Whites DFPI, 2 @ Excalibur II, 2 @ Sovereign GT w/ 10" & 8" Tornado coils, 2@ 10x12 SEF coils all on their own rods, Whites MXT Pro , 2@ Garrett Pro Pointers
Great find and story. It gives me a wonderful feeling to see that a lot of members of our hobby return found items to their rightful owners that were heart broken when they lost it. Only good Karma can follow you!!
good man! It's nice to hear of a fellow LOng Islander with such good character! I bet she lost it during that week with the bad storm, the tides were crazy that week. which beach? Jones ? You are a hero to that woman.
You are a good man who was raised with good morals. Most people wouldn't go to the extreme that you did to find the owner. They would keep it or sell it for its value. Hope you are blessed beyond measure!