A Heap of Proof.

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I wouldn't get too tied to the idea of a time specific map. There is nothing obvious on the map that instructs us to wait for moonlight or stars. I think that Ojo is simply a landmark or a reference point. It could also be an observation point.

markmars placement of the map is worth considering. I am not sure if its correct but the idea is interesting.
It comes down to symbols again and what they actually mean compared to what we think they mean.

In this case what do the circles and the lines that connect them represent? Once you think that you can read it, you will want to compare it to the master-map.
Because if it can be proven that they are connected in some critical way, then we have 100% proof that the Peraltas or, others before them, were at least in the Superstitions, making maps and strange markings about whatever it was they were doing or finding there.

Howdy Hal,

"Ojo" is also short for "ojo de agua", or waterhole. Some well known waterholes had names, so "Ojo Aguila" may be a well known waterhole.


Just read that Polaris is also known as the North Star.
And is one of the most used of the 57 navigational stars, used by sextants, at land and sea.
No wonder it does not move much.

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When you say " modern-day creations " , in comparison with what era ? :icon_scratch:

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I believe the old timers were good prospectors but few knew to " read " treasure signs . This lack of knowledge , leads some of them to blast out portions of mountain sides , with the contrary results .

For example , the treasure sign above the "sun " sign on the Black Top Mesa . This sign means " treasure on this side " .
What more simple ?

Treasure sign.webp treasure sign 2.webp

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Marius:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:,Amigo,Even though you have never been in the Supe's because you live so far away, your Spirit guide has,your research is gaining you much knowledge,
keep up the good work and follow your heart.NP:cat:

These are the sorts of Treasure Signs I'm familiar with. On site pasted shapes of various carved pieces.

This Heart comes complete with an Exclamation Point shaped rock fairly large and also pasted with moss into the bedrock. These are found at special campsites of the Warlock and represent danger and Gold. The Exclamation Points are found at the final Skull rocks as well. I've also found one of them near a tree with a solid rectangle shaped (Tunnel or square shaft symbol) quartz shard sticking out of the trunk of the tree and embedded in the tree itself. I have a picture of it somewhere Ill post if you want.

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These are the sorts of Treasure Signs I'm familiar with. On site pasted shapes of various carved pieces.

This Heart comes complete with an Exclamation Point shaped rock fairly large and also pasted with moss into the bedrock. These are found at special campsites of the Warlock and represent danger and Gold. The Exclamation Points are found at the final Skull rocks as well. I've also found one of them near a tree with a solid rectangle shaped (Tunnel or square shaft symbol) quartz shard sticking out of the trunk of the tree and embedded in the tree itself. I have a picture of it somewhere Ill post if you want.

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Thanks again Bill R. That circular moss mark on that heart rock, I have also found that at what i believe to be very close to the dig here site. It was great to see you post that,and give that info. I belive that to be a very secret sign. Your the only one that i have seen to say that and post it. the ! mark is also close to the moss sign at my site ther are two !! marks at my site. thanks for the great info. Would you like to give more? Iam all ears and would love to here more on the subject. Thanks again.

Bill, on the wall there to the right.there is writing on the wall. I see the word priest along with some others. On the heart it self. Do you see the diamond just on the right side of point.

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I dont think these guys know what a special gift you just gave them Bill, i know iam not going to post the photos of mine on here. someday maybe.Thanks again, it help to confirm my thoughts.

Dog, You seem to be quite versed in this which is great. Lightening Hearts and Exclamation Points are always near dig sites with gold buried at least that I've found. If you do find one of these sites like we have you know your close, very close. Tell me Dog have you seen the Ore carrying snails or the Turtles at these sites? The smaller the turtle the more importance it has. This site is special as yours is I'm sure. There is not very many of these out there. Only mother load gold mines were hidden with this system.

I know as you do that just because you find these your still a ways away and you'd better be careful if you don't want to end up trapped underground for eternity!

I've tried using ground radar at this site, a round about unit from accurate locators, and my deep seeker but with the bad terrain it has near these you can't get a good reading with out cutting the brush and moving masses of boulders.

So I just studied it now for years that's how I found out about the light map near here.

Have you found any of the Skulls yet?

So far I've only found two down here and there isn't many so we have some pretty special sites. This site has so many of the Peralta Stone Map aspects that it has me convinced the stone maps are real or made from a real map.

I just watched that show Treasure Quest Snake Island this last weekend and they showed the symbols of treasure they're using for finding the Treasure of the Trinity.
Right off the Peralta Stones and out of Chuck Kenworthy's Books!

They were talking about the Southern Cross navigation symbol which is true. I know their compasses were set up as South pointing not north even though they used the north star in this area.

Near this area of the heart there is a simple pile of rocks as a measuring point. Until I decode the sun map I only have one numeral set which is 75. I'm waiting for the season to be begin for opening the door so to speak and unlocking the rest of the map. I was convinced up until now that moving the stone blocking the sun was not in my best interest because I thought it was creating a sun sign with the light sky under it now I see it was blocking the other half of the map so I'm removing it this fall and placing a time lapsed camera pointing at it.

The rock is pretty large and it will take everything I have to move it and place it back when done. But it's pretty ingenious of those rascals to make something like this and hide it so well. I'm hoping it will give me another number so I can complete a distance and direction to a dig spot.

If you find those skulls your in a real treasure site. Treasure or gold mines it's all the same they hid the treasures in the mine shafts like a vault.

I dont think these guys know what a special gift you just gave them Bill, i know iam not going to post the photos of mine on here. someday maybe.Thanks again, it help to confirm my thoughts.

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Dog, With this system they called "Infinity" they used landscapes as a mapping system so important markers or carved pieces were always glued to the bedrock with moss and lichen was used like paint. Various colored lichens give hints to the treasure and want it contains. This site has gold lichens painted on trees which they also manipulated into door way symbols and other symbols. This site had a line of trees with the humped door symbol leading to the lost leader prospects. Just like the hump symbol on the Priest map.

Over the years the trees have all died from droughts and there isn't many left, none to show on here. In the beginning there were quite a few. It's amazing to see the trees and I've seen them near other mine sites. Do you have any tree door symbols you can show?

I'll see if I can dig some up.

Hey Bill, from the start of that lighting bolt. I see that they are numbers . They are the Same as I have on my site. . The way I read it is You take the 177° for 517 to the777 . That was from the top.There are numbers lower down. Does that make sense to guys. I'm trying to get thus stuff myself.

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Is better to take in consideration carvings and signs which are on large boulders or on mountain sides . I believe the author never would want someone to can lift and throw away his marking ( or to take it to their homes ) .
Just my thought .

They where made for the persons in the field. Unless you knew to look for them. Most people would have passed them by.

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Yes , I know that. The lighting bolt is made of those numbers.. they also makes up one of the sides of the diamond. I'm just trying to understand what the numbers mean. I know what the 177 means and The 777.It's all the other numbers I need to know about. Has anyone ever seem the eagle claws. They are another way of telling you about a trap. It will come from above. I've seen this before in y'all pictures.

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