You are certainly welcome to spend your money where you are comfortable but here are the posts I was referring to on the findmall PI forum:
I tried to get information from Latincom in Mexico
(the manufacturers) but got no facts and an extremely rude reply from their marketing manager who apparently took offence because I did not accept their advertising hype without question. After that I became rather disinterested. They claim to have sold a large number of their earlier machine, the Deepers5,but as a previous post pointed out it has been impossible to find anyone who owns one. It may well be a good machine
but lack of evidence puts me off.
I have a deeper 6 metal detector, it's new.
A partner paid me a debit with this device.
Deeper 6 is a Pulse metal detector.
I test it and works fine with good deep, but i prefer my Excalibur 1000 for beach hunter.
So, if you are still interesting, I sell it, good price.
Three things to consider here.(1) where you live (2) what you want to do with it (3) coil size.
If you are in the U.S. what would you do re repair/service. Someone posted about six months back that their Deepers did not work from the off. They posted a series of letters between them and the company and it seemed you had to be skilled with a soldering iron and be prepared to get your hands dirty.
I don't question the depth claims, in fact I would think its deeper but don't think its a coin/ring machine more relic only.
Its got a sort of flat-sided ellipse coil which is larger than normal hobby P.I.'s. I think if you put a larger than stock coil on a Deepstar (was there mention of a 15 incher?) then the Deepers 26 inches would not look to special. I recently dug a horse brass (thicker but way less surface area) from the two foot mark with the 11 inch on my Deepstar.
the discrimination claims made by the seller. What they were claiming about this model(besides sensitivity for small coins) was true and reliable discrimination which current P I models do not possess. Well Brian, are these claims bogus?
This question is probably why we have never seen a post by a Deepers 7 user. Posts asking for a review of the Deepers 7 have been common on this forum and others. I guess most people are skeptical and do not wish to gamble by sending all that cash to Mexico. They are afraid they would end up with just another unreliable discriminating PI which is simply overpriced and not that sensitive.
What did not help Deepers sales in the U.S. (and I guess that it was before they set up the Mexico branch) was the postings at very great length by a U.S. customer of his experiences getting his machine working in the first place. Deepers had him stripping the machine and checking and re checking various componants rather than just sending a working version.
The discrim. featured on the 7 just seems to be the (dropped gold ?) or similar named feature now being called SENSI. This worked as well on the 6 as on Erics own machines ie no signal so dig, which works fairly well as long as the target is not so near the coil that the mass of the good item defeats the reverse discrimination. The other 'unique' discrimination method of the 7 just seems to be the ferrous rejection method used in the Pulse Star II about 15 years back which provided LED lights, green for ferrous (and a low tone), red for non-ferrous (with a high pitch) which also worked as long as the targets were fist size or larger.
So two working methods of discrimination, neither of which are suitable for coin/ring or small gold location.