Another thing for folks to consider is the complete absence of anything in the narration that validates the tale. Odd that if the narration was true that the author failed to produce anything to validate his claim other then the ciphers themselves, and he really never produces them. In his time the letters and iron box and actual ciphers would have still existed and yet he offers nothing in the way of validating their actual existence, which he and the printer could have easily arranged. All we are offered is the typeset alleged to be letters and ciphers that he claims existed. In 1885 he could have offered a few different avenues of verification, yet he didn't. Why didn't he do this if he really wanted people to believe his story?
Why, after the passing of nearly 200 years since the alleged events has nobody been able to find any means of validation with so many qualified and capable people looking? So, why do claims of solution always arrive from the same reverse process? What are the odds that any of them stand any chance at all of even being close to the truth when there is absolutely nothing that can be directly tied to the tale right from the very start?...
So here's my next question and everyone's big chance to validate something, anything. “Can anyone offer one directly connecting piece of evidence to either the alleged grand adventure, the alleged party, the alleged Thomas Beale, or to the unknown author?” Just one. Anybody?