A, the reason they don't dig them up is because it would draw attention to them (the sentinels and the treasures, lots of tailings) which is exactly what they (the sentinels) have worked very hard on (trying to disprove the very existence of these treasures)
Besides in todays world of electronic money what good is bullion to the very rich anyways.

I like that explanation Sandy and that may very well be the case but if that is the ultimate truth, then what would be the point of remarking them if they aren't ever going to get them out?

Wouldn't that do the opposite of not drawing attention to the existence of these treasures and actually make people suspect of the fact that there are treasures and sentinels by making it easier for someone to spot this setup such as you have?

Then again NOBODY had a clue about any of these things until you came along and shared your hard earned wisdom with us (and it's greatly appreciated) so perhaps these entities NEVER thought someone would end up BREAKING THE CODE such as you have my friend.

Then I think about your last comment you just made about the VERY RICH and what good is bullion to them in today's world of electronic money.....

So we can narrow down these sentinels to the very rich and powerful? So we aren't talking about some hill billies or regular folk?
Does this mean that every site where there is obvious re-marking with cactus, dead plants, that the treasure is being watched?

Does this have anything to do with Illuminati, high degree free masons, etc?

A, the markers are not easy to recognize except to the sentinels and its been that way since the very beginning, they (the sentinels) never thought anybody would be smart enough to figure any of it out, and yes they do watch these remarked spots.
I am working on the who.

They are still interested in the bullion and are taking some out here and there in remote locations so they are not discovered.

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TH, most of the shaft signs I have seen are looked through at some angle to spot a pointer or an alignment rock (not always at the angle where the shaft sign looks like a shaft sign) here is a shaft sign (the two blue circles are each side of the shaft sign) that you look through at a pointer rock (red circle)which points to the boulder to the right (green rectangle) which is one of two alignment boulders that go to the crisscross spot.
1 (22).webp

Sand that rock in the green, is that a rabbit also?

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For some reason, if I don't check what I write Auto correct will change Sandy to sand. It's bad enough on me without this thing changing stuff

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BWbob, I was having trouble with whether it is a rabbit or a duck with his head on its back.

OK thanks, it looks like a rabbit to me. He is looking in the opposite direction of the pointer stone. Is that correct?

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Yes and that would make sense because that is more in the direction to the crisscross spot

Good I'm finally getting it down. Now I need to find some big stuff

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Here is what it looks like from the crisscross spot,its the big boulder just above the compass.The one it aligns with is out of sight over a bank behind the tree that is just above the big boulder in this picture.
1 (23).webp

What I'm finding is that the shaft sign is like a window to one of the alignment boulders. But at the Boulder the angle changes to the criss cross spot. It looks like that is also what you guys are finding as well. Great work gang!

On your last photo I also noticed the elevation changes. From the wash to an elevated spot. This also consistent with what I am finding in Oklahoma and Arkansas. It threw me for a loop at first because sometimes you can't see the spot. You have to get the compass lines from below then work your way up. It makes a lot more sense now. Thank you again!

It appears you can see where a crosspot would be on this one (where the yellow and blue line cross). The barrel cacti seem to be leading to the other markers that lead to the cross spot (red line), like the triangle of cactus, which then shoots back over to a heart faced boulder (blue line). That one small long rock finger or phallic shaped rock circled near the shaft sign probably represents the mainline (yellow), as well as the same shape as the lone unarmed cactus inline at far end in the background. View attachment 1409918

Q on this particular shaft sign the left side of the shaft sign is a dog head and it is looking to the right out of the picture to the crisscross spot, the rock that is further up the hill is one of two alignment rocks that go down to the right out of the picture as well.

Hi Folks; I am still alive. I'm homeless but I'm staying with a friend for now and my Family is staying with my cousin here for a bit. Looking for new place. I'll keep you guys informed ok. I'm glad to see this Thread still going strong. Keep it up Sandy & guys. PEACE:RONB :icon_thumleft:

RH, while I have seen the rabbit at many of the treasure cache sites, there are many that do not have a rabbit at all, or at least none that I ever recognized at them. The most common things to find at or near a treasure storage are the turtle and the shaft sign.

Thanks Sandy, what I meant to ask is can the signs just stand alone to let you know your in the right area or do they need an alignment to go with them? Rocky

I have not seen a cache site that did not have the alignments as of yet, just remember that sometimes they go a little ways from the crisscross spot within 50 feet (but not always, the entrance can be right on the crisscross spot) this is why the crisscross spot is usually marked well so they can find that important single bare spot, even if it is to go from.

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