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Here it is, Im still looking into what camera was used. Its not my footage but the area is in a county too dangerous to visit and I can think of better ways to loose my arms than dig up a vault downhill from a local temple, considered a holy site... :dontknow:
I haver a DJI Mavic Pro. there are videos on YouTube. It is great

Funny how the roundness will show you the way always take your time its out there never give up and never let the non believers tell you its not real.These guys were smart you need to be smarter pay attention to the guide.View attachment 2051782View attachment 2051783

Not sure how I would use it yet... I know it's a stand out marker...must be something you see from there.. maybe it's on top of a vein?? no idea here.

ehh, didn;t show the original pictures...

Nobody knows yet . We've seen it, too far ahead of it all...
really if it were fine if it were so, the detail that in that area a phenomenon of sparkling fireballs of approximately 3 meters in circumference has been seen I don't know what makes this effect I saw one about a mile away and that was the area

really if it were fine if it were so, the detail that in that area a phenomenon of sparkling fireballs of approximately 3 meters in circumference has been seen I don't know what makes this effect I saw one about a mile away and that was the area
The true way is with the Pentax it takes time but it will pay off stick to the guide you cannot go wrong it is explained perfectly. Hard work and patients is the key to a recovery, it will pay off just takes time and hard work.

I had a problem with the drone. the screen broke and could not see where I was or what was there. I had to stay 100 feet over my head. I did some wild shots hoping to catch something in the picture. could not find the way down on the north side been a long time. phone camera was sh*t To show I was in the right canyon, you've seen the 3rd pic, the 4th pic is with my phone this last week.


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I was handing un a job when i turned towards they hill and . saw a stone with a shiny part that caught My attention i was intrigied área to explore pending .


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Just a quick note to say:

I wanted to thank all of you who showed Auras on page 322, and actually took the time to learn and use the camera method for catching auras (hopefully this will show others who come to tnet searching for treasure that I am not the only one who has caught auras and that they are in more states than just AZ)

After catching these auras the next step is to go to the auras location and see if there are multiple (2) boulder alignments that are coming in from different angles to a crisscross spot (most times the boulders are within 200 feet of the cc spot, and the auras are always within 30 feet of the cc spot from what I have found)

Very Important (No Markers No Cache, even if there is an aura, because the aura could be caused by natural ores in the ground)

I always go back to the young and ambitious people as this type of treasure hunting is not really for the older crowd.
Well do you refer to young & ambitious, meaning say as compared to the treasure age, or maybe just younger than good 'ol Grandpa, who was out mending fences at 87? I know what you meant...

As for the ambitious young people, anybody know very many that can put their phones on hold long enough to go for a good long hike? Take pics of rocks, etc.? Do some research? Or even dig?

Maybe the "older crowd" will just have to keep on diggin' it as long as we're able, however much extree time that it takes...

Just don't see much interest of the younger, supposedly more ambitious folks, putting the time consuming effort into something requiring the kind of focus, & manual labor on this level.

We can all keep trying to offer the info, so maybe a few will become interested enough to try & learn...

In the meanwhile, some generous & seasoned hunters, have learned to work safer & smarter, and like you, will freely share the valuable info.

Naturally, looking to help whoever to learn, younger or older, to pass the info on...

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I wanted to remind people to be very wary of the Misleading Information put out on the internet about these vault treasures.

With so many people giving out misleading information to these treasures (some who are trying to protect the treasures as well as some who are just flat delusional and see something in every rock or want to make up stories about the history of the markers), saying things like (there is no kings code) and you can just find the entrance by (looking/reading whats on the rocks), etc.

None of these kings vaults will ever be found unless you have a good working understanding of how to use a survey compass and an intimate knowledge of the triangles that were used as well as degrees and distances.

Anybody who says they can find these buried treasures by just looking at the markers without using a compass and tape measure is completely full of it.

The entrances are completely sealed and you will not have the slightest clue where they are even when your standing right on top of one unless you get degrees to it.

There is most definitely a Kings code that was used at these treasure sites (which was strictly enforced) and they use the same methods repeatedly, from where to locate the first markers in a wash right down to the triangle that is used to locate the treasure at the end.

I have said may times that there is missing/secret information that you had to know before finding the treasures, however that is not to say that the markers will not locate the treasure, you just have to know the (secret knowledge that is unknown in the field) of how to use the markers to go to the treasure.
sandy1, this says a whole lot.
It's very useful & informative
info, for this kind of TH.

Too many people think the markers should be as good as sculptures, the problem with that idea is that the markers to the treasures are just about as important as the treasures themselves since without them there is no way to find the treasure, so they are made in ways that only people who knew what they were looking for would recognize them, and to take it a step further the treasure recovery people had word of mouth intel that they used from the markers to the treasures.
Thanks for the info & clarity.

I thought it would be interesting to show how they aligned a rock to the center of the triangle from the rabbit boulder (point/tip of the triangle)(the one I circled is actually a diamond rock from both this side as well as looking back at it from the middle of the Kings Triangle which you cant see due to the rock in front of it)
View attachment 1653472

Here I circled the V notch, the diamond alignment rock and the middle of the kings triangle at 75 feet, the distance to the diamond is 34.5 feet from the rabbit boulder but doesn't matter as it has done its job as an alignment.
View attachment 1653476

Hey Sandy, does the invisible point of a kings triangle usually indicate the dig spot? Also does it have to be a equilateral triangle or may it also be an isosceles (2 similar sides) or scalene (no similar sides) triangle?

miboje: Does AF mean "at the end", meaning this is the last marker? sdcfia: There are many petroglyphs in the lower Rio Grande Valley region of NM that depict North African symbology, but it is impossible to date them conclusively. The best evidence I've seen is Mystery Mountain west of Los Lunas NM. The Decalogue Stone on the table is the obvious focus for most people and its authenticity will forever be denied by academia, as is the case with all artifacts that don't fit the Narrative. IMO, the structural ruins on top of the table are more attractive. The layout of the settlement upstairs matches strongly with ruins of similar military camps found throughout the Middle East. These are clearly not "Indian ruins" in the Anasazi style, and are rarely if ever discussed by pointy heads. I have two problems with pareidolia based "ancient carvings" - heads, faces, animals, shadow casters, et al. First, a building operation that reshapes a mountain, even in ancient times, will leave evidence of the work, lots of it. There will be tool marks, exposed erosion boundaries, massive accumulations of debris, etc. I haven't seen anyone demonstrate any of this in any of the claimed locations. With smaller objects, such as carved heads or animals, the evidence should be even easier to find, as the necessary details should be clearly evident on the rock surfaces. I've only seen one example of a rock being manipulated to look more like the object it appeared to be, and I've found and checked it myself. Tool marks and exposed fresh surfaces on this dog's ear, eye and muzzle proved to me that someone had improved it. Even if a rock causes a familiar shape, no one bothers to verify, even with the slightest evidence, that the thing is not just another "apparent" rock, and there is certainly no shortage of it. Why not check the claims? Because there is no evidence. When people start proving that "carved rocks" or "shaped mountains" are really improved, maybe the rest of us will start to take them more seriously. Second point. If these ancient sculptors were so skilled, then why is the quality of their New World carvings so appallingly poor compared to the work they did in the Old World? The carvings and inscriptions from thousands of years old cultures around the world are clearly man-made, beautifully and meticulously crafted, and obviously long lasting. However, here in the US today, we see vague rocks that look like this or that, especially if you squint and use your imagination and hear they're man-made. Why aren't they more clearly formed and detailed, and maybe even inscribed as well? If beautiful carved monuments were good enough for Egypt, the Middle East and the Andes, why not the US? I'm new here and in the search for treasures, here I found a mountain of stone in which it has the shape of an alligator, it was carved in specific points for the alligator shape, I have proof of that because there are several pieces of stones around, showing that they were removed from the points where they were carved to shape the alligator. especially if you squint and use your imagination and hear they are man made. Why aren't they more clearly formed and detailed, and maybe even inscribed as well? If beautiful carved monuments were good enough for Egypt, the Middle East and the Andes, why not the US? I'm new here and in the search for treasures, here I found a mountain of stone in which it has the shape of an alligator, it was carved in specific points for the alligator shape, I have proof of that because there are several pieces of stones around, showing that they were removed from the points where they were carved to shape the alligator. especially if you squint and use your imagination and hear they are man made. Why aren't they more clearly formed and detailed, and maybe even inscribed as well? If beautiful carved monuments were good enough for Egypt, the Middle East and the Andes, why not the US? I'm new here and in the search for treasures, here I found a mountain of stone in which it has the shape of an alligator, it was carved in specific points for the alligator shape, I have proof of that because there are several pieces of stones around, showing that they were removed from the points where they were carved to shape the alligator. why not the US? I'm new here and in the search for treasures, here I found a mountain of stone in which it has the shape of an alligator, it was carved in specific points for the alligator shape, I have proof of that because there are several pieces of stones around, showing that they were removed from the points where they were carved to shape the alligator. why not the US? I'm new here and in the search for treasures, here I found a mountain of stone in which it has the shape of an alligator, it was carved in specific points for the alligator shape, I have proof of that because there are several pieces of stones around, showing that they were removed from the points where they were carved to shape the alligator.


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The Learning Process

Hi – I posted this video on Sandy Thread
because I believe there is a lot to learn from this Short Video

Sandy has been teaching us about Auras and how to photograph them
and what to look for at the sites where it was spotted

In this video the guy see's or spots an Aura
He knows to go and check out the site

When he goes there – he finds Marker/ Symbols and gains Confidants
that this Auras is real and this area needs more investigating

He describes what he found
First - is the “ Cross” Most of us know the meaning
is the Ownership being the Church / Padres

Second - he describes the 'Circle with the Dot” meaning Gold
What most people don't understand or realize is that its an Alchemist Symbol
Due to the processing of gold called the “Squaring of the Circle”

Just Like the Cross - we know this symbol belong to the Church
The Circle with the Dot symbol belong to the Alchemist

Gold Symbol 001.webp

The Third Symbol - he describes is the "Square Symbol"
Is it a coincident that this Symbol also belongs to the Alchemist
A lot of times this Symbol is miss understood

Squaring the Circle 001.webp

The Guy Speculates that this Square Marker means Door to a Tunnel
But it makes more sense that this is not a tunnel / Mine site
But it means Bars

So now we put the message together and we get –
Ownership is the Church and there is Gold Bars here in a Vault
Because most mines do not create or give off Auras
Only a Vault that has accumulated Gold Bars buried in them do

So whats is next
Sandy has taught us - is to look for Alignment Boulders
to asset us in locating the Cross Point / Dig Spot
Also this is where a GPR comes in handy

Go back and re-watch the video
and if you get a different prospective
Then You have just Entered the Learning Process

Lost Horse :coffee2:

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