A Cabin in the Woods, Two Indian Maidens, and FIRE!


Bronze Member
May 24, 2007
Lexington, KY
Detector(s) used
Whites Prism IV / Bullseye II pinpointer
Yessir.. that's what it was.. a regular backwoods adventure to be sure! Well.. Backwoods as in back in the woodchips!
Hello everyone! Been a while since I've made a post here on TNet's "Today's Finds". Between work (too much of it) and Rain.. (Also too much of it).. I've not been out to do much detecting of late. I got out over the weekend though, even if only for a little while. Saturday here in the Bluegrass State, at least locally, was gorgeous! Too bad everything was waterlogged and boggy from the rains leading up to that morning. Getting some time to get out and swing the detector though I jumped at the opportunity.. just opted to stick mostly to the Tot-lots and woodchips to keep my tired old knees dry, or somewhat dry anyway.
I've always had pretty good luck with the woodchips around these parts. Woodchips and tot-lots are kind of like Forest Gump's "Box of Chocolates".. ".. you never know what ya gonna get." <grin> Coins for sure! And junk. Toys, bling, and even things that make you go "HUH?" Saturday was no exception. I found all the above, at one playground or another, I made a small circuit of several tot-lots before calling it a day. All told, I probably hunted about 4 hours when you combine all the different little hunts.
A cabin in the woods you say? Well Yeah.. a LOG CABIN.. as in a NEW "Cabin Cent" Lincoln penny. In the "WOOD"chips..

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<Laughing> Too bad it's mostly Zinc. *sigh* And Indian Maidens? TWO OF THEM! It's like they could be sisters! Sac Dollars! found separately at two different parks.

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Fire? Yeahboy! Not often do you find a nice cigarette lighter in the woodchips. I mean I've found dozens of the disposable lighters over the past couple of years, but never a chunk like this Ronson.

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Cheap Bling and plastic stuff that you'd expect children to have in abundance, but out of the woodchips this past Saturday was plucked this little bracelet with these tiny little heart shaped bells.. no clasp.. which is probably why I found it. In one playground I found this tiny little charm, or pendant? At first I thought it might be a religious token of some kind, but on closer examination it looks more like a stylized representation or "bust" of Lady Liberty. But then that's just me thinking out loud.. you have a look and if you think it's something else let me know.

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A fifty cent piece target read brought up this little "plumb bob" from down in the woodchips at one playground. It's heavy, and it appears to be made of brass.. anyone have a clue as to what it really is?

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Of course no tot-lot hunt would be complete without the usual suspects like pull tabs, pencil "tops" and BUTTONS and/or SNAPS. Surprisingly I found NO zipper pulls this time out. Will wonders never cease?

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There was other metallic junk too of course, wire, pipe, ? ? ? Stuff...

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I ran across.. or rather uncovered this familiar looking little wood rat at one of the tot-lots..

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At the last park I hunted Saturday I came across this trowel in the pine trees skirting the playground. I'm not sure if there had been another detectorist working that park and had lost his digger, or perhaps this tool migrated from a nearby backyard by way of some little two legged squirrels.. might never know. <shrug> I'll hang on to this trowel though, should my trusty Lesche ever break or go missing or whatever, I might use this one in a pinch.

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Lastly, after cleaning up all the coins and sorting and counting.. I ended up with a NICE pile of clad for the day's hunt. COOL! More cash for the Kitty (Vacation fund).

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Wouldn't you know it though, Saturday was GORGEOUS! But Sunday it rained all day long.. it rained again all day ( or mostly anyway) Today (Monday) as well. I think I hear my next door neighbor sawing and hammering lumber.. is that.. no.. well maybe.. it kind of Looks Like a boat.. hang on a second, I'll ask him..
"Hey Noah!... Whatchya Buildin' there Neighbor?"


I hope you all get out and get to do a little detecting too.. soon. As Always!

~Happy Hunting~


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artzstuff1 said:
Always look forward to looking at your stuff!!!! very good pics ,,, what kind of camera do you use? ,,thanks for sharin your stuff to the world!!!,,,,


Thank you my friend. <blushing> As for the camera, it's sweet.. one of the best gifts I've ever received (special thanks to my dear wife). It's a Sony Cybershot DSC 180 (7 megapixels). It's a great camera.. almost makes it look as though I'm an accomplished photographer doesn't it? <grin>

~Happy Hunting~



I look forward to your posts almost as much as going out hunting, almost! lol. I do my share of tot lots as well. "You never know what you are going to get". one of these days I am going to learn how to post photos and then I will stop being a lurker and actually be a participant in this forum. Stay dry and hunt slow. HHHH




Happy Harry said:

I look forward to your posts almost as much as going out hunting, almost! lol. I do my share of tot lots as well. "You never know what you are going to get". one of these days I am going to learn how to post photos and then I will stop being a lurker and actually be a participant in this forum. Stay dry and hunt slow. HHHH

Stay Dry? <falling down laughing hysterically>

Oh but I wish I could my friend... *sigh* It rained again today as a matter of fact. Oh well, the weather forcast on the local news tonight said that it's supposed to be mostly sunny the next few days.. maybe.. just maybe it'll dry out around here a little bit. Then I can get back to hunting the soccer fields and basebally parks. <grin> meanwhile I'll just Try to stay dry. <grin>

~Happy Hunting~


wildheart said:
Frodov, you have such interesting and thorough posts. Thanks for sharing this all with us!

"Interesting"? Thank you... "thourough"??? <falling down laughing> .. sorry.. it's just that what you usually see on here as a post from me is kind of like the reader's digest condensed versions of the real stories. My wife tells me I tend to get long winded when writing so I conciously edit myself and try to wittle down my stories somewhat. If I just let myself go and typed in every detail and what not.. well.. people would stop reading them because they had LIVES to lead.. you know, eating meals, sleeping, working, that sort of thing. <laughing> So.. I try to encapsulate my escapades in shortened versions merely highlighting the good parts and the finds I make.... ok.. so I "bridge" the highlights with some of the other stuff, but it's still a very very shortened version. <grin>

I hope everyone has the strength of will, the perserverance, the interest or simply the time to read and be hopefully entertained a bit by my posts. I just try to share my enthusiasm for this hobby with others of like mind. ..uh.. there I go again.. getting long winded. VERBOSITY! YOU ARE A DEMON! <laughing>

~Happy Hunting~


Frodov said:
"Interesting"? Thank you... "thourough"??? <falling down laughing> .. sorry.. it's just that what you usually see on here as a post from me is kind of like the reader's digest condensed versions of the real stories. My wife tells me I tend to get long winded when writing so I conciously edit myself and try to wittle down my stories somewhat.

Hey, I was serious! I really learn a lot from your posts and appreciate all the details you include! I've learned more from being on these forums than anything else I've done with MDing. You all rock!

wildheart said:
Hey, I was serious! I really learn a lot from your posts and appreciate all the details you include! I've learned more from being on these forums than anything else I've done with MDing. You all rock!

Well I've never been considered a teacher.. that I know of.. but I'm willing to share anything I've learned if it'll help someone else enjoy this hobby as much as I do. Not that I probably have that much to share, I've only been doing this a little over two years now, by most standards on here I'm still a "Johnny come lately" or new to the hobby as it were. Some of these people have been metal detecting since electricity was invented! (Picture Ben Franklin with a wooden broom stick, a copper pan affixed to one end and a kite on a string (complete with the key attached) tied to the other end wandering around swinging his "detector" in his knee pants, tri-corn'd hat, buckle shoes and stockings.. in a lightning storm.. muttering "Where arrrrre you my little preciousssseeeesssss..?" I know there are some coins around here somewhere.. silver! SILVER! I WANT SILVER!!!! Oh stop Laughing Paul Revere! Go for a horse back ride or something!"

<shaking head vigorously to clear the mental images> WHERE DID THAT COME FROM??? <sheesh!>

Anyway, as I was saying before I had an out of mind experience there, there are people on line here at TNet that have been detecting a LOT longer than me. I'm still learning things from as many sources here as I can possibly pick up. Of course these old timers aren't going to share every little trick that they know, they're going to tease you and make you work for it.. called paying your dues I guess. <shrug> Most on the other hand, will tell you everything they know simply because they enjoy the hobby so much they'd love to have others enjoy it as well. MY KIND OF PEOPLE! SO read.. read.. read.. more importantly.. ASK!

~Happy Hunting~


Good Morning Frodov,
I really enjoyed your posts and your stories to your finds are Awesome :D . Yesterday I finally started hunting our back yard and with posts and pictures like yours has got me really motivated and the 80 degree temps help too (it's been cold up here for awhile).

crazyjarhead said:
Nice, detailed post, Frodov. Nice haul of coinage too. Never seen a 2009 already in the ground :icon_scratch:

Technically it wasn't "IN" the ground.. it was in the woodchips at one of the playgrounds (Tot Lots) that I detected. It couldn't have been there very long.

~Happy Hunting~



kdismuke1 said:

Thanks.. I hope everyone else gets to get out and indulge a little this weekend. I did, again, already! I'll be making a post on it here shortly. Ever dug up a Suzuki?

~Happy Hunting~


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