A few things from a little hunt


Sr. Member
Dec 10, 2023
It was in the 100s today so I couldn't stay out much longer than I did but I did find a few items....
The token is a Sun Tran bus token, probably from the 70s based on other objects located at the site. Sun Tran hasn't been in service since 2004. The stone object I speculate is a scraper but I'm not certain. It does appear to have been deliberately worked at least along one edge and I have found flakes in the same area so it's not outside the realm of possibility though you guys can tell me what you think. The other metal object is a complete mystery. There were some gun casings and other less mentionable objects found as well but these were the most obvious items...


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Upvote 4
I think Toddspoint has more good points :)
Yeah, I'm not a point hunter, I kinda know what some of that stuff looks like but it's not my area of expertise. The rock came out of the creek bank along with whatever I was chasing at that moment, it had right sharp edges, it gave the impression of having been worked on one edge so I grabbed it for the photo. I chucked it almost immediately after I took the photo because I wasn't convinced and only kinda cared lol. Even if it was some tool it's nothing remarkable.

Nice Token !
I've found a couple other unusual coins in the area that came from. The token is a piece of this city's history, it's kinda rare actually, not something one sees much. I always joked about finding one searching the rocks around a bus stop but the last place I figured I'd find one is in a creek bed at the site of some camp from 1970 something

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