Here's a New Challenge for Anyone attending the cookout.
Aquanut started these cookouts for anyone interested in Treasure Hunting to start WORKING TOGETHER.
Anyone that knows me, knows that I am a sceptic when it comes to long range locators. About 10 years ago 3 individuals with these machines came together near where the cookout is going to take place. ( approx 15 miles away )
They claimed that there was a huge treasure located under water. The Company I was working for wasn't interested in this site because of the location and checked out some other locations these people claimed to find. I didn't believe in this technology, but I was sent to N.C. from Key West a few months later with a dive crew to survey a wreck site.
On the way north I decided to stop at this location to check it out with my pulse star II. ( Which I swear by.)
We towed our 26 ft. boat near the location and put the pulse star II to work and surveyed the location the long range people pointed out.
A Pulse Star II is a pulse induction metal detector that can tell whether a metal target is ferrous metal or non ferrous metal. Much to my surprise the Pulse Star II had several Great Hits for non ferrous metal on 2 or 3 targets within about 100 feet. The water was only about 6 to 8 feet deep. These targets were close to shore, but there were several fishermen on the bank that took an interest in our survey, so we never dove the site. We couldn't wait another day, because we had to get to N.C. for the Company survey job.
Here's my challenge. If any of you can get a small boat for the cookout weekend and some diving gear. I am willing to go back to the location. I still have a Pulse Star II. The day after the cookout would be a good time to survey the site.
( Sunday ). It would also be a good idea for someone to bring a GPS.
The only thing I will guarantee is an Adventure. The Non Ferrous readings could have been a bunch of case of Aluminum Beer cans for all I know. I do know that no one has an Admiralty Claim or a lease on this site.