a theory of the time portal

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Creation is a balance of good and evil ,creation and destruction ,when the scale is off there is no safe haven ! you ask why the portals were here would you want to be there when the time is upon us ..? portals can be good or bad ...

Time Portals

What would one use a time portal for?

I hear that governments around the globe have access to a few.
There are portals in Egypt, Romania, Ireland, America....Antarctica probably...

Seems like a neat trick, but not too useful at the moment?

And what will become of you on April 24th 2024 Blindbowman

Blindbowman, please post by our rules, politics and religion are off limits.

Blindbowman, please post by our rules, politics and religion are off limits.
There was nothing BIind bowman discussed which caused any offence , it seems he gets targeted.

Portals was a very interesting discussion.

There was nothing BIind bowman discussed which caused any offence , it seems he gets targeted.

Portals was a very interesting discussion.
Our rules restrict politics and all forms of religion discussion to only on our politics forum page per our rules it is forbidden on any other forum..

I read a story about a warrior who was being pursued by the US Army - he would climb up a slope and literally disappear...
and reappear elsewhere in the mountain range.
I understand there was a lot of mining - there are tunnels, I'm sure.

Your experience with time warps is interesting; I never caught that one could literally become invisible. It's as though you were "folded" or "wrapped" within a different frequency.

Did you experience any side-effects?

this may be just a theory but .you most likely have never heard this spin on it before . but than only 4 people that i know of have ever found it or past thru it .this theory does not mean it is fact it is just what i saw and observed to get to the LDM you have to pass thru the portal but the portal is like a advanced security system ..see somehow it reacts to your genetic DNA and if your DNA somewhat matches the key it lets you in . maybe it see you as someone else that has a very close DNA to you .. we do know only 4 people have been able to pass thru the portal and finding the LDM is beyond the portal but some may not see it .. and we only have 4 that have past thru the portal and we only know that 3 saw the mine the 4th one did not ...so even if your DNA was close enough to get thru the portal you still may not get thru the portal and come out the other side in the correct time zone and date , now who built the time portal i don't know but it was not the native tribes .see the reason i say this is something came up in my research that i found interesting . the 3 people were very close to Waltz DNA somehow the portal could read our minds memory and use that to override the portal id system .see i don't know about the others . but i am Indian Dutch English , Dutch Germany Jewish to a fact ! what is funny WALTZ and LAWTON share common letters in our names all but the O in my name ,, see i think the portal let me in and when i wave to my brother outside the portal he could not see me because i was in the portal at the time .. he could hear my voice but he could not see me waving my hand right at him ... like i said it's just a theory but interesting nevertheless ..is the reason no one has found it is because it is protected by a portal ..maybe the portal was programed by a different language and it saw me and my DNA as Waltz ...as a shaman after i came out of the portal i was seeing the past play out all around me . i don't freak out easy so i found it odd but when i started talking to my brother again the feelings started to change back to normal so i just did not say anything about it ...what if these portals were left there long before humans came on to the Earth . left by some past culture we don't know of even today in the modern world we see every day ..we all have seen things we can't explain .some never see anything . but maybe the portal is the reason that happens ..i know the portal is real i just don't know how it works ...is it the ore deposits,is there some kind of electrical system there left by a unknown race of beings that came here long ago .. good question . but theories are theories for a reason ,,... we just don't the answer to those questions yet ..one thing is clear the Aztec sacrifice Altar nearby worshiped their GOD and the Sun or Sky .. maybe there is a reason the portal is there that we have yet to understand .. our logic may not have been their logic . and where did they go or are they still here our we them thousands of years later . who knows . it's just a theory ..and if the Chicomoztoc Seven Caves shaman cast out all the tribes ,they never said those tribes did not come thru a portal in to this world ..!
:dontknow: :dontknow::dontknow: WHAT IN THE WORLD ? This doesn't seem to make any sense, :dontknow: portals and DNA ? And Aztecs and Indians, and " I am Indian, Dutch English, Dutch German Jewish ??? This paragraph is all over the place :dontknow:
So what is this thread about ? That if we step too close to a portal and our DNA is similar to the DNA that is required to use the portal ... we will be whisked away to another dimension ? and what ? where our family can hear us but not see us ? I*'m not understanding any of this ... :dontknow:

:dontknow: :dontknow::dontknow: WHAT IN THE WORLD ? This doesn't seem to make any sense, :dontknow: portals and DNA ? And Aztecs and Indians, and " I am Indian, Dutch English, Dutch German Jewish ??? This paragraph is all over the place :dontknow:
So what is this thread about ? That if we step too close to a portal and our DNA is similar to the DNA that is required to use the portal ... we will be whisked away to another dimension ? and what ? where our family can hear us but not see us ? I*'m not understanding any of this ... :dontknow:
is not creation all over the place . i saw what i saw ... IMHO there are answers and in time we will see those answer surface ...aborigines knew far more than we do now in the modern world may this is not the modern world at all ,we maybe going backwards walking forward ...

I read a story about a warrior who was being pursued by the US Army - he would climb up a slope and literally disappear...
and reappear elsewhere in the mountain range.
I understand there was a lot of mining - there are tunnels, I'm sure.

Your experience with time warps is interesting; I never caught that one could literally become invisible. It's as though you were "folded" or "wrapped" within a different frequency.

Did you experience any side-effects?
i am a side effect ...lol

BlindBowman, have you ever seen any of these sort of symbols anywhere?

View attachment 2127888
yes, i know of them but do not be deceived ,10:7-11 is not seen in the teaching ,they have hidden the true meaning of the lion that watches over the 7th seal ... for these are the coming of the church lies that hide the truth of the coming of the Rapture ! i was sent to tell you the lion sets before the seven seal of the seven caves .! only he knows the time of his coming ... seek the truth and the little book becomes a massive teaching by word of his mouth and his alone ...! when the blind man speaks of what he sees fear the sighting of his words for the Rapture is upon mankind in his days ! kneel before his word for he is the true, Son of Man ! do i know the little book yes ,i should i put the ink to word long ago ! i am the blind man what do you seek .? the truth or more lies ? awaken the time is before you .they will tell you of the great ship built of one's hand but they will not speak of the portal that saved his chosen ones ..let not one drop of the sea taste the safekeeping of the seven caves . for that portal has been there before the word was word ..

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Blindbowman, I enjoy reading your posts, but please don't venture off into religion. If so, the moderators will close the thread, and I'd like to keep following along.

I understand your faith, but they are pretty strict about the rules here. (Rom. 12:18)

Blindbowman, I enjoy reading your posts, but please don't venture off into religion. If so, the moderators will close the thread, and I'd like to keep following along.

I understand your faith, but they are pretty strict about the rules here. (Rom. 12:18)
Any questions you may have please ask , you may not get opportunities that arise where a knowledged wise man may be “hear“ to share an explanation into the portals. The supers we know have them , there are also in mt shasta…..it is indeed Fascination what is permitted to share and what is deemed as “ religion” …mr Bowman may have been ridiculed before and Then banned but he’s back and whilst he is here enjoy his posts.
I am.

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