A return to the park...


Jr. Member
Apr 11, 2024
Detector(s) used
Nox 800
My gf left town for a trip so naturally I immediately booked it to the old park about 2 hours away that I had found 2 Merc's at previously.

I arrived about 8am. Weather was nice for AZ (it's just starting to cool off!) and there was a light dew. Perfect digging conditions. However some other aspects would prove challenging... The park was packed with early morning walkers, dog trainers, an elderly yoga class, and homeless. So many homeless. One had his stuff (trash) strewn out all over. There were also some clear drug deals going on with this shady looking car that would roll in and drop off to customers. I didn't feel in danger or anything but it's a little bit unnerving. I had envisioned having the park all to myself for 3-4 hours but I wouldn't be dismayed. When life gives you lemons etc...

I began to the search. First couple hours I found nothing but clad and nails. I was trying to focus on deeper signals but the park proved challenging this time. There were all these high tones but like too high. 36-40 on the NOX. When I would switch 90 degrees on a target it would drop the ID to 18-19. In my (limited) experience that's usually a sign of a nail. Park was littered with em. I dug a few just to make sure. Thought about trying to discriminate those out but they were so prevalent I thought it would hurt my depth. After about 3 hours of finding essentially nothing, I decided to switch to the 6" coil.

I tried to slow down and focus more, covering a smaller area near where I recovered those Merc's before. It was slow going. The signals were super bouncy and all seemed to give off trash vibes. I did manage to recover a couple odds and ends.

TOP: One button maybe(?)(the text says "The Wheeler") maybe not a button but from a cart of something. A dial with Roman numerals off a small watch or something I'm guessing, some kind of a fixture, and a 22 cartiridge.
BOTTOM: Not sure what the wedge looking thing is. Thought the second thing could be something off suspenders but not sure either. If anyone knows please share. Thanks in advance.

I pressed on finding mostly clad here and there, couple wheats but nothing special. Did pick up a Chinese Jiao which is not worth anything but its always cool to find foreign coins and I've never found a Chinese one before.

clad.jpg chinesejiao.jpg

I kind of lose myself when detecting as I'm sure you guys understand but at some point I looked up and saw about 8 cops standing around arguing with some homeless lady. She was getting irate and causing a scene. I took a short break and long necked the situation. The cops had surrounded the homeless guy with all his stuff strewn out and I guess the lady probably had some relationship with him. Anyways long story short they wound up taking both away in cuffs. Sad really. Anyways I digress...

At this point time was running nigh and I only about 2 hours left, tired and frustrated from the lack of silver I entered the "f*** it, I'm digging it all" mindset. I hastened around digging most all signals. I happened across a 28-30, super low depth, only an inch or 2 down. Yea, yea, sure just a clad quarter. But obv I'm gonna dig it.. a quarter is a quarter afterall. I popped her out and recognized that shine immediately.


My first silver quarter! I was stoked.


The hunt and my mentality were saved and immediately the trip was all worth it!

Some guy passed by walking his dog and noticed my obvious elation. "Find something?!" I showed him and let him hold it. He didn't seem that impressed lol. Oh well, it wasn't gonna bring me down.

High off the quarter find, I continued the "dig it all" quest.

Next signal was a little rock pendant from one of those crystal shops.


Maybe amethyst or just some purple quartz likely. Not valuable but somewhat cool.

On to the very next signal, medium toned and not that deep, but she came out shining.


Not sure she's that old or worth anything, but anything that says 925, I'll take.

After that, finally satisfied and completely exhausted, I decided to hit the trail back home.
All in all, it was a good day.

If anyone knows anything about the items I found I'd appreciate any further information. Trying to learn.

Have a great day and thanks for reading!
- Night Hawk

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My gf left town for a trip so naturally I immediately booked it to the old park about 2 hours away that I had found 2 Merc's at previously.

I arrived about 8am. Weather was nice for AZ (it's just starting to cool off!) and there was a light dew. Perfect digging conditions. However some other aspects would prove challenging... The park was packed with early morning walkers, dog trainers, an elderly yoga class, and homeless. So many homeless. One had his stuff (trash) strewn out all over. There were also some clear drug deals going on with this shady looking car that would roll in and drop off to customers. I didn't feel in danger or anything but it's a little bit unnerving. I had envisioned having the park all to myself for 3-4 hours but I wouldn't be dismayed. When life gives you lemons etc...

I began to the search. First couple hours I found nothing but clad and nails. I was trying to focus on deeper signals but the park proved challenging this time. There were all these high tones but like too high. 36-40 on the NOX. When I would switch 90 degrees on a target it would drop the ID to 18-19. In my (limited) experience that's usually a sign of a nail. Park was littered with em. I dug a few just to make sure. Thought about trying to discriminate those out but they were so prevalent I thought it would hurt my depth. After about 3 hours of finding essentially nothing, I decided to switch to the 6" coil.

I tried to slow down and focus more, covering a smaller area near where I recovered those Merc's before. It was slow going. The signals were super bouncy and all seemed to give off trash vibes. I did manage to recover a couple odds and ends.

View attachment 2169737
TOP: One button maybe(?)(the text says "The Wheeler") maybe not a button but from a cart of something. A dial with Roman numerals off a small watch or something I'm guessing, some kind of a fixture, and a 22 cartiridge.
BOTTOM: Not sure what the wedge looking thing is. Thought the second thing could be something off suspenders but not sure either. If anyone knows please share. Thanks in advance.
View attachment 2169738View attachment 2169739

I pressed on finding mostly clad here and there, couple wheats but nothing special. Did pick up a Chinese Jiao which is not worth anything but its always cool to find foreign coins and I've never found a Chinese one before.

View attachment 2169740 View attachment 2169741

I kind of lose myself when detecting as I'm sure you guys understand but at some point I looked up and saw about 8 cops standing around arguing with some homeless lady. She was getting irate and causing a scene. I took a short break and long necked the situation. The cops had surrounded the homeless guy with all his stuff strewn out and I guess the lady probably had some relationship with him. Anyways long story short they wound up taking both away in cuffs. Sad really. Anyways I digress...

At this point time was running nigh and I only about 2 hours left, tired and frustrated from the lack of silver I entered the "f*** it, I'm digging it all" mindset. I hastened around digging most all signals. I happened across a 28-30, super low depth, only an inch or 2 down. Yea, yea, sure just a clad quarter. But obv I'm gonna dig it.. a quarter is a quarter afterall. I popped her out and recognized that shine immediately.

View attachment 2169742

My first silver quarter! I was stoked.

View attachment 2169743View attachment 2169744

The hunt and my mentality were saved and immediately the trip was all worth it!

Some guy passed by walking his dog and noticed my obvious elation. "Find something?!" I showed him and let him hold it. He didn't seem that impressed lol. Oh well, it wasn't gonna bring me down.

High off the quarter find, I continued the "dig it all" quest.

Next signal was a little rock pendant from one of those crystal shops.

View attachment 2169745

Maybe amethyst or just some purple quartz likely. Not valuable but somewhat cool.

On to the very next signal, medium toned and not that deep, but she came out shining.

View attachment 2169747View attachment 2169749View attachment 2169750View attachment 2169751

Not sure she's that old or worth anything, but anything that says 925, I'll take.

After that, finally satisfied and completely exhausted, I decided to hit the trail back home.
All in all, it was a good day.

If anyone knows anything about the items I found I'd appreciate any further information. Trying to learn.

Have a great day and thanks for reading!
- Night Hawk
Very Nice!!! Congrats!!!

My gf left town for a trip so naturally I immediately booked it to the old park about 2 hours away that I had found 2 Merc's at previously.

I arrived about 8am. Weather was nice for AZ (it's just starting to cool off!) and there was a light dew. Perfect digging conditions. However some other aspects would prove challenging... The park was packed with early morning walkers, dog trainers, an elderly yoga class, and homeless. So many homeless. One had his stuff (trash) strewn out all over. There were also some clear drug deals going on with this shady looking car that would roll in and drop off to customers. I didn't feel in danger or anything but it's a little bit unnerving. I had envisioned having the park all to myself for 3-4 hours but I wouldn't be dismayed. When life gives you lemons etc...

I began to the search. First couple hours I found nothing but clad and nails. I was trying to focus on deeper signals but the park proved challenging this time. There were all these high tones but like too high. 36-40 on the NOX. When I would switch 90 degrees on a target it would drop the ID to 18-19. In my (limited) experience that's usually a sign of a nail. Park was littered with em. I dug a few just to make sure. Thought about trying to discriminate those out but they were so prevalent I thought it would hurt my depth. After about 3 hours of finding essentially nothing, I decided to switch to the 6" coil.

I tried to slow down and focus more, covering a smaller area near where I recovered those Merc's before. It was slow going. The signals were super bouncy and all seemed to give off trash vibes. I did manage to recover a couple odds and ends.

View attachment 2169737
TOP: One button maybe(?)(the text says "The Wheeler") maybe not a button but from a cart of something. A dial with Roman numerals off a small watch or something I'm guessing, some kind of a fixture, and a 22 cartiridge.
BOTTOM: Not sure what the wedge looking thing is. Thought the second thing could be something off suspenders but not sure either. If anyone knows please share. Thanks in advance.
View attachment 2169738View attachment 2169739

I pressed on finding mostly clad here and there, couple wheats but nothing special. Did pick up a Chinese Jiao which is not worth anything but its always cool to find foreign coins and I've never found a Chinese one before.

View attachment 2169740 View attachment 2169741

I kind of lose myself when detecting as I'm sure you guys understand but at some point I looked up and saw about 8 cops standing around arguing with some homeless lady. She was getting irate and causing a scene. I took a short break and long necked the situation. The cops had surrounded the homeless guy with all his stuff strewn out and I guess the lady probably had some relationship with him. Anyways long story short they wound up taking both away in cuffs. Sad really. Anyways I digress...

At this point time was running nigh and I only about 2 hours left, tired and frustrated from the lack of silver I entered the "f*** it, I'm digging it all" mindset. I hastened around digging most all signals. I happened across a 28-30, super low depth, only an inch or 2 down. Yea, yea, sure just a clad quarter. But obv I'm gonna dig it.. a quarter is a quarter afterall. I popped her out and recognized that shine immediately.

View attachment 2169742

My first silver quarter! I was stoked.

View attachment 2169743View attachment 2169744

The hunt and my mentality were saved and immediately the trip was all worth it!

Some guy passed by walking his dog and noticed my obvious elation. "Find something?!" I showed him and let him hold it. He didn't seem that impressed lol. Oh well, it wasn't gonna bring me down.

High off the quarter find, I continued the "dig it all" quest.

Next signal was a little rock pendant from one of those crystal shops.

View attachment 2169745

Maybe amethyst or just some purple quartz likely. Not valuable but somewhat cool.

On to the very next signal, medium toned and not that deep, but she came out shining.

View attachment 2169747View attachment 2169749View attachment 2169750View attachment 2169751

Not sure she's that old or worth anything, but anything that says 925, I'll take.

After that, finally satisfied and completely exhausted, I decided to hit the trail back home.
All in all, it was a good day.

If anyone knows anything about the items I found I'd appreciate any further information. Trying to learn.

Have a great day and thanks for reading!
- Night Hawk
Awesome finds! Ring looks like maybe garnet or red tourmaline? Great workmanship.

Congratulations on the silver recoveries.
The ring could be possibly from Bali Indonesia early 1990s design.
The beading and scroll design was a very popular theme when buying silver there in 1992.

Now this item is from a electric??
I can't think what it's from.
I used to get them in scrap, or when we were parting out stuff.( It's going rent space up there till it's ID)

Congratulations on the silver recoveries.
The ring could be possibly from Bali Indonesia early 1990s design.
The beading and scroll design was a very popular theme when buying silver there in 1992.

Now this item is from a electric??
I can't think what it's from.
I used to get them in scrap, or when we were parting out stuff.( It's going rent space up there till it's ID)View attachment 2169850
Stumped me too! Almost reminds me of an early 1900's front sight- (bottom part shape)

Stumped me too! Almost reminds me of an early 1900's front sight- (bottom part shape)
Electric based.
Starting to think down the line if transformer/switch gear.
I remember after they were burnt, a sledge hammer to smash these wedges apart/loose.
Nearly 30 yrs ago....

My gf left town for a trip so naturally I immediately booked it to the old park about 2 hours away that I had found 2 Merc's at previously.

I arrived about 8am. Weather was nice for AZ (it's just starting to cool off!) and there was a light dew. Perfect digging conditions. However some other aspects would prove challenging... The park was packed with early morning walkers, dog trainers, an elderly yoga class, and homeless. So many homeless. One had his stuff (trash) strewn out all over. There were also some clear drug deals going on with this shady looking car that would roll in and drop off to customers. I didn't feel in danger or anything but it's a little bit unnerving. I had envisioned having the park all to myself for 3-4 hours but I wouldn't be dismayed. When life gives you lemons etc...

I began to the search. First couple hours I found nothing but clad and nails. I was trying to focus on deeper signals but the park proved challenging this time. There were all these high tones but like too high. 36-40 on the NOX. When I would switch 90 degrees on a target it would drop the ID to 18-19. In my (limited) experience that's usually a sign of a nail. Park was littered with em. I dug a few just to make sure. Thought about trying to discriminate those out but they were so prevalent I thought it would hurt my depth. After about 3 hours of finding essentially nothing, I decided to switch to the 6" coil.

I tried to slow down and focus more, covering a smaller area near where I recovered those Merc's before. It was slow going. The signals were super bouncy and all seemed to give off trash vibes. I did manage to recover a couple odds and ends.

View attachment 2169737
TOP: One button maybe(?)(the text says "The Wheeler") maybe not a button but from a cart of something. A dial with Roman numerals off a small watch or something I'm guessing, some kind of a fixture, and a 22 cartiridge.
BOTTOM: Not sure what the wedge looking thing is. Thought the second thing could be something off suspenders but not sure either. If anyone knows please share. Thanks in advance.
View attachment 2169738View attachment 2169739

I pressed on finding mostly clad here and there, couple wheats but nothing special. Did pick up a Chinese Jiao which is not worth anything but its always cool to find foreign coins and I've never found a Chinese one before.

View attachment 2169740 View attachment 2169741

I kind of lose myself when detecting as I'm sure you guys understand but at some point I looked up and saw about 8 cops standing around arguing with some homeless lady. She was getting irate and causing a scene. I took a short break and long necked the situation. The cops had surrounded the homeless guy with all his stuff strewn out and I guess the lady probably had some relationship with him. Anyways long story short they wound up taking both away in cuffs. Sad really. Anyways I digress...

At this point time was running nigh and I only about 2 hours left, tired and frustrated from the lack of silver I entered the "f*** it, I'm digging it all" mindset. I hastened around digging most all signals. I happened across a 28-30, super low depth, only an inch or 2 down. Yea, yea, sure just a clad quarter. But obv I'm gonna dig it.. a quarter is a quarter afterall. I popped her out and recognized that shine immediately.

View attachment 2169742

My first silver quarter! I was stoked.

View attachment 2169743View attachment 2169744

The hunt and my mentality were saved and immediately the trip was all worth it!

Some guy passed by walking his dog and noticed my obvious elation. "Find something?!" I showed him and let him hold it. He didn't seem that impressed lol. Oh well, it wasn't gonna bring me down.

High off the quarter find, I continued the "dig it all" quest.

Next signal was a little rock pendant from one of those crystal shops.

View attachment 2169745

Maybe amethyst or just some purple quartz likely. Not valuable but somewhat cool.

On to the very next signal, medium toned and not that deep, but she came out shining.

View attachment 2169747View attachment 2169749View attachment 2169750View attachment 2169751

Not sure she's that old or worth anything, but anything that says 925, I'll take.

After that, finally satisfied and completely exhausted, I decided to hit the trail back home.
All in all, it was a good day.

If anyone knows anything about the items I found I'd appreciate any further information. Trying to learn.

Have a great day and thanks for reading!
- Night Hawk
cool bunch of finds and some really nice silvers!! well done

Congratulations on the silver recoveries.
The ring could be possibly from Bali Indonesia early 1990s design.
The beading and scroll design was a very popular theme when buying silver there in 1992.

Now this item is from a electric??
I can't think what it's from.
I used to get them in scrap, or when we were parting out stuff.( It's going rent space up there till it's ID)View attachment 2169850
Yea its definitly electrical, I noticed a youtuber (dig that beep) found something similar:

Somebody in the comments said it's off an electrical power pack.

Cool info on the ring, thanks for that.

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