Bronze Member
This piece folds together, I am not sure if that is because it is suppose to, or if after years in the ground it just folder over on itself. I am thinking it might be part of an old stove, but I am not sure. I do not know what kind of metal it is.

I am digging in the woods in East Texas (12 Miles of mostly woods) I am in Franklin County Texas on a private ranch. There was one homestead here in the early 1900's. I was told that there may have been a moonshine operation in a specific area here, but after 6 months of detecting, I see no proof of that. I found an area where I believe I have found a second and even a third homestead, but I can only base that on my findings. I only dig here in the winter months, then I boot out the renters and go back to Wisconsin!

I am digging in the woods in East Texas (12 Miles of mostly woods) I am in Franklin County Texas on a private ranch. There was one homestead here in the early 1900's. I was told that there may have been a moonshine operation in a specific area here, but after 6 months of detecting, I see no proof of that. I found an area where I believe I have found a second and even a third homestead, but I can only base that on my findings. I only dig here in the winter months, then I boot out the renters and go back to Wisconsin!