A very serious question for all of us...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Noble Metal
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Well, its a sad day when a man can't play around.

But I will remember that.

And that if the Deepers does what they are guaranteeing it will do in discrimination, (did anyone ever read it?), if so, then you can be assured that one day or another I will be ordering one. - If true, then there will be no daught about that.

(And I don't mind anything about the company moving from Deepers 6 to Deepers 8 within and at the end of two years. - And at least they are honest enough not to wait on what they have done until January 1 to sell it.)

And Matt I was just playing around at the end of a thread and post, and so why don't you just don't answer and leave this post alone. (The day I have extra money here, and the day I feel the timing is right I would be very glad at 400 an ounce to order, good or bad, and let the whole world know.

Thank you all, Noble Metal.

After spending 6 months in Iraq, losing two close friends to IED's and taking 4 IED hits myself, I would never buy anything from a known French or Canadian company. The People in Spain can keep their junk as well. Just my thoughts.

God Bless America.

Hey Noble!
Seems you are already convinced about the 'deeper', at least to the point that you want us all chasing the wearisome trail. If all the other machines you have are not doing the trick...sell them. That should bring a good start to the nest egg you want to rick on the deeper.
I am ready for the wonder machine also! but honestly, the technology seems to be changing too slowly for a rehash of the same to really make that much difference.
In my mind there is not much differrence in the dream of vast wealth right under our feet, and the dream of a wonder machine that will show us all right where it is (right through the trash laying at our feet!) Its good to have dreams, American or Phillipine, we just dont all see the dream the same way. Norsea99

Dear Norsea99,

Many Dreams are for those who sleep, and I too feel that things are changing too slowly, but I do like Science, and am always waiting for the better/Deeper machine in discrimination. ~ Will have to see what comes out new in 2005, and Thanks for all, Noble Metal...

I'll probably regret saying this because I am new here, but I need to get this out after lurking here for so long.
Seems to be a lot of narrowminded folk here that judge ordinary citizens of a country such as France or whichever one, by the way their government runs their country.
I know I am not defined by my president's actions. We are all individuals, and dismissing someone's invention because of their place of birth or residency is simply ludicrous.

Happy hunting, fellas. :thumbsup:

You guys dredged up a fire year old topic- :icon_scratch:

elkboy said:
I am a UAW (United Auto Workers) union rep, so I wouldn't buy one for one simple reason. It's made in Mexico..... along with other things that my union brothers and sisters have lost jobs because it can be built for a lower wage...... which results in higher profits for the manufacturer..... Second if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is. Sorry NO SALE... HH Dave

I just stumbled upon this. But no offense. Maybe your views changed in the last five years. That's so damn ludicrous and stupid... U.S Dollar isn't on top anymore my friend!

elkboy said:
I am a UAW (United Auto Workers) union rep, so I wouldn't buy one for one simple reason. It's made in Mexico..... along with other things that my union brothers and sisters have lost jobs because it can be built for a lower wage...... which results in higher profits for the manufacturer..... Second if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is. Sorry NO SALE... HH Dave

I have lost a couple of jobs simply because the company moved to Mexico , i am not upset at the mexicans or their county , just at the blood sucking companies that decided to move there to save on labor costs .

elkboy said:
I am a UAW (United Auto Workers) union rep, so I wouldn't buy one for one simple reason. It's made in Mexico..... along with other things that my union brothers and sisters have lost jobs because it can be built for a lower wage...... which results in higher profits for the manufacturer..... Second if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is. Sorry NO SALE... HH Dave
This is a little off course but everything that is being imported hurts all Americans in the pocket book and you should be looking at American made first before looking else where for your thrills.

My detector in made right here in America and if the company went overseas, I would get out of the hobby.

Nothing is sacred in America anymore. Unions and CEO's are asking for big money and companies are outsourcing to the max and everything will be imported if we don't ask for American made products at the checkout stand.

My friend could not figure out why everyone on the other end of the phone had an Asian accent till he found out his phone was made in Asia. Just kidding, but you might be surprised.

Some companies claim that their products are American made when in fact they are only American assembled with components made elsewhere . I don't Understand why elkboy is attacking Mexico , if the French company decided to get their stuff manufactured there then its their decision , how is that affecting us here in the states or your "union brothers and sisters" ?? How is this "Robbing" our jobs?? If you just simply don't want to buy something because it was manufactured in the states its understandable , i am with you on this one but if you're simply not buying because it was manufactured or built by "Mexicans" sounds like a personal attack . Its not their fault that some American Blood sucking companies ( and other countries) are now doing business there to save on labor and/or materials ..

Why not blame the ones responsible for the jobs leaving.

EPA Radicals
Out of control taxation
lazy, inefficient, sorry labor

And why yes, I use to be management. I had to over staff by 30% just to get enough employees to run the plant. Do you know what that does to your labor cost per product production.? You can't compete, so you ship production overseas. :icon_scratch:

Apparently no one on this thread has realized that any circuit for a manageable size metal detector that could reach down to the depths claimed by this frog-machine, would have already been on the market; built by any one of the manufacturers in the USA. Probaby by the Gifford family.

GrayCloud said:
Why not blame the ones responsible for the jobs leaving.

EPA Radicals
Out of control taxation
lazy, inefficient, sorry labor

And why yes, I use to be management. I had to over staff by 30% just to get enough employees to run the plant. Do you know what that does to your labor cost per product production.? You can't compete, so you ship production overseas. :icon_scratch:

When a company has no choice its understandable , but i have personally seen 2 companies that i worked for and were doing quite well in fact so well that they got greedy , the CFO of one of these companies was and still is a friend of mine, he warned me about the company moving to Mex. and what do you know, 2 weeks later we were all called into the lunch room on a Monday and were told that our services were no longer needed and to pick up our checks on Friday , 129 employees out of a job just like that.. How do you react to something like that? While we were walking to our cars to leave we saw a couple of the owners taking champagne bottles out of their brand spankin new Mercedes Benz and a catering van was arriving as well , The --deleted--s were celebrating . These are the types of companies that i am talking about ..

Crazy-Texican. Greed is the flip side of the coin and I, like you, do not approve it.

I can tell you that I have had three companies sold out from under, and one with no notice.
The first to go is always management, as the new owners bring in their own people. So I do understand and emphasize with you. :icon_scratch:

Hi everybody. I am owner a 6 and one 7 deepers detectors, this are made in Veracruz Mexico by french enginers.I have used with some goods responses in places were are many salts ( salitre ). I have worked finding reliques from the mexican revolution and the results with deepers have been better than anothers detectors including pulse detectors made in another countries ( pulse star, 2000). My best recover was a cannon shell at 120 cms, in this place we have not response with another detectors, incluiding one two box detector. I can tell you the discrimination of ferrous and non ferrous is not good like the vendor say, because we recive signals like goods things, but we find only rusted metal,I do not belive his discrimination bewen gold and iron. By my experience I can tell you this detectors are good, and if you compare in prices others detectors it is no so bad. Another notice about this detectors, I have very nice plots using geo logger from Tim williams. I wish my experience with this devices will be good for somebody want buy this detectors. Thanks.

I don't know about you but deep,could mean several feet under ground ,which means lots and lots of digging,when was the last time you dug a 2-6ft. hole with a shovel and a pic-axe :icon_scratch:

Gray Cloud:

You never said what happened to the company after management ran it
into the ground. What happened to the big bonuses the bosses awarded
themselves? Did ya'll get a bonus for sending American jobs overseas?
Was it so brilliant to overstaff working stiffs while management filled up
on doughnuts and coffee while giving grief to the ones doing the work?

I worked for the most over-managed company in the US. Now it's 6
billion in the red.


Lastleg, that company was not ran into the ground. We brought it out of the red and into the black under my tenure. As for the employees, they made above scale compared to all other process plants like ours. They had the same benefits and same paid days off as the president of the company did. Please note that this group was a large co-op that owned properties in 27 states. An entry level employees that got hired two weeks before Christmas, would get the same bonus as I did as plant operations manager. No this particular group was actually very good to their employees. If I called the name, you would probably know them.

We were the first facility to beat Jessie Jackson and the food service union that he represented, in a union takeover election. Jackson lied his A$$ off to the employees and personally attacked me. This union was extremely dangerours and many a night, I did not know if I would make it home alive. I hate unions and their money stealing ways. We cared and took care of our employees and their needs. Not the union, all they wanted was the union dues.

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