I meant all the small rocks I see scattered all over the ground. You seem to see one little rock that is different, and assume that a sentinel placed it there. Did sentinels place all the 1000's of rocks all over the ground? If not, how did they get there?
Now your comments & question seem sarcastically ridiculous. No one said anything about all of the little rocks.
Just the opposite, as markers are usually large & heavy enough so they are not easily movable. More evidence
that you don't seem to have read the thread closely. The one little A-Frame shaped rock showing up is unusual,
so that's why it's so noticeable, especially being in close proximity to other markers close by, as sandy1 had
mentioned. You know that nature's erosion puts big & little rocks in various places, & understand that man
moves them around at times, if they want to. Sometimes piling them up, carving, maybe using them for
weapons, on their house, to make strong tall walls, or maybe in their garden. They do last a long time,
so men use them, sometimes to mark something in a clever way. I have seen them as marked for a
good place to hunt for deer, & also to mark other important things... The littler ones most usually,
are from broken big ones, or maybe are from the landslides of tectonic plates making mountains.
But depending where they are and what they're made of, they may be old weapons or tools. So
nature places some little rocks, & sometimes men lose their little shaped rocks they used for
hunting, or for tools. So the little rocks are laying around for many reasons, but are usually
not selected to be used for markers or added to an area where larger markers are present.