A Directly Connecting Piece Of Validation?

It's interesting that this story still remains a popular subject of treasure hunting, with claims of solution, even though it lacks any directly connecting evidence to anything in the narration whatsoever. It's one thing to continue to look for those hopeful connections, but to claim solutions based on two pieces of paper covered with numbers that can be translated into anything one desires?
Is that why you search for the "REAL" story behind the fictional story?

Is that why you search for the "REAL" story behind the fictional story?

When have I ever said that I've solved the ciphers or that my current theory is even based on the solving of them? :laughing7: Dude, in all of your desperation and time spent browsing old threads and outdated post, wouldn't it just be simpler to actually dive into the referenced 1817-1821 resources and do a little research of your own? :laughing7:

I never stated that you claimed to have solved the ciphers, BUT... I have stated that you are looking for and posting connections that do not exist in reference to the 1885 BEALE PAPERS copyrighted by James Beverly Ward, which is a dime novel with parlor entertainment ciphers sold only in the Lynchburg market before family complaints resulted in unsold copies being destroyed in a fire.
I am ECS , and I approve this message.

I never stated that you claimed to have solved the ciphers, BUT... I have stated that you are looking for and posting connections that do not exist in reference to the 1885 BEALE PAPERS copyrighted by James Beverly Ward, which is a dime novel with parlor entertainment ciphers sold only in the Lynchburg market before family complaints resulted in unsold copies being destroyed in a fire.
I am ECS , and I approve this message.

Hey, it's your "theory"....run with it. :laughing7: Just remember, you may actually be the unwary reader. :laughing7:

Per "Post" 43; singing, "NOTHING is REAL... NOTHING to get hung about." Beatles on "The BEALE"; in memory of Lt. John Yates Beall/Beale, CSA. Hmmm... Beatles, Beale. Da Beall/Beatles "connection"! I will scan the lyrics of ALL their songs! Beall/Beale's "SPIRIT" MAY have "influenced" them...

Per "Post" 43; singing, "NOTHING is REAL... NOTHING to get hung about." Beatles on "The BEALE"; in memory of Lt. John Yates Beall/Beale, CSA. Hmmm... Beatles, Beale. Da Beall/Beatles "connection"! I will scan the lyrics of ALL their songs! Beall/Beale's "SPIRIT" MAY have "influenced" them...
That explains why Bigscoop comes up with all these "Helter Skelter" story behind the story historical grab bag theories. :laughing7:

That should tell you something! Heh...

It tells me that you're not a gentleman. That you would impugn a dead lady to try and score a point on a message board.

And what's worse for you? Innis' paper does seem to relate to the Beale cipher, nothing that I don't know already but potentially a useful hint if you're stuck at a certain point. I'd have to see the paper IRL and run some tests to be 100% sure, but I'm reasonably positive of the above statement even without that. Is there anything else on the backside of the paper? I've only seen a picture of one side.

Pauline Innis was a DC socialite who also wrote poetry, children's books, gardens and political protocols.
She also entertained her social circle with future readings, and wrote the book,
ASTRONUMEROLOGY: THE NEW WAY TO TELL YOUR FUTURE", which had an introduction by friend, Jeanne Dixon, and said it was based on the secrets of the Druids( Innis was British, afterall).
Many DC politicians based their decisions on her readings according to friend, R Crane-"There were many famed Washingtonians over the years who swore by her pronouncements".
That should tell you something! Heh...
This is the rest of the post, Tad10, seems you a tad bit miffed at something here to make that remark.
Care to expound and share with us all?

... I'd have to see the paper IRL and run some tests to be 100% sure, but I'm reasonably positive of the above statement even without that. Is there anything else on the backside of the paper? I've only seen a picture of one side.
...and that tells you something! Heh...

When people ask to be banned they usually are. Keep the insults down or the thread becomes just a legend.

Another thing for folks to consider is the complete absence of anything in the narration that validates the tale. Odd that if the narration was true that the author failed to produce anything to validate his claim other then the ciphers themselves, and he really never produces them. In his time the letters and iron box and actual ciphers would have still existed and yet he offers nothing in the way of validating their actual existence, which he and the printer could have easily arranged. All we are offered is the typeset alleged to be letters and ciphers that he claims existed. In 1885 he could have offered a few different avenues of verification, yet he didn't. Why didn't he do this if he really wanted people to believe his story?

Why, after the passing of nearly 200 years since the alleged events has nobody been able to find any means of validation with so many qualified and capable people looking? So, why do claims of solution always arrive from the same reverse process? What are the odds that any of them stand any chance at all of even being close to the truth when there is absolutely nothing that can be directly tied to the tale right from the very start?...

So here's my next question and everyone's big chance to validate something, anything. “Can anyone offer one directly connecting piece of evidence to either the alleged grand adventure, the alleged party, the alleged Thomas Beale, or to the unknown author?” Just one. Anybody?
So far with all these history lessons of events of the crucial period involved in the Beale story, you, my friend, have not succeeded in producing the validation of which you requested.

I keep asking the same question over and over again; “How can one produce an accurate solution from an entire and complete unknown?” So far nobody has been able to answer that question, and with good reason. Yet, the claims of solution and remedy keep coming. Presents quite the conundrum, indeed. So here's my next question and everyone's big chance to validate something, anything. “Can anyone offer one directly connecting piece of evidence to either the alleged grand adventure, the alleged party, the alleged Thomas Beale, or to the unknown author?” Just one. Anybody?
Was has become evident are the claims of this or that, no matter how slim, that quoted to be part of the Beale Party's "perilous adventure" based only on the posters belief.
A native American account of campfires becomes kilns used by the Beale Party to smelt 14K gold into bars by sand box casting.
30 gal Boone Salt Mine pots found on Goose Creek become the pots Beale used for the gold, silver, and jewels.
A newspaper add for used ox carts become the transport used by the Beale Party.
...and so on, with no credible evidence to support these claims but the claimants belief of a connection to the story contained in the Beale Papers.
Why is there no directly connecting piece of evidence?
Is it because the events in the narrative story contained in Ward's 1885 Beale Papers never actually occurred outside of the "unknown author's" imagination?

The ox carts was not a claim of anything, and anyone reading about them can prove that to themselves. It was given, as many things here are, AS A POSSIBILITY ONLY. Posters should not be allowed to continue this arguing and fighting and disrespecting of other's posts. Someone please take a look at this.

Was has become evident are the claims of this or that, no matter how slim, that quoted to be part of the Beale Party's "perilous adventure" based only on the posters belief.
A native American account of campfires becomes kilns used by the Beale Party to smelt 14K gold into bars by sand box casting.
30 gal Boone Salt Mine pots found on Goose Creek become the pots Beale used for the gold, silver, and jewels.
A newspaper add for used ox carts become the transport used by the Beale Party.
...and so on, with no credible evidence to support these claims but the claimants belief of a connection to the story contained in the Beale Papers.
Why is there no directly connecting piece of evidence?
Is it because the events in the narrative story contained in Ward's 1885 Beale Papers never actually occurred outside of the "unknown author's" imagination?

Give other posters and myself a chance to talk over possibilities, we know where you stand with same post every time we say something to each other. It would not be so bad if you would add to the forum instead of the same post telling us how it is story of fiction. You need to give everyone a break and post something other than the same. Why don't you go find the kin of James Beverly Ward and Clarence Saunders. You find that and maybe we can then listen to what you keep repeating over and over and over.

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I find it interesting in all of these Tnet Beale forum threads, and those like them elsewhere, there still isn't a single piece of directly connecting evidence anywhere. Man, that's a lot of research over the years without so much as a speck.
...and that is, and will always be the elephant in the room.
...and that will always lead some to produce speculative piecework possibilities "evidence" that has NO connection to the Beale story but only supports a pet theory...
...and only muddies the waters of true research.

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I find it interesting in all of these Tnet Beale forum threads, and those like them elsewhere, there still isn't a single piece of directly connecting evidence anywhere. Man, that's a lot of research over the years without so much as a speck.
Yes it is always maybe, could be and never ending genealogy searches and discussions and still the only mention of Beale's perilous adventure, contact with Morriss, stay at Buford's, treasure, letters, iron box and ciphers, and so on, ONLY exist in the pages of Ward's 1885 copyrighted and published Beale Papers.
"A lot of research over the years without so much as a speck" of directly connecting evidence and still the claim of solved ciphers occur with the overwhelming possibility that the entire tale may be sprung from the "unknown author's" imagination.

That is what the hunt is all about we are searching for that "speck" of evidence. You claim that you have research proving that names of people in the Beale Papers kin contacted Roland Buford and he contacted James Beverly Ward to stop the sale of the Beale Papers. Post that evidence and just maybe we will stop searching for that "speck" of evidence. You may already have what we are looking for?

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