A Cabin in the Woods, Two Indian Maidens, and FIRE!


Bronze Member
May 24, 2007
Lexington, KY
Detector(s) used
Whites Prism IV / Bullseye II pinpointer
Yessir.. that's what it was.. a regular backwoods adventure to be sure! Well.. Backwoods as in back in the woodchips!
Hello everyone! Been a while since I've made a post here on TNet's "Today's Finds". Between work (too much of it) and Rain.. (Also too much of it).. I've not been out to do much detecting of late. I got out over the weekend though, even if only for a little while. Saturday here in the Bluegrass State, at least locally, was gorgeous! Too bad everything was waterlogged and boggy from the rains leading up to that morning. Getting some time to get out and swing the detector though I jumped at the opportunity.. just opted to stick mostly to the Tot-lots and woodchips to keep my tired old knees dry, or somewhat dry anyway.
I've always had pretty good luck with the woodchips around these parts. Woodchips and tot-lots are kind of like Forest Gump's "Box of Chocolates".. ".. you never know what ya gonna get." <grin> Coins for sure! And junk. Toys, bling, and even things that make you go "HUH?" Saturday was no exception. I found all the above, at one playground or another, I made a small circuit of several tot-lots before calling it a day. All told, I probably hunted about 4 hours when you combine all the different little hunts.
A cabin in the woods you say? Well Yeah.. a LOG CABIN.. as in a NEW "Cabin Cent" Lincoln penny. In the "WOOD"chips..

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<Laughing> Too bad it's mostly Zinc. *sigh* And Indian Maidens? TWO OF THEM! It's like they could be sisters! Sac Dollars! found separately at two different parks.

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Fire? Yeahboy! Not often do you find a nice cigarette lighter in the woodchips. I mean I've found dozens of the disposable lighters over the past couple of years, but never a chunk like this Ronson.

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Cheap Bling and plastic stuff that you'd expect children to have in abundance, but out of the woodchips this past Saturday was plucked this little bracelet with these tiny little heart shaped bells.. no clasp.. which is probably why I found it. In one playground I found this tiny little charm, or pendant? At first I thought it might be a religious token of some kind, but on closer examination it looks more like a stylized representation or "bust" of Lady Liberty. But then that's just me thinking out loud.. you have a look and if you think it's something else let me know.

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A fifty cent piece target read brought up this little "plumb bob" from down in the woodchips at one playground. It's heavy, and it appears to be made of brass.. anyone have a clue as to what it really is?

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Of course no tot-lot hunt would be complete without the usual suspects like pull tabs, pencil "tops" and BUTTONS and/or SNAPS. Surprisingly I found NO zipper pulls this time out. Will wonders never cease?

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There was other metallic junk too of course, wire, pipe, ? ? ? Stuff...

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I ran across.. or rather uncovered this familiar looking little wood rat at one of the tot-lots..

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At the last park I hunted Saturday I came across this trowel in the pine trees skirting the playground. I'm not sure if there had been another detectorist working that park and had lost his digger, or perhaps this tool migrated from a nearby backyard by way of some little two legged squirrels.. might never know. <shrug> I'll hang on to this trowel though, should my trusty Lesche ever break or go missing or whatever, I might use this one in a pinch.

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Lastly, after cleaning up all the coins and sorting and counting.. I ended up with a NICE pile of clad for the day's hunt. COOL! More cash for the Kitty (Vacation fund).

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Wouldn't you know it though, Saturday was GORGEOUS! But Sunday it rained all day long.. it rained again all day ( or mostly anyway) Today (Monday) as well. I think I hear my next door neighbor sawing and hammering lumber.. is that.. no.. well maybe.. it kind of Looks Like a boat.. hang on a second, I'll ask him..
"Hey Noah!... Whatchya Buildin' there Neighbor?"


I hope you all get out and get to do a little detecting too.. soon. As Always!

~Happy Hunting~


Upvote 0
Gazowie!! That is one impressive amount of nice finds!
Hope you get out more often.............


Congrats on the new Lincoln cent. I have yet to find one in circulation, and you already found one in the ground..... :thumbsup:

great finds

plehbah said:
Frodov said:
In one playground I found this tiny little charm, or pendant? At first I thought it might be a religious token of some kind, but on closer examination it looks more like a stylized representation or "bust" of Lady Liberty. But then that's just me thinking out loud.. you have a look and if you think it's something else let me know.

I agree that it relates to the Statue of Liberty, but I think that "representation" is a little bit of an understatement. "Smarmy mug shot" would be more accurate.

Does the real Statue of Liberty grimace like that?

It looks like gold!

Nah.. anything but gold. It's more of a shiny chrome or something similar. The "gold" color was probably a reflection of something in the background iluminated by the camera flash. It's a tiny little thing, this charm or whatever, if it's supposed to be a representation of the Statue of Liberty's head it's grotesque. I'm beginning to think that it's more like a characterization or some Disney character even. <shrug> Still a neat find.

~Happy Hunting~


:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

The "plumb bob" looks as if it might be a drop-type furniture drawer pull similar to these:


PBK said:
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

The "plumb bob" looks as if it might be a drop-type furniture drawer pull similar to these:

You know I think you may have just nailed it! It never crossed my mind that it might be a drawer pull or something similar. COOL! Thanks my friend!

~Happy Hunting~


The lighter is a refillable butane lighter. I have the exact same lighter for cigars. Congrats!

Thats a good days work :thumbsup:

Neil in West Jersey said:
I have yet to see one of those new Zincolns in circulation yet!

This was my first as well.. boy howdy! It sure feels different.. lighter. I wonder if they've changed the specs on these things and are actually making them "lighter"??? hmmmmm.

~Happy Hunting~


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