I got that thing that when a person can't sleep at night, can't remember what you call it, hee,hee....So I just put on fresh pot of coffee, I originally came on tonight to post some old pic's I found from the 80's out close to my MTN. , but then had to answer Cross De Sign's post....So, let me ask you guy's, have any of you all ever met a old Spanish Conquistadore in person ? (hee,hee), these pic's are from the mid 80's north of Red Rock Canyon in the north/west Dove Springs area, this is actually a very famous place although it is practically not known anymore. Frank Fish Found Treasure Here, you won't read about that, very few people know or knew it. Chuck Kenworthy Found Treasure here supposedly also, ever hear about that ? hee,hee....ALL TRUE....The reason I went there was to see and record the Old Spanish Dates there. I received a lot of inside info from a few of my Indian Buddies I used to hang around with out of the Kern Valley area...It's a long story but we have a lot of Pioneer Families in this area, the Jordan Families being one of the main one's (Captain John Jordan, first recorded white man to drown in the Kern River about 1856), very interesting stories about these cousins of mine, anyhow this old Indian Buddy of mine (Danni) was in the same Squadron with me at Keesler AFB, Miss. in 1968 and then we were also on the same Duty Assignments overseas....So later on when I got out, I started being very active in my prospecting and one thing always leads to another...I didn't know at that time that I was being drawn into this Frank Fish Mystery, I was just following in his Footsteps like so many other people trying to find out some answers to my questions. Danni and his brothers had related to me that the Spanish were in this country at least 100 years BEFORE the recorded history and there was proof. So there was this Date on these rocks, circa 1683 and I just had to go see it and record it, well it turns out there's more than that there, hee,hee....So I got to see a lot of places where the White Men are not allowed into or get close to but this area is not on Indian land but parts of it is close to it. My cousin Lee (he's a Jordan) ran Bear Hunting with his Indian Buddies for quite a few years at the same time in the upper Kern Valley and there's Old Spanish up there also...That's High Country, anyhow, here's some old pic's, I may have already posted these someplace else, can't remember.... 101_3822.webp101_0498.webp101_0499.webp101_0500.webp101_0501.webp101_0502.webp101_0503.webp101_0504.webp101_0505.webp101_0506.webp101_0507.webp

HT55, Very interesting getting all them flares in succession.
Thanks for your responses, I like your stories & pics, and
appreciate the info about pics before dawn, that's wild.
Great history you share, always enjoyable, & we can
use treasure stories to ponder, appreciate it a lot.
Real nice gold country you work & know about.
Important part of the old routes & camps too.

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What the DUCK ! hee,hee,,, can I say that ? hee,hee....so I get to walking around this one stone and taking pictures from different angles and with a little imagination I can see that it looks like either a Swan or a DUCK sitting in a pond of water, then off to the side on the ground I find this little rock and sure enough also with my imagination kicked in it looks like a Duck paddling along with his web foot, mmmmm, hee,hee.....hey I don't make this stuff up out of the blue, when I read here about Ducks, I thought to myself "yeah, think there might be one here, maybe", .......101_9724.webp101_9724_LI.webp101_9725.webp101_9726_LI.webp101_9727.webp101_9728.webp

What the DUCK ! hee,hee,,, can I say that ? hee,hee....so I get to walking around this one stone and taking pictures from different angles and with a little imagination I can see that it looks like either a Swan or a DUCK sitting in a pond of water, then off to the side on the ground I find this little rock and sure enough also with my imagination kicked in it looks like a Duck paddling along with his web foot, mmmmm, hee,hee.....hey I don't make this stuff up out of the blue, when I read here about Ducks, I thought to myself "yeah, think there might be one here, maybe", .......View attachment 1897053View attachment 1897054View attachment 1897055View attachment 1897056View attachment 1897057View attachment 1897058
What is it looking at or toward? Looks like some other interesting rock shapes,
& animals around there too. Heart, diamond, turtle?, bat?, snail?, rabbit.
Cool place to walk & explore. Good luck & thanks for sharing.8-)

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What is it looking at or toward? Looks like some other interesting rock shapes,
& animals around there too. Heart, diamond, turtle?, bat?, snail?, rabbit.
Cool place to walk & explore. Good luck & thanks for sharing.8-)

I sure hope this guy knows what ducks mean. I tried to help this guy, apparently he is to good to ever reply back to a PM! Oh well, his loss

I sure hope this guy knows what ducks mean. I tried to help this guy, apparently he is to good to ever reply back to a PM! Oh well, his loss
I'm interested in hearing your view of their relevance.
Want to kindly share your take on the meaning of ducks?

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Well I know what the Duck is looking at, I'm just hesitant in putting up the picture, if we were playing cards why would I show you my hand ? But I'll describe it to you all so if I change my mind and post it after everybody has called me a liar (hee,hee), it's a MASTERPIECE OF ART WORK that I have never seen before, cause one can only see it this time of year and out of the countless amount of Treasure Websites and Blogs, Treasurenet included by all of the Master Slueth Trackers and Hunters, well, it's just BEAUTIFUL, WONDEROUS, FASCINATING and COMPLETELY UPLIFTING INSPIRATION. Quite frankly I don't know if this is the Mission Era....Here's the Description for you to ponder: It's a ANGEL ON HIGH, ( I know what your going to say, it's the Patron Saint Mathew = Man with Wings, maybe), the Angel has his head pitched down a little bit, he is facing away from us and we can only see his back towards us, but you can see his hair on his head, he wears a cloak or gown, to his right of his back are 2 Devilish Faces peering out. His LEFT ARM IS HIS WING AND THE TIP OF HIS WING IS EMBRACING A "BELL" and the BELL HAS A CLANGAR......Okay now you can call me all kinds of names, hee,hee.......Go ahead, I dare you.....You know I save all of my messages, I think I joined Treasurenet here back in 2005, I reviewed my messages and I'll be danged if I can find one from "SpanishTHunter", now if he changed his Forum Name to something else, well that's a different story. There's quite a few members here that know me personally and quite a few that have purchased my book in the past and I'm sorry but I just cannot recall a Mr. SpanishTHunter. So it will be interesting to see what information he has about the definition of the Ducks....While we're waiting, let me show you something neat that we all already know but not much is not talk101_9038.webped about and that's the "Information Rock Piles", I'm sure this has probably been beaten to death but they are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT...here's a few pic's101_9037.webp

Well I know what the Duck is looking at, I'm just hesitant in putting up the picture, if we were playing cards why would I show you my hand ? But I'll describe it to you all so if I change my mind and post it after everybody has called me a liar (hee,hee), it's a MASTERPIECE OF ART WORK that I have never seen before, cause one can only see it this time of year and out of the countless amount of Treasure Websites and Blogs, Treasurenet included by all of the Master Slueth Trackers and Hunters, well, it's just BEAUTIFUL, WONDEROUS, FASCINATING and COMPLETELY UPLIFTING INSPIRATION. Quite frankly I don't know if this is the Mission Era....Here's the Description for you to ponder: It's a ANGEL ON HIGH, ( I know what your going to say, it's the Patron Saint Mathew = Man with Wings, maybe), the Angel has his head pitched down a little bit, he is facing away from us and we can only see his back towards us, but you can see his hair on his head, he wears a cloak or gown, to his right of his back are 2 Devilish Faces peering out. His LEFT ARM IS HIS WING AND THE TIP OF HIS WING IS EMBRACING A "BELL" and the BELL HAS A CLANGAR......Okay now you can call me all kinds of names, hee,hee.......Go ahead, I dare you.....You know I save all of my messages, I think I joined Treasurenet here back in 2005, I reviewed my messages and I'll be danged if I can find one from "SpanishTHunter", now if he changed his Forum Name to something else, well that's a different story. There's quite a few members here that know me personally and quite a few that have purchased my book in the past and I'm sorry but I just cannot recall a Mr. SpanishTHunter. So it will be interesting to see what information he has about the definition of the Ducks....While we're waiting, let me show you something neat that we all already know but not much is not talkView attachment 1897863ed about and that's the "Information Rock Piles", I'm sure this has probably been beaten to death but they are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT...here's a few pic'sView attachment 1897862

Oh man now were starting to get somewhere I like piles of rock's. I believe you are showing us some ancient native sites and also some Jesuit or Spanish locations kind of mixed in. LOL

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Hi HT55,
Yes totally agree, true reasonable TH wouldn't ask another, or press them in anyway, to show their cards
or hand. I know you know I'm enjoying your pics & stories, appreciating & making conversation with you.
So if I ask you what the duck or whatever may be looking at, then when you say not comfortable saying,
or here's what I'll show, naturally I respect that, will always be complimentary. What isn't said or ever
shown, often speaks a lot to an experienced viewer. Thanks Very Kindly again 4 what you can share.
I understand & can relate. I figure Sandy1 may be the only one to ever show pics & teaching with
the nature of marks, symbols, monuments, of a Spanish vault, guide, gold bar avatar.
That must be sort of like the ultimate of nerves?:treasurechest:

That's why I've fairly compared him to an excellent university professor, patient & generous. Recall
our conversations about ducks, the different ducks he showed, & the different thoughts associated,
as well as Q's thought comparing them to perhaps at times noisy Christians, lol. I have a duck or to,
& could say that mine look, & may have open mouth as if to alert, etc. So I think very good that we
share, compare notes. The stories are a rich treasure, for experienced as well those learning, which
we are open to & want to see increase in understanding. A good thing for all of us. Please continue,
you have my total appreciation & complete understanding, & I'll always try to share some as well.
May not necessarily show what the duck's possibly quacking or looking at too... Pic #3 is only
noticed from certain angle, time yr/day, etc. Not all of my pics are ducks, a few examples.


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Well I know what the Duck is looking at, I'm just hesitant in putting up the picture, if we were playing cards why would I show you my hand ? But I'll describe it to you all so if I change my mind and post it after everybody has called me a liar (hee,hee), it's a MASTERPIECE OF ART WORK that I have never seen before, cause one can only see it this time of year and out of the countless amount of Treasure Websites and Blogs, Treasurenet included by all of the Master Slueth Trackers and Hunters, well, it's just BEAUTIFUL, WONDEROUS, FASCINATING and COMPLETELY UPLIFTING INSPIRATION. Quite frankly I don't know if this is the Mission Era....Here's the Description for you to ponder: It's a ANGEL ON HIGH, ( I know what your going to say, it's the Patron Saint Mathew = Man with Wings, maybe), the Angel has his head pitched down a little bit, he is facing away from us and we can only see his back towards us, but you can see his hair on his head, he wears a cloak or gown, to his right of his back are 2 Devilish Faces peering out. His LEFT ARM IS HIS WING AND THE TIP OF HIS WING IS EMBRACING A "BELL" and the BELL HAS A CLANGAR......Okay now you can call me all kinds of names, hee,hee.......Go ahead, I dare you.....You know I save all of my messages, I think I joined Treasurenet here back in 2005, I reviewed my messages and I'll be danged if I can find one from "SpanishTHunter", now if he changed his Forum Name to something else, well that's a different story. There's quite a few members here that know me personally and quite a few that have purchased my book in the past and I'm sorry but I just cannot recall a Mr. SpanishTHunter. So it will be interesting to see what information he has about the definition of the Ducks....While we're waiting, let me show you something neat that we all already know but not much is not talkView attachment 1897863ed about and that's the "Information Rock Piles", I'm sure this has probably been beaten to death but they are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT...here's a few pic'sView attachment 1897862

Awesome amigo, thanks kindly for sharing...8-)

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Well I know what the Duck is looking at, I'm just hesitant in putting up the picture, if we were playing cards why would I show you my hand ? But I'll describe it to you all so if I change my mind and post it after everybody has called me a liar (hee,hee), it's a MASTERPIECE OF ART WORK that I have never seen before, cause one can only see it this time of year and out of the countless amount of Treasure Websites and Blogs, Treasurenet included by all of the Master Slueth Trackers and Hunters, well, it's just BEAUTIFUL, WONDEROUS, FASCINATING and COMPLETELY UPLIFTING INSPIRATION. Quite frankly I don't know if this is the Mission Era....Here's the Description for you to ponder: It's a ANGEL ON HIGH, ( I know what your going to say, it's the Patron Saint Mathew = Man with Wings, maybe), the Angel has his head pitched down a little bit, he is facing away from us and we can only see his back towards us, but you can see his hair on his head, he wears a cloak or gown, to his right of his back are 2 Devilish Faces peering out. His LEFT ARM IS HIS WING AND THE TIP OF HIS WING IS EMBRACING A "BELL" and the BELL HAS A CLANGAR......Okay now you can call me all kinds of names, hee,hee.......Go ahead, I dare you.....You know I save all of my messages, I think I joined Treasurenet here back in 2005, I reviewed my messages and I'll be danged if I can find one from "SpanishTHunter", now if he changed his Forum Name to something else, well that's a different story. There's quite a few members here that know me personally and quite a few that have purchased my book in the past and I'm sorry but I just cannot recall a Mr. SpanishTHunter. So it will be interesting to see what information he has about the definition of the Ducks....While we're waiting, let me show you something neat that we all already know but not much is not talkView attachment 1897863ed about and that's the "Information Rock Piles", I'm sure this has probably been beaten to death but they are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT...here's a few pic'sView attachment 1897862

If you knew anything about ducks you would know that you don’t look where the duck does! But go ahead and do that, you will just wander aimlessly and never find anything. I could care less about about your opinion, apparently you must know more than sandy1 here. Get off your high horse. I’m working a site that has 12 ft tall duck, and I guarantee you no one has that! I don’t care about your location, I don’t need to work your site, I have enough of them! Pretty stupid that you post photos on a forum, don’t start crying when someone digs your treasure up...maybe you will learn one day and maybe you won’t! I don’t need to say anything else!

If you knew anything about ducks you would know that you don’t look where the duck does! But go ahead and do that, you will just wander aimlessly and never find anything. I could care less about about your opinion, apparently you must know more than sandy1 here. Get off your high horse. I’m working a site that has 12 ft tall duck, and I guarantee you no one has that! I don’t care about your location, I don’t need to work your site, I have enough of them! Pretty stupid that you post photos on a forum, don't start crying when someone digs your treasure up...
maybe you will learn one day and maybe you won’t! I don’t need to say anything else!

Your words seem kind of upset sounding, almost angry... Why, has someone on here
actually ever done anything to you? Maybe not answered or always agreed with you?
I don't remember much sharing really doing the most good without pics. But they are
a great visual aid, & I've personally found so many to be very much entertaining also.

Perhaps you're a loner, have learned on your own, & don't care for any conversations.
Then maybe you can be of great help to some, by being nice enough to share in your
treasure marker meaning secrets. Otherwise if your trying to help, it's not very clear.

Maybe a different approach, if what you're really wanting is to be listened to. If I was
to go back & look at the conversations, there doesn't seem to be any real secrets. So
if you have one, I think everyone would like to hear it, without being cross or short...

As far as someone showing up actually helping with the digging I'm still waiting here.
But it's NOT really helping anyone by seeming to be hasty, yelling for no real reasons.
I challenge you to be nice enough to patiently explain, & don't show any of your pics...

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Your words seem kind of upset sounding, almost angry... Why, has someone on here
actually ever done anything to you? Maybe not answered or always agreed with you?
I don't remember much sharing really doing the most good without pics. But they are
a great visual aid, & I've personally found so many to be very much entertaining also.

Perhaps you're a loner, have learned on your own, & don't care for any conversations.
Then maybe you can be of great help to some, by being nice enough to share in your
treasure marker meaning secrets. Otherwise if your trying to help, it's not very clear.

Maybe a different approach, if what you're really wanting is to be listened to. If I was
to go back & look at the conversations, there doesn't seem to be any real secrets. So
if you have one, I think everyone would like to hear it, without being cross or short...

As far as someone showing up actually helping with the digging I'm still waiting here.
But it's NOT really helping anyone by seeming to be hasty, yelling for no real reasons.
I challenge you to be nice enough to patiently explain, & don't show any of your pics...

If you get offended by something someone says over a public forum I challenge you to not be so weak! Be open minded to other people helping you, instead of shutting the door in ones face! Remember there is always someone out there better than you! Don’t forget it, and I am not stupid enough to put my secrets on here, and yea you are right about one thing! He doesn’t have to accept my help, he can just keep wandering wondering if he will ever find it! Maybe here, maybe there.

If you get offended by something someone says over a public forum I challenge you to not be so weak! Be open minded to other people helping you, instead of shutting the door in ones face! Remember there is always someone out there better than you! Don’t forget it, and I am not stupid enough to put my secrets on here, and yea you are right about one thing! He doesn’t have to accept my help, he can just keep wandering wondering if he will ever find it! Maybe here, maybe there.

Oh, so now because I suggested you be kindly, & not just talk like your smarter with no explanation,
supposedly not as good as you. With all of that exclusive knowledge, don't you have something better
to do? I won't trouble anyone with any more of this, & won't try to reason any further with you. But just
briefly, don't you realize that the auras have nothing to do with the markers? Not Any Kind of Markers,
even a potential non Spanish cache. So why would anyone have to even have a duck, & much less to
know what they may represent in the possibly different use of their placement, direction, specific
meaning, or supposed absolute secret knowledge you say you possess. Your temperament says
a lot otherwise. So good luck being the way you've been illustrating, not happy or friendly.
Just so glad there has been sandy1 to kindly share his experiences, without vain anger.
That's exactly the point, you've not done anything to help anyone, weak or strong...

Last edited:
Oh, so now because I suggested you be kindly, & not just talk like your smarter with no explanation,
supposedly not as good as you. With all of that exclusive knowledge, don't you have something better
to do? I won't trouble anyone with any more of this, & won't try to reason any further with you. But just
briefly, don't you realize that the auras have nothing to do with the markers? Not Any Kind of Markers,
even a potential non Spanish cache. So why would anyone have to even have a duck, & much less to
know what they may represent in the possibly different use of their placement, direction, specific
meaning, or supposed absolute secret knowledge you say you possess. Your temperament says
a lot otherwise. So good luck being the way you've been illustrating, not happy or friendly.
Just so glad there has been sandy1 to kindly share his experiences, without vain anger.

The very things you speak of I have witnessed. I don’t care if you are a non believer of what I say! I most certainly don’t need someone to validate what I find! Yes I am that good! It’s not being cocky, I am just confident in my abilities! I don’t get mad over a forum, that’s just stupid! Chances are you won’t meet me and I won’t meet you. I just send a simple pm to HT and he refused. As I said he can walk around wondering if he will ever find it! Have a nice day

Oh, so now because I suggested you be kindly, & not just talk like your smarter with no explanation,
supposedly not as good as you. With all of that exclusive knowledge, don't you have something better
to do? I won't trouble anyone with any more of this, & won't try to reason any further with you. But just
briefly, don't you realize that the auras have nothing to do with the markers? Not Any Kind of Markers,
even a potential non Spanish cache. So why would anyone have to even have a duck, & much less to
know what they may represent in the possibly different use of their placement, direction, specific
meaning, or supposed absolute secret knowledge you say you possess. Your temperament says
a lot otherwise. So good luck being the way you've been illustrating, not happy or friendly.
Just so glad there has been sandy1 to kindly share his experiences, without vain anger.
That's exactly the point, you've not done anything to help anyone, weak or strong...

The very things you speak of I have witnessed. I don’t care if you are a non believer of what I say! I most certainly don’t need someone to validate what I find! Yes I am that good! It’s not being cocky, I am just confident in my abilities! I don’t get mad over a forum, that’s just stupid! Chances are you won’t meet me and I won’t meet you. I just send a simple pm to HT and he refused. As I said he can walk around wondering if he will ever find it! Have a nice day

When you quoted me, you left this key line out.
Who would ever want to meet, or even work with you?
Maybe you are skilled, perhaps even fortunate... but your
temperament in the forum toward good people you don't even
know is very telling. Try patience, tone down a few notches Hoss.
BTW, I'm pretty sure he's comfortable with his understanding, & as
also are most of the rest of us... Further, I think I'm correct in saying
he's known sandy1 longer, & may have asked him to share on his own
thread several years ago, before sandy1 started the thread prior to this.

PS: If we that are according to you, stupid for sharing our pics, were half as
smart as you supposedly are about posting them, there'd be no pics. BORING!!!

~ No one here's against you, don't be against yourself. Good Luck, & have a great day.

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Well I know what the Duck is looking at, I'm just hesitant in putting up the picture, if we were playing cards why would I show you my hand ? But I'll describe it to you all so if I change my mind and post it after everybody has called me a liar (hee,hee), it's a MASTERPIECE OF ART WORK that I have never seen before, cause one can only see it this time of year and out of the countless amount of Treasure Websites and Blogs, Treasurenet included by all of the Master Slueth Trackers and Hunters, well, it's just BEAUTIFUL, WONDEROUS, FASCINATING and COMPLETELY UPLIFTING INSPIRATION. Quite frankly I don't know if this is the Mission Era....Here's the Description for you to ponder: It's a ANGEL ON HIGH, ( I know what your going to say, it's the Patron Saint Mathew = Man with Wings, maybe), the Angel has his head pitched down a little bit, he is facing away from us and we can only see his back towards us, but you can see his hair on his head, he wears a cloak or gown, to his right of his back are 2 Devilish Faces peering out. His LEFT ARM IS HIS WING AND THE TIP OF HIS WING IS EMBRACING A "BELL" and the BELL HAS A CLANGAR......Okay now you can call me all kinds of names, hee,hee.......Go ahead, I dare you.....You know I save all of my messages, I think I joined Treasurenet here back in 2005, I reviewed my messages and I'll be danged if I can find one from "SpanishTHunter", now if he changed his Forum Name to something else, well that's a different story. There's quite a few members here that know me personally and quite a few that have purchased my book in the past and I'm sorry but I just cannot recall a Mr. SpanishTHunter. So it will be interesting to see what information he has about the definition of the Ducks....While we're waiting, let me show you something neat that we all already know but not much is not talkView attachment 1897863ed about and that's the "Information Rock Piles", I'm sure this has probably been beaten to death but they are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT...here's a few pic'sView attachment 1897862

Previously posted,… among others…..

“….well, it's just BEAUTIFUL, WONDEROUS, FASCINATING and COMPLETELY UPLIFTING INSPIRATION. Quite frankly I don't know if this is the Mission Era....Here's the Description for you to ponder: It's a ANGEL ON HIGH, ( I know what your going to say, it's the Patron Saint Mathew = Man with Wings, maybe), the Angel has his head pitched down a little bit, he is facing away from us and we can only see his back towards us, but you can see his hair on his head, he wears a cloak or gown, to his right of his back are 2 Devilish Faces peering out. His LEFT ARM IS HIS WING AND THE TIP OF HIS WING IS EMBRACING A "BELL" and the BELL HAS A CLANGAR.....”

How tall do you estimate your Seraph (as in Seraphim) to be? (There’s a reason for this question).
Based on that, you can find His identity/ His name, and the reason He’s there. The Seraphim, also known as the fiery ones have certain duty designated to them. You should be able to find what those are,…and start from there.

On a different note,…your Bird does not look like a duck. It is much more than that. The way the body is coiled, it gives you a direct message. No duck will coil his body the same way. The plain-and-simpleton duck is just a directional straight shooter. A duck, or a row of ducks alludes to lining up a targeted destination. ( It is totally OPOSITE to the rabbit or rabbit behavior.)

p.s. Oh, forgot to mention:....you have a Fantastic location.

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