🏆 HONORABLE MENTION A find of a lifetime.

This is so awesome !

You are the man, not only for the find but the lengths you went to to find the owner. Good for you ! Betcha that feels great.

I found one last year very similar to the wedding band you have. No luck finding the owner. Tried all the same avenues you did.


I found the most amazing wedding and engagement ring set at the beach last week. August 6th. Platinum. Appraisal for the engagement ring was $13,600. I guess the wedding band, also platinum another $2,000 Made many inquires, posted on Craigslist Lost and Found. No luck. I posted on Facebook a picture of only the wedding band and that it was inscribed and asked all my LI friends to share and to ask all there LI friends to do the same. 311 shares later with some anonymous postings to other sites the owner was located. ( in 5 hours). Quoted the exact inscription. She stated that she also lost an engagement ring, also platinum with a 1.3 carat diamond and was so very happy for just the wedding band. That's when I told her that I had them both. She will be reunited next week when she returns from vacation.Treasure Hunter Finds, Returns Wedding Ring Lost on Fire Island | NBC New York

WTG on the return of GREAT find!!!

Awesome! Great story and super, good deed. Being able to return something to the owner is such a great part of our hobby. Congratulations on being the right kind of person to get the job done.

What rons1947 said. You will be rewarded.


Faith in humanity is slowly but surly getting restored. Well done good sir and may God bless you and your future hunts!:icon_thumleft:

Great find, but don't post things of value like that because even if someone has to prove it's theirs and they can't
they might meet you in public place then follow you home or who knows what. People have been killed over
valuables on these sites. If you can't do it through direct research, you've done what you can. Not worth risk
to you and family. Be safe, Bergie

This should be in the news! Will make us treasure hunters all look a bit better in the public eye!
You've done everyone a great service. :hello2:

Great story. I enjoyed it very much. I bet you were stoked to see it in your scoop! Very nice write up and well deserved hammer and honorable mention.

You rule Long Island Mongo.

You're a good man. Pretty incredible deed you did there, sir.

Great job. Way to represent!!!

Incredible story. Going out of your way to find the owner and knowing you found the right person is just wonderful. While it has such a high appraised value, I bet it meant so much more to the lady. All I can say is way to go!

4 Thumbs up from Chug And Red

That is such a wonderful gift for the person that lost them, it's really nice to read about this... from all of those who loose or find, thank you.

You set the example for all of us!

nice finds and even nicer return

I found the most amazing wedding and engagement ring set at the beach last week. August 6th. Platinum. Appraisal for the engagement ring was $13,600. I guess the wedding band, also platinum another $2,000 Made many inquires, posted on Craigslist Lost and Found. No luck. I posted on Facebook a picture of only the wedding band and that it was inscribed and asked all my LI friends to share and to ask all there LI friends to do the same. 311 shares later with some anonymous postings to other sites the owner was located. ( in 5 hours). Quoted the exact inscription. She stated that she also lost an engagement ring, also platinum with a 1.3 carat diamond and was so very happy for just the wedding band. That's when I told her that I had them both. She will be reunited next week when she returns from vacation.http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Lost-Wedding-Ring-Found-Metal-Detector-Fire-Island-Beach-273129381.html?_osource=SocialFlowFB_NYBrand

Dude! You are amazing!
That was amazing!
Again, you are amazing!

Conrats to you Both

Your a good person brother, wish there were more like you around!

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