A Couple of Pictures Submitted for your Opinions

SWR said:
Nice pictures.

What I see are natural rock formations and natural erosion due to the elements. I cannot see anything that displays manmade workmanship.

Very possible, and I hope that a few more trips out there will determine that. Really there are only two choices, man made or natural (that makes it easier! ;D ), although I am leaning more towards man made with all of the possible chisel markings and the perfectly shaped triangular hole that has been filled in and caliched. Also, on the compass rock I think I see a cross and a triangle carved into it as well as a N. This may just be a trick of the light too though, further inspection is called for. Thank you for your input SWR.

Leones Corazon said:
Good stuff ya got there on the front range. We have a ton of the same thing here on the western slope....

Thank you Leones. I was hoping to go up this weekend and get some more definitive proof, but alas it was not to be! Those Spaniards were some pretty busy folks from what I can tell. I sure love the history, adventure and plain old getting out into the mountains to look around. Perhaps I will wander over that direction one day, who knows, pretty big state to search!

I'll give you a hint right now....stone heads,animals etc....start thinkin way back...phoencians etc.
Got something carved into the rock with iron and its deep....spanish.
Just my 2 cents.


Leones Corazon said:
I'll give you a hint right now....stone heads,animals etc....start thinkin way back...phoencians etc.
Got something carved into the rock with iron and its deep....spanish.
Just my 2 cents.

Thank you, I appreciate your advice and the advice of all that I have received so far!

exiledangel said:
OK, first picture is of what I believe is a horse shoe trail marker. What do you think?
that marker bears a striking resemblance to this one in size and method of production. in the case of this one however the items in question were dug up and removed a few yards away. not by myself unfortunatly but still fun to solve the puzzle

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rigmover2307 said:
exiledangel said:
OK, first picture is of what I believe is a horse shoe trail marker. What do you think?
that marker bears a striking resemblance to this one in size and method of production. in the case of this one however the items in question were dug up and removed a few yards away. not by myself unfortunatly but still fun to solve the puzzle
The carving style indeed looks identical. I went up today to have a look at it and it is now gone! Don't know if someone took it, or rolled it down the mountain, but it is not there now. And that sucker looked like it had sat there for a long time too!

You know exiled..i had a similar experience with a site i posted here. Sadly i posted a nice little heart.....when i went back to take better pics...it was definitely gone.

Been keeping my eyes open for varmits ever since.

Its sad really as i think in my case there was nothing left to recover. Piece of history gone.

Though some may recognize the areas i post...I never give out any more detailed info on their location than the state sometimes...to anybody. Not too worried as the main site area has been well picked over and somewhat protected too.
More of a trail and history hunter here. But hate to see it vandalized.

Greed brings out the worse .... but at least here I've met some nice people i would trust. Just be careful.

It may have rolled down or you may have not been able to find it again. Heh..gps helps a lot in that regards.

But if you find something smaller like that..measure it out and get the angles just in case.

desertmoons said:
You know exiled..i had a similar experience with a site i posted here. Sadly i posted a nice little heart.....when i went back to take better pics...it was definitely gone.

Been keeping my eyes open for varmits ever since.

Its sad really as i think in my case there was nothing left to recover. Piece of history gone.

Though some may recognize the areas i post...I never give out any more detailed info on their location than the state sometimes...to anybody. Not too worried as the main site area has been well picked over and somewhat protected too.
More of a trail and history hunter here. But hate to see it vandalized.

Greed brings out the worse .... but at least here I've met some nice people i would trust. Just be careful.

It may have rolled down or you may have not been able to find it again. Heh..gps helps a lot in that regards.

But if you find something smaller like that..measure it out and get the angles just in case.

I hear you! I dont think it had anything to do with posting it here, the picture could have never told it's location to anyone and it wasnt near the other pictures. I did have it gps'd and I double checked it. I would hope that it wasn't out right ignorance and vandalism that made it go away. We are in the middle of sprin run off out here, and the trail it was on is getting a lot of wash out, so perhaps, it was just it's time to go, sad though! :'(

Wow what a site you have a good one there stick with it. Animals were used a lot by the Spanish and are most of the time looking at the hidden mine or treasure. Look in the direction they are looking try and see what they are. This site could take a very long time to figure out but it is a real site.


minetres said:
Wow what a site you have a good one there stick with it. Animals were used a lot by the Spanish and are most of the time looking at the hidden mine or treasure. Look in the direction they are looking try and see what they are. This site could take a very long time to figure out but it is a real site.


Thank you for the words of encouragement minetres! :icon_thumleft: I am going to follow it to it's ultimate end, be it treasure or knowledge, I'm in.

I havent been back up in this area for awhile, have been looking at a new area and doing a ton of prospecting. I hope to get out that way again real soon though

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