The Oldest markers were placed by the original people who hid the treasures (Europeans) over 200 years ago while other later markers were put there to help the sentinels relocate the treasure locations easier over many generations of sentinels.

I meant all the small rocks I see scattered all over the ground. You seem to see one little rock that is different, and assume that a sentinel placed it there. Did sentinels place all the 1000's of rocks all over the ground? If not, how did they get there?

"The Sentinels" were first revealed by Bob Brewer, based on family traditions he learned pertaining to his grandfather, who was likely one of the last cache guardians in Arkansas a hundred years ago - about the time of the dissolution of the KGC. After that, the Organization continued to operate as more of a "deep state" group rather than a "South shall rise again" bunch of Rebels. Many of the caches were re-hidden in the 1930s along with new caches of then-illegal-to-own US gold bullion. New clues and signs were established in the 1980s to confuse pesky treasure hunters. These signs serve to lead hunters in circles and eventually discourage them from poking around in certain places.

Folks think there are sentinels still active, when in reality the weird things and threats they think they encounter are not the work of sentinels, but that of other treasure hunters trying to scare them out of the search area. There is no more need for "watchers" because the major caches are located in places that ordinary people have no access to and are therefore unrecoverable to them. These are genuine caches, yes, but the folks who own them were too smart to allow any chance that they might be recovered by outsiders.

The only real value that the "sentinel" concept has for "treasure hunters" is to serve as a convenient excuse to explain why they can't recover caches that they "know the locations of." It helps to prolong the fantasy.

I meant all the small rocks I see scattered all over the ground. You seem to see one little rock that is different, and assume that a sentinel placed it there. Did sentinels place all the 1000's of rocks all over the ground? If not, how did they get there?

Now your comments & question seem sarcastically ridiculous. No one said anything about all of the little rocks.
Just the opposite, as markers are usually large & heavy enough so they are not easily movable. More evidence
that you don't seem to have read the thread closely. The one little A-Frame shaped rock showing up is unusual,
so that's why it's so noticeable, especially being in close proximity to other markers close by, as sandy1 had
mentioned. You know that nature's erosion puts big & little rocks in various places, & understand that man
moves them around at times, if they want to. Sometimes piling them up, carving, maybe using them for
weapons, on their house, to make strong tall walls, or maybe in their garden. They do last a long time,
so men use them, sometimes to mark something in a clever way. I have seen them as marked for a
good place to hunt for deer, & also to mark other important things... The littler ones most usually,
are from broken big ones, or maybe are from the landslides of tectonic plates making mountains.
But depending where they are and what they're made of, they may be old weapons or tools. So
nature places some little rocks, & sometimes men lose their little shaped rocks they used for
hunting, or for tools. So the little rocks are laying around for many reasons, but are usually
not selected to be used for markers or added to an area where larger markers are present.

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"The Sentinels" were first revealed by Bob Brewer, based on family traditions he learned pertaining to his grandfather, who was likely one of the last cache guardians in Arkansas a hundred years ago - about the time of the dissolution of the KGC. After that, the Organization continued to operate as more of a "deep state" group rather than a "South shall rise again" bunch of Rebels. Many of the caches were re-hidden in the 1930s along with new caches of then-illegal-to-own US gold bullion. New clues and signs were established in the 1980s to confuse pesky treasure hunters. These signs serve to lead hunters in circles and eventually discourage them from poking around in certain places.

Folks think there are sentinels still active, when in reality the weird things and threats they think they encounter are not the work of sentinels, but that of other treasure hunters trying to scare them out of the search area. There is no more need for "watchers" because the major caches are located in places that ordinary people have no access to and are therefore unrecoverable to them. These are genuine caches, yes, but the folks who own them were too smart to allow any chance that they might be recovered by outsiders.

The only real value that the "sentinel" concept has for "treasure hunters" is to serve as a convenient excuse to explain why they can't recover caches that they "know the locations of." It helps to prolong the fantasy.

Some of your thoughts may be what has been done. In the past...
But that doesn't mean that you're God, all seeing, knowing everything
that man has ever done under the sun, in all the past or present times.

sandy1, This is an arrangement I first thought was possibly made by some young lovers.
The left lobe line points in the direction toward a clearly marked site, & would be a handy
marker to identify the trail, when accessing the area by boat. I also found a stripped &
burned jet ski watercraft back in the trees, hidden from open view, which was odd.

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I may have said the same thing however they moved another marker (A Hummingbird) I posted in my guide on here that was attached to a storage turtle head, also at the end of last summer at a completely different site.
I hate to see your sites vandalized like that all that info lost and never to be gotten back.

Now your comments & question seem sarcastically ridiculous.

Only in the context of the claim being made. One little rock in a field of thousands of little rocks appears to be moved. The assumption is that a sentinel moved it, yet rocks get moved around on a pretty regular basis. The smaller, the more likely. And furthermore that it's a warning of some kind. I would find it remarkable that a sentinel would move a tiny rock and expect anyone to even notice. If I were a sentinel and wanted to leave a warning, by god it would be noticeable. By anyone.

This still leaves the question: Does this small rock stop Sandy in his tracks? If so, why?

Sandy believes that there are sentinels right here on this forum trying to stop his searches. Maybe he thinks I'm one of them, I dunno. But I don't believe in sentinels, ain't scared of them in the least, and I not only urge Sandy to stop making excuses and get the durn treasure, but I have even offered to extract it and hand it to him while he watches. If I were a sentinel guarding a treasure, I would just take it for myself, screw posterity.

I have never made any excuse about not being able to dig up a treasure.

I have never made any excuse about not being able to dig up a treasure.

OK, I just see a lot of talk about signs & markers that lead to treasure, but never any treasure. I have to assume that (a) you can't find it, (b) you quit looking, or (c) it doesn't exist. The alibis make it tough to decide, they could point to any conclusion.

So is there ever any beef, or is it all bread?

Or (D) it is illegal and would be very stupid to show on a website like this.

Only in the context of the claim being made. One little rock in a field of thousands of little rocks appears to be moved. The assumption is that a sentinel moved it, yet rocks get moved around on a pretty regular basis. The smaller, the more likely. And furthermore that it's a warning of some kind. I would find it remarkable that a sentinel would move a tiny rock and expect anyone to even notice. If I were a sentinel and wanted to leave a warning, by god it would be noticeable. By anyone.

This still leaves the question: Does this small rock stop Sandy in his tracks? If so, why?

Sandy believes that there are sentinels right here on this forum trying to stop his searches. Maybe he thinks I'm one of them, I dunno. But I don't believe in sentinels, ain't scared of them in the least, and I not only urge Sandy to stop making excuses and get the durn treasure, but I have even offered to extract it and hand it to him while he watches. If I were a sentinel guarding a treasure, I would just take it for myself, screw posterity.
Carl this is what it is all about the rocks do not matter if they are there big or little they tell of the engineering you have to really study them to understand this type of exploration. Almost everything is based off of the rocks that is how it was set up without them one would be lost please do not make fun of the rocks they are very important.

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Carl this is what it is all about the rocks dose not matter if there big or little they tell of the engineering you have to really study them to understand this type of exploration. Almost everything is based off of the rocks that is how it was set up without them one would be lost please do not make fun of the rocks they are very important.

I see photos of unremarkable rocks. If there's more to it than that, it'll take a field trip to convince me. That's why I asked if Sandy would host one. If he's not gonna go for the treasure, then why not show other people what he found?

OK, I just see a lot of talk about signs & markers that lead to treasure, but never any treasure. I have to assume that (a) you can't find it, (b) you quit looking, or (c) it doesn't exist. The alibis make it tough to decide, they could point to any conclusion.

So is there ever any beef, or is it all bread?

No reason or need to convince you of anything anyway.

Or (D) it is illegal and would be very stupid to show on a website like this.

Or (E) show a pic of a treasure then maybe just disappear.
Remember Patrick D showing the pic of his found treasure?
That was last year, & he's been missing for about 18 mos.

Last Activity Jun 18, 2017 08:06 PM
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Or (D) it is illegal and would be very stupid to show on a website like this.

Lol. Nice response Sandy1. That's the perfect answer and it's been reiterated time and time again on this thread for over a year now.

I see photos of unremarkable rocks. If there's more to it than that, it'll take a field trip to convince me. That's why I asked if Sandy would host one. If he's not gonna go for the treasure, then why not show other people what he found?

This whole post is set up on the bases of showing people how to locate these treasures themselves. I do not give a damn what sandy1 digs up as long as he teaches me how to locate them and believe me he is being very gracious in doing this. Believe me this type of information is very rarely given out i do not think you have any idea what is even going on here Carl school is in session.

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Has anyone used this information and actually been successful? Has Sandy ever been successful? That's why I asked elsewhere, how would you even know if this is good or useless information?

Not sure what you mean by 'secession'.

It is becoming more and more obvious you have not read anything I have explained throughout this entire thread I suggest going back through the entire thing and All of your questions will be and have been answered multiple times.

Edit: I mention the governments denial of these types of treasures within the first couple of paragraphs of my guide as well as my suggestion of how to handle the governments involvement.

Here's a hint (treat the government like a mushroom)

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"The Sentinels" were first revealed by Bob Brewer, based on family traditions he learned pertaining to his grandfather, who was likely one of the last cache guardians in Arkansas a hundred years ago - about the time of the dissolution of the KGC. After that, the Organization continued to operate as more of a "deep state" group rather than a "South shall rise again" bunch of Rebels. Many of the caches were re-hidden in the 1930s along with new caches of then-illegal-to-own US gold bullion. New clues and signs were established in the 1980s to confuse pesky treasure hunters. These signs serve to lead hunters in circles and eventually discourage them from poking around in certain places.

Folks think there are sentinels still active, when in reality the weird things and threats they think they encounter are not the work of sentinels, but that of other treasure hunters trying to scare them out of the search area. There is no more need for "watchers" because the major caches are located in places that ordinary people have no access to and are therefore unrecoverable to them. These are genuine caches, yes, but the folks who own them were too smart to allow any chance that they might be recovered by outsiders.

The only real value that the "sentinel" concept has for "treasure hunters" is to serve as a convenient excuse to explain why they can't recover caches that they "know the locations of." It helps to prolong the fantasy.

I agree with Sdcfia. Why would you leave millions of pounds in gold and silver out in the sticks when you can hide it under 20 feet of concrete somewhere along a one mile airport runway, with 24/7 security?

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