensaries will be shut down or go bankrupt from court battles. Someone told me back east somewhere one state is demanding anyone with a medical pot card turn in their weapons no ifs ands or buts even though they have no laws on the books! You can understand where that's going. Even if it's taken to court & won most people will just give up and the rest won't get their weapons back because they were destroyed because of not having any room in the evidence locker etc.
You just have to step back a few steps and look at the big picture, where the revenue comes from and where it goes clear as day you'll see.

I never heard of anyone smoking a joint then committing violence. The legal pharmaceutical drugs cause that. Look at almost every shooting in the last 20 years.
Not that the law makers care haha.
All this will do is strip rights and get cops killed. It's hard to imagine there are cops that will so blindly do what their told but same as any other govt bot I guess.

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I never heard of anyone smoking a joint then committing violence. The legal pharmaceutical drugs cause that. Look at almost every shooting in the last 20 years.
Not that the law makers care haha.
All this will do is strip rights and get cops killed. It's hard to imagine there are cops that will so blindly do what their told but same as any other govt bot I guess.

Weed was most likely legalized for this very reason.Nothing is ever done without having a hidden reason.People just think of the obvious reasons,they never think that there could be hidden ones.

Like those who talk on their cell phone that are against mining, yet they don't seem to get without mining they would be no cell phone addiction to worry about. People don't seem to realize how many things they rely on every day and wouldn't want to do without wouldn't be possible without mining, there are people that think we don't need farmers and the grocery stores magically make the food they buy there.

True that. I hear clueless people around crested butte all the time complaining about mining yet they drive cars and use phones, live in houses, use appliances and tvs and everything else mining produces.
No way the authorities would know who has guns anyway, unless they were dumb enough to register haha.

Citizens are their own worst enemy sometimes.

Was it Pennsylvania a few years ago that had a statewide registration and hardly anyone showed up for it? I think I remember hearing that.

I remember that but im not sure if it was penn. or not.

The pot today is not the same as say the 60's & 70's. It is now MANY times more potent, if you can keep the general population medicated, it's easier to herd the sheep.

Right along with fluoride and television.

Yeah it gets you a better buzz but doesn't cause violence or death like the legal drugs do. Smoking bud doesn't have near the same affects or potency as medications have. They are by far much more dangerous.
Makes no sense to me but little does these days. It's all about the money, not what's right or wrong like was said earlier.

Here in NH there isnt very much help for alcoholics unless you have the cash.But,be a heroin addict you can walk into any fire station and theyll bring you right to a rehab for help.Yup help the addicts that are hooked on illegal drugs but dont help the ones on the crap that they themselves legalized.What a bunch of B.S.The last rehab I called wanted a nice 20,000 bucks.I have that in my change jar,bunch of *******s.

This could be a test to see how people react and if they will comply.
Colorado banned hi cap mags here a few years ago and magpul moved away but many of our sheriffs won't uphold it as unconstitutional. You can still get the hi cap mags anywhere but they are either taken apart or have a Popsicle stick inside to limit capacity and they fall out upon routine cleaning.....

I wonder if any sheriff will stand up to this or are they part of it. This will show who is serious about individual rights or oppressing for the state.

The sheriffs that go along with it are the ones that are bought and payed for.Simple as that lol.

Swede. Banning dredging takes NOTHING away that is needed to live.
You sure you're not just bashing weed that never killed anyone? If you partake in alcohol, better look in the mirror.

I dont get it. You say recrearional drugs are needed to live and dredging killed lots of people?

Swede. Banning dredging takes NOTHING away that is needed to live.
You sure you're not just bashing weed that never killed anyone? If you partake in alcohol, better look in the mirror.

Well then let's take everything away from you that is not needed for living,like everything besides food and water,beginning with your detector and your computer.

The mirror works also for the dredging /freedom discussions

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Here in NH there isnt very much help for alcoholics unless you have the cash.But,be a heroin addict you can walk into any fire station and theyll bring you right to a rehab for help.Yup help the addicts that are hooked on illegal drugs but dont help the ones on the crap that they themselves legalized.What a bunch of B.S.The last rehab I called wanted a nice 20,000 bucks.I have that in my change jar,bunch of *******s.

33yrs ago this July 4th I came out of a two week blackout. Went through just about everything I owned missing two trucks and woke up in a different province. I went down to the lobby of the old hotel and looked into the phone book for the local chapter of AA. A man picked me up and sent me to the city (don't remember how) and was checked into the medical ward of a rehab centre and signed my life away for the next 30 days, 3 meetings a day and that was it for the dry out. Now it takes a good 5 yrs to become a human again, to think normal thoughts, to get things on track. But it only takes the admission of the addiction to start the process. I don't do meetings as they themselves are an addiction after one knows the steps, but I knew the serenity prayer before the age of 12 when I was given a plaque by my sister-in-law as I think they knew what road was going to traveled.
Only a person themselves can stop-others can only be the support part of the equation .

The pot today is not the same as say the 60's & 70's. It is now MANY times more potent, if you can keep the general population medicated, it's easier to herd the sheep.

Just means you smoke a little pin joint instead of a big ole hooter.Another red herring to rile up the naysayers.

Just another one for yuks.The number varies but I believe around 100,000 to 250,000 people die a year due to medical mistakes.Another 45,000 or so in traffic incidents.In the U.S.Look,ain,t nobody getting out of here alive,fact.I,ve read all these posts about marijuana just because I find them interesting and it seems the main reason people object to it is because people get"high",whatever exactly that means.Here in the South a lot of folks object to any thing that might be "fun",usually Baptists but not always.Yep,if that,s fun we can,t have that!Might explain all the mean spirited people who call the law on M.D.ers,dang that guy looks like he,s having fun,can,t have that.If I can,t have fun then ain,t nobody having fun.I don,t think like that,I mind my business and let you mind yours as long as your business isn,t minding mine.Say that three times fast!Do I toke?None of your business,do you?None of my business.

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