The Learning Process
Hi – I posted this video on Sandy Thread
because I believe there is a lot to learn from this Short Video
Sandy has been teaching us about Auras and how to photograph them
and what to look for at the sites where it was spotted
In this video the guy see's or spots an Aura
He knows to go and check out the site
When he goes there – he finds Marker/ Symbols and gains Confidants
that this Auras is real and this area needs more investigating
He describes what he found
First - is the “ Cross” Most of us know the meaning
is the Ownership being the Church / Padres
Second - he describes the 'Circle with the Dot” meaning Gold
What most people don't understand or realize is that its an Alchemist Symbol
Due to the processing of gold called the “Squaring of the Circle”
Just Like the Cross - we know this symbol belong to the Church
The Circle with the Dot symbol belong to the Alchemist
Third Symbol - he describes is the "Square Symbol"
Is it a coincident that this Symbol also belongs to the Alchemist
A lot of times this Symbol is miss understood
The Guy Speculates that this Square Marker means Door to a Tunnel
But it makes more sense that this is not a tunnel / Mine site
But it means Bars
So now we put the message together and we get –
Ownership is the Church and there is Gold Bars here in a Vault
Because most mines do not create or give off Auras
Only a Vault that has accumulated Gold Bars buried in them do
So whats is next –
Sandy has taught us - is to look for Alignment Boulders
to asset us in locating the Cross Point / Dig Spot
Also this is where a GPR comes in handy
Go back and re-watch the video
and if you get a different prospective
Then You have just Entered the Learning Process
Lost Horse