She was just a exploited media tool used in the indoctrination of confirmation-al bias of a whole generation by a whole industry based on research grants for universities and institutions that Al gore championed. The very institutions that in 70s was perching we was due for ice age again that then switched to global warming then quietly dropped the term global warming to climate change.
Billions around the word is being wasted on useless research projects. Where money would of been better spent on real issues such as effect of micro plastics, lead and other contaminates in food chain. And more into medical research. Instead of indoctrinating children creating a whole generation of virtue signaling neurotics that was in my eyes nothing short of child abuse.
Having manipulated young girl with Asperger's syndrome to speak at UN climate conference? Asperger's syndrome is the former name of a developmental disability that affects how people behave, see and understand the world and interact with others. People with this developmental disability may have special interests, repetitive behaviour's and under or overreact to sensory input. Whoever allow that at the UN sums up the credibility of UN.
The effect was it was created a Henny Penny the Sky is falling in syndrome.
The sky is falling in?
Keep perpetuating it the research money flowing in. We have children In Not going to school having climate strikes. Gluing themselves to roads waving placards with spelling mistake where they should be learning the ABCS not political activism. The Nazis and communism used to same tactic to promote their ideological agenda.
We have politicians and now heads of corporations all pandering to this system now with virtue signing? Why because all of these brainwashed traumatized kids have gone through the university system. And to succeed in that system you must become part of confirmation-al bias and believe blindly like if its a religion. To question anything but the narrative makes you a heretic.