My 36" prospector arrived today. Hope to try it out next Sat. Worked out that it didn't arrive before last weekend. Went skiing at Badger Pass instead. Man I love CA outdoors.

For those having trouble with the sluice floating, I use two flat iron concrete stakes as a base for a rock bridge. Their weight means no permanent mounting necessary. I had some laying around but I believe they are less than $5 at home depot or Lowes.

My My Joel - what an intriguing idea you've passed along to all, pouring water onto the BGT to help it digest gold particles. I can think of several places where that might be required both in CA as well as AK. My mind also slips into thoughts of sunny hot days in a stream canyon out in old 49er country where the water runs clear, clean and plentiful with native rainbow trout. Add to that the lack of people traveling through that part of the canyon and you've a perfect place for me to visit with a BGT.

Ah well, that time will come!............63bkpkr

Hi Sportsman,
If you would/can please illuminate us with a picture of said "concrete stake" and how it would look on a/your BGT. I for one am not familiar with that humble but adaptable device and would like to see of which you speak.

With best regards..............63bkpkr

Hey on the bgt, has anyone used some screen material over the lower deck to prevent leaves and debris from getting caught in the plumbing? Or would that reduce flow too much?

Also, do they make a cap for the feed end to turn it into a highbanker? Or would I need to mock up something myself at Lowes?

A screen on the lower deck would be fine but since its underwater a bit I have had no problem with leaves.

There are other threads on treasure net and videos on YouTube which illustrate the conversion of a bgt to a high banker.

For those having trouble with the sluice floating, I use two flat iron concrete stakes as a base for a rock bridge. Their weight means no permanent mounting necessary. I had some laying around but I believe they are less than $5 at home depot or Lowes.

Sportsman, if you don't mind, can you show pics of your design please? I was thinking of long tent takes and securing the sides of the Bazooka down. Then I could still see the whole raceway for gold that is slowly making its way into the trap.

Here's a photo just setup on my garage floor. The stakes are flat iron about 2" x 14" and are found next to rebar at a hardware store. They are used to stake a form for pouring concrete.

I wrapped them in duct tape to keep me from handling rust. They have a bit I weight themselves so no fastener is necessary to attach them but I grab a rock from he river to make a rock bridge.

One note when you buy the stakes new, they coat them in oil to prevent rust. If you dig the oil has probably worn off the ones that have been on the shelf longer. Mine are a few yeas old so it wasn't a problem.


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63bkpkr said:
My My Joel - what an intriguing idea you've passed along to all, pouring water onto the BGT to help it digest gold particles. I can think of several places where that might be required both in CA as well as AK. My mind also slips into thoughts of sunny hot days in a stream canyon out in old 49er country where the water runs clear, clean and plentiful with native rainbow trout. Add to that the lack of people traveling through that part of the canyon and you've a perfect place for me to visit with a BGT.

Ah well, that time will come!............63bkpkr

Ahh sounds like heaven! :)

For my CA sluice, I drilled a hole an attached a small Shackle I clip a swivel snap to it and tie ye rope off to a tent stake on the bank. See attached photo. Hope this helps someone.


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Be aware that the mechanics cloth you want for a Super Prospector will not be 1/4" mesh, but 3/8" mesh.

My mistake, after looking again at the video Astrobouncer posted, I see that his grizzly is the same as on the superprospector. I thought he had narrower slots, but it appears they are much wider than the 1/8" hardware cloth mesh he is using. Cutting some up now to lash down to my Super Prospecter.

Woo hoo! Wife bought me a prospector for my birthday! Went and picked it up this afternoon. I wonder if she will let me bring it to bed tonight?

Woo hoo! Wife bought me a prospector for my birthday! Went and picked it up this afternoon. I wonder if she will let me bring it to bed tonight?

My Miner sleeps in the garage (others sluices are outside) with a blanket and pillow to keep comfortable : )

Ha! I give mine warm milk at night if it wakes up with a bad dream

thank you for the picture of how you use the cement stakes, they would make a nice rock brace. Also, the shackle is another good thought.

I have another spot off the main river and way the dickens back in the hills, its a box canyon with a 200' waterfall. Below the main falls will be a pool, a fall, a pool, etc for some 6 of them or so. I lowered myself slowly into one close to the main fall and when I dropped my goggled head into the water there were all these Native Rainbow Trout many 18" to 24" long looking at me. I long to go back there just to look at them and then leave then alone.

You guys sleeping with your BGT's, tisk, tisk! I will leave this one right there.

My shoulder surgery has been approved and is likely to be scheduled for early March. Oh, and the job in China - I passed on it and today they increased the size of the carrot and I still passed on it. Have fun as there are better days coming........63bkpkr

Oh for God's sake! Really?? Are there gonna be sluicebox pornos popping up now? And the transgendered Bazooka that just wants to be a highbanker? Lol

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