Another thing I would like to point out for the people who think or at least are trying to convince the others on here that I am trying to mislead people with the information I have given out:

I have not tried to profit or coerce anybody into using my information nor have I tried to boaster or embellish any of the information I have given to make it look better than it really is, I have also covered the legal issues as well as how difficult it is to catch auras.

Now for the people interested in finding a treasure:
This is a treasure hunting website and those of you who are interested in using my method of treasure hunting are welcome to it, and I would hope that none of you folks that are genuinely curious about this type of treasure hunting would ever be dissuaded or scared off by all the doubt that is constantly being cast onto my information by the naysayers and sentinels.

It is becoming more and more obvious you have not read anything I have explained throughout this entire thread I suggest going back through the entire thing and All of your questions will be and have been answered multiple times.

I haven't read all 3800+ posts but I have read large swaths of the thread including all the biguns. My question still stands... why would the treasure be illegal? If it's on gov't land, that doesn't make it illegal, it just complicates logistics. If all you got are stories and theories, none of the beaurocrats are gonna give a crap. Take a gold bar from the stash, plop it on someone's desk, and they'll start listening. It doesn't explain why you don't recover any treasure, other than the need for an alibi.

BTW, I don't think for a minute you're trying to mislead folks. I think you really believe this stuff. I just think your wrong. I've brought up the parallel with dowsers before, and my experience is that dowsers really honestly believe they can do what they think they can do. But when they got nothing to show for their efforts, the alibis roll off the tongue with ease. There's always a reason for failure, but it's never them.

Read up on the Antiquities laws on treasure over 100 years old, as well as the archaeology of anything buried more than a few feet deep, and then see if you can find anybody in the USA who has ever been given a treasure trove permit since 2000

Now for the people interested in finding a treasure:
This is a treasure hunting website and those of you who are interested in using my method of treasure hunting are welcome to it, and I would hope that none of you folks that are genuinely curious about this type of treasure hunting would ever be dissuaded or scared off by all the doubt that is constantly being cast onto my information by the naysayers and sentinels.

I'm in..
This stuff is out there I have found everything Sandy1 has typed about, in the field.
But you wont find it sitting behind a keyboard.

I haven't read all 3800+ posts but I have read large swaths of the thread including all the biguns. My question still stands... why would the treasure be illegal? If it's on gov't land, that doesn't make it illegal, it just complicates logistics. If all you got are stories and theories, none of the beaurocrats are gonna give a crap. Take a gold bar from the stash, plop it on someone's desk, and they'll start listening. It doesn't explain why you don't recover any treasure, other than the need for an alibi.

BTW, I don't think for a minute you're trying to mislead folks. I think you really believe this stuff. I just think your wrong. I've brought up the parallel with dowsers before, and my experience is that dowsers really honestly believe they can do what they think they can do. But when they got nothing to show for their efforts, the alibis roll off the tongue with ease. There's always a reason for failure, but it's never them.

To make a legal search on private or government land would be risky, costly and time consuming. If Sandy posted treasure pictures, it wouldn't mean a thing. Items can be photographed and posted as your own, so nothing would be proven. Even plopping a gold bar on somebody's desk doesn't show proof of a hidden treasure, it just shows you have a gold bar.

Success can come in many ways. A coinhunters success can be measured by the number of productive sites he has. And even though a coinhunter might post his finds on tnet, I doubt he will reveal the location of the sites that produced his artifacts.

I think Sandy has thoroughly and successfully explained the subject of his thread. He has offered what he knows, for us to use or discard, as we see fit. That's a good thing.

"The Sentinels" were first revealed by Bob Brewer, based on family traditions he learned pertaining to his grandfather, who was likely one of the last cache guardians in Arkansas a hundred years ago - about the time of the dissolution of the KGC. After that, the Organization continued to operate as more of a "deep state" group rather than a "South shall rise again" bunch of Rebels. Many of the caches were re-hidden in the 1930s along with new caches of then-illegal-to-own US gold bullion. New clues and signs were established in the 1980s to confuse pesky treasure hunters. These signs serve to lead hunters in circles and eventually discourage them from poking around in certain places.

Folks think there are sentinels still active, when in reality the weird things and threats they think they encounter are not the work of sentinels, but that of other treasure hunters trying to scare them out of the search area. There is no more need for "watchers" because the major caches are located in places that ordinary people have no access to and are therefore unrecoverable to them. These are genuine caches, yes, but the folks who own them were too smart to allow any chance that they might be recovered by outsiders.

The only real value that the "sentinel" concept has for "treasure hunters" is to serve as a convenient excuse to explain why they can't recover caches that they "know the locations of." It helps to prolong the fantasy.

This is a great post. I had never heard about cache sentinels until I read Brewer's book. Then I saw more mention of them when I started reading Tnet. The guys who write about them are still around, so are they more of a threat than poisonous snakes or running out of water. They don't have a history so they create debate and a lot of the conversation turns angry.

I haven't read all 3800+ posts but I have read large swaths of the thread including all the biguns. My question still stands... why would the treasure be illegal? If it's on gov't land, that doesn't make it illegal, it just complicates logistics. If all you got are stories and theories, none of the beaurocrats are gonna give a crap. Take a gold bar from the stash, plop it on someone's desk, and they'll start listening. It doesn't explain why you don't recover any treasure, other than the need for an alibi.

BTW, I don't think for a minute you're trying to mislead folks. I think you really believe this stuff. I just think your wrong. I've brought up the parallel with dowsers before, and my experience is that dowsers really honestly believe they can do what they think they can do. But when they got nothing to show for their efforts, the alibis roll off the tongue with ease. There's always a reason for failure, but it's never them.

Re dowsers, IMO most are wishful thinkers who rationalize their failures - like most of us do with life in general when things go wrong. The best excuse I remember is a guy who proclaimed that four feet beneath him was buried a chest of gold coins - guaranteed. After digging an eight-foot hole that was threatening to cave in on him, he quit and said, "Obviously, lightning must have struck here and ruined the rays' paths." I've dealt with several other dowsers with similar results and excuses.

That said, I've also tested two dowsers who produced results. Neither wanted payment in any form, by the way. Using a topo map with all ID removed, both claimed they could put an X on the map where I would find something manmade. Dowser 1 made three X's in very remote rugged terrain with no roads or trails anywhere nearby. Two of the spots paid off - at one were remnants from an old logging camp (stove parts, trash heap, etc), and the second spot was an old miner's prospect. Neither on any maps or public records that I could find. The third X showed nothing, although it was, well, a very weird place. Dowser 2, whom I was friends with, passed a similar test, this time scoring 8 for 12, as I remember. Both of these guys are long deceased. I believe all dowsers believe they can dowse, but very few can actually produce accurate results.

Re sandy1, if people want to believe his story and invest time and energy in it, more power to them. Our lives and decisions are ours. As long as he and the four true believers who support him here aren't trying to get money from readers, then there's no harm, no foul. Ironically, as I recall, their primary reason for not producing convincing evidence of their extraordinary treasure recovery claims is Fear of The Man coming after them. Fair enough, but if that's the case, then why flaunt your implied successes on a public forum in the first place?

I have not flaunted any success whatsoever, my only goal is in the sharing of information that is not available from any other source.

This is a great post. I had never heard about cache sentinels until I read Brewer's book. Then I saw more mention of them when I started reading Tnet. The guys who write about them are still around, so are they more of a threat than poisonous snakes or running out of water. They don't have a history so they create debate and a lot of the conversation turns angry.

Here's an example of a "sentinel" at work. Below is a note left under a rock in a place we were digging back in the day. When we returned to the spot, our tools were gone and the note read as follows:

Evil guardian? KGC operative? No, a pissed off rancher. Same place, a few years later, we were caught red-handed digging there by a guy on horseback. Luckily, he was one of the rancher's wetbacks who didn't think much of his boss. We gave him $20 and he told us not to worry.

Another example. An acquaintance of mine was exploring a certain canyon near the headwaters of the Rio San Francisco in western NM for a well-known lost mine. He returned to his truck at the end of the day to find a freshly-dug grave right next to the driver's door. Sentinel? No, a message from pot growers whose operation was close enough to his truck to arouse their interest.

I guess it makes life more exciting if you think a dangerous conspiracy is dogging you. Yes, there are people who might not want you snooping around in their territory, and probably for good reasons you need to be aware of. Are they Secret Society Treasure Guardians? I guess if that's what you want them to be, then they are.

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Heck I am proud to be one of the true believers here at least i know that I am dealing with is actual reality here with positive endings and not some story about looking for something for 20 years and not finding anything.

Heck I am proud to be one of the true believers here at least i know that I am dealing with is actual reality here with positive endings and not some story about looking for something for 20 years and not finding anything.

I'm not certain what "actual reality here with positive endings" you're referring to.

Heck I am proud to be one of the true believers here at least i know that I am dealing with is actual reality here with positive endings and not some story about looking for something for 20 years and not finding anything.

I will say this, there is a a 99% better chance of finding a treasure using my method as compared to chasing a story/legend/map etc.

I hate to see your sites vandalized like that all that info lost and never to be gotten back.

This whole post is set up on the bases of showing people how to locate these treasures themselves. I do not give a damn what sandy1 digs up as long as he teaches me how to locate them and believe me he is being very gracious in doing this. Believe me this type of information is very rarely given out i do not think you have any idea what is even going on here Carl school is in session.

I agree. The extent of the detailed information with experience, is evident to anyone
who has actually worked & studied parallel to sandy1 giving his information. Though
more likely only someone that has seen the similarities after being at a potential S/J
site in the field, would really appreciate the help, seeing the same types of markers,
learning their uses. Because of being out there working for years, studying & seeking
to understand what the pics are showing for example. Such a great help, & beginning
of understanding all of the information sandy1 has freely given here & in his guides.

The main thing is, having over 30 yrs. of discovery figured out & pieced together.
There's no one else, that has accomplished these levels of figuring it all out.
Taking time to explain clearly, being bold enough to give it to everyone,
& then putting up with all of the critics, & even jokers like me...

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Carl, Many people find these treasures. I have seen 3 and 4 hundred pounds on the kitchen table. Would anyone advertise it? Only a fool. Mr. Sandy, Did anyone take you up on your generous offer? R.

Carl, Many people find these treasures. I have seen 3 and 4 hundred pounds on the kitchen table. Would anyone advertise it? Only a fool. Mr. Sandy, Did anyone take you up on your generous offer? R.


Here is an interesting observation about these vault treasures, there are many TV shows on ancient treasure storages such as the Oak Island treasure the SJ cache in South america etc. however you never see a tv show about anything being dug up over 100 years old right here in the united states, I wonder why that is?
We have the Dutchman Treasure and the Caballo's as well as many other famous caches here in the US, so why not any tv shows on these?

Here is an interesting observation about these vault treasures, there are many TV shows on ancient treasure storages such as the Oak Island treasure the SJ cache in South america etc. however you never see a tv show about anything being dug up over 100 years old right here in the united states, I wonder why that is?
We have the Dutchman Treasure and the Caballo's as well as many other famous caches here in the US, so why not any tv shows on these?

Probably the people who find them are too smart to advertise their good fortune.

Here is an interesting observation about these vault treasures, there are many TV shows on ancient treasure storages such as the Oak Island treasure the SJ cache in South america etc. however you never see a tv show about anything being dug up over 100 years old right here in the united states, I wonder why that is?
We have the Dutchman Treasure and the Caballo's as well as many other famous caches here in the US, so why not any tv shows on these?

There was that treasure found in southern Arizona that was written about in a treasure magazine. I think it was 80 pounds of gold. The caches were not buried in the manner you describe. I think they were also buried pretty shallow.

Yes people are usually smart enough not to show off what they have found, however I would not say the same for a tv producer who would exploit anybody in order to get good ratings, so the question is what keeps the tv people from having a show on vault treasure hunting right here in the USA?

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