501(c)(4) tax exempt without application

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From the CENTER?????? Center of what?

Dave, center as in left wing center. .

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Same reason I am not surprised that even as political scandals continue to float to the surface one after another like debris from a sinking ship some continue to defend the man even as water is swirling around their feet swearing all is normal, ship is in no danger.......

Can we say Titanic......

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Political scandals - boy that's something new. What administration was NOT plagued by so called scandals. Left making the right look bad; right making the left look bad -- whose turn is it at bat this time??? Meanwhile nothing gets done in this country with the real issues of debt, deficit, socialist security, etc, etc. wake up and take the blinders off. Make your elected officials deal with the real issues and do without the entertaining side show.

I believe I asked first. It's still your turn.

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94, I'll take that as you not being able to explain it either.

Noted that in all the posts here we have all sorts of things getting tacked onto the ship in this thread, including personal attacks, but not one of you can explain why any of these groups filed applications.

And no outrage at the use of a tax dodge by these people.

You finally accepted that there was tax implications in the status? You are starting to answer your outlandish question about why these forms were filled out.. I see the wheels slowly turning over there,, At this rate you should hit realization in about 15 years.

Dave, the difference between us is that i understand the question is not outlandish. And still stands unanswered.

That you didn't answer above shows me you more interested in flaming than honest debate. And, that you had it wrong in your post.

Take some time to understand the thread before chiming in with a rant next time.


501(c)(4) Tipsheet

Civic leagues or organizations not organized for profit but operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare, or local associations of employees...the net earnings of which are devoted exclusively to charitable, educational or recreational purposes.
- Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(4)

Tipsheet: 501(c)(4) Social Welfare OrganizationsExemption Application
- Form 1024, including Schedule B (current form is dated 9/98)
- $400 for organizations with gross receipts normally $10,000 or less; $850 for larger organizations (Small automatically-revoked organizations seeking reinstatement may be eligible for a reduced fee of $100 under Transitional Relief rules until 12/31/2012)
- Submit fee using Form 8718

- There is no filing deadline for a 501(c)(4) application.
[A 501(c)(3) organization that misses the 27 month deadline for (c)(3) organizations can usually apply for 501(c)(4) status for the period prior to the effective date of their 501(c)(3) status.]
Annual filing
- Gross receipts normally less than $50,000 - file Form 990-N (electronic return only)
- Gross receipts normally less than $200,000 - file Form 990-EZ
- Gross receipts normally more than $200,000 - file Form 990
- Check instructions: an organization's assets can also affect which form must be filed
Caution: An organization that fails to file a required return for three years in a row will have its exempt status automatically revoked.
Basic Rules
- To qualify, an organization must be primarily engaged in promoting in some way the common good and general welfare of the community
- 501(c)(4) organizations may not allow any part of their net earnings to inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual
- Providing assets or services to insiders for less than fair market value can trigger penalty taxes not only on those insiders but also on board members who approve such transactions (Excess Benefit Rules)
- Donations are not deductible as charitable contributions (except for contributions made to fire and rescue squads)
- (c)(4)'s usually cannot qualify for the special low rate non-profit bulk mailing permit.
- Unlike (c)(3)s, 501(c)(4) organizations are permitted to have more than incidental amounts of social activity.
- 501(c)(4) organizations are permitted to have unlimited amounts of legislative activity as long as it is in furtherance of the exempt purpose.
- In some cases, (c)(4)s may be required to notify members that a portion of dues is not deductible because of lobbying carried on by the organization. Organizations may elect to pay a proxy tax instead of making this notification.
[Organizations that have lost their 501(c)(3) status because of excess lobbying are barred from applying for 501(c)(4) status.]
Political Activity
- Political activity is permitted, but cannot be the organization's primary purpose, and will in most cases incur a penalty tax.
- In some cases, (c)(4)s may be required to notify members that a portion of dues is not deductible because of political expenditures made by the organization. Organizations may elect to pay a proxy tax instead of making this notification.
[Organizations that have lost their 501(c)(3) status because of political activity are barred from applying for 501(c)(4) status.]
- Junior Chambers of Commerce (Jaycees)
- Lions
- Rotary
- volunteer fire departments
- community-wide athletic or recreational activities,
- festivals centered around regional customs or traditions.
- Before 501(c)(19) was enacted, the IRS recognized many veterans groups under section 501(c)(4)
- Information about points of intersection between social welfare organizations and the IRS. Life Cycle of a Social Welfare Organization
- IRS Publication 557, Tax Exempt Status for Your Organization
- Social welfare organizations are the next most common type of 501(c) organizations after 501(c)(3). There are many Exempt Organizations Continuing Professional Education articles on social welfare organizations. The best way to access these is through the Exempt Organizations CPE Topical Index.
- IRC 501(c)(4) Organizations, 2003 Exempt Organizations Continuing Professional Education Technical Instruction Program, Topic I. This is the most recent CPE article.
- Section 504 of the Internal Revenue Code - Organizations that have lost their 501(c)(3) status because of political activity or excess lobbying are barred from applying for 501(c)(4) status.
- Compliance Guide for Tax-Exempt Organizations (Other than 501(c)(3) Public Charities and Private Foundations) IRS Publication 4221-NC
- Section 7.25.4 of the Internal Revenue Manual

[TABLE="class: Table-Basic, width: 600"]
[TD] Site: Help Filling Out Your 501(c)(3) Application[/TD]
[TD]Ebook: Prepare Your Own 501(c)(3) Application[/TD]
[TD]About This Website[/TD]
[TD]Contact Information[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"] This website last updated April, 2013


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Native Floridian, Here is the facts as I posted above:
Tipsheet: 501(c)(4) Social Welfare OrganizationsExemption Application
- Form 1024, including Schedule B (current form is dated 9/98)
- $400 for organizations with gross receipts normally $10,000 or less; $850 for larger organizations (Small automatically-revoked organizations seeking reinstatement may be eligible for a reduced fee of $100 under Transitional Relief rules until 12/31/2012)
- Submit fee using Form 8718

As you can see to be granted this status it must be applied for. The form 990 is for ANNUAL FILING just like your own tax return...must be done every year.

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NF, I don't think your sources for info on this are very "centered" I found some of the same argument you were trying on some VERY leftist web sites...however facts are facts. You can admit you were wrong now, were all waiting on you!

Bevo, your link just goes to Iheart's homepage.

It should go to wbap 820 outa Texas.

Those type of people don't go to real jail anyway, most of us would call it a retreat where you order your food from a menu and then play tennis after lunch.
I guess you plead the 5th because your totally innocent and it is all just big misunderstanding... ROFLMBO.....

Throw her in jail for contempt of congress till she starts talking....

Posted by Treasure_Hunter
I guess you plead the 5th because your totally innocent and it is all just big misunderstanding... ROFLMBO.....

Throw her in jail for contempt of congress till she starts talking....

Wow TH how can you believe in the second and BofRs and our founding fathers and make this statement?? It's like saying that I guess you own a gun because you want to shoot someone??

I thought these were "god given rights""?? Don't you believe in our constitution?? Or is it pick and choose. Loose the fifth and loose the rest / correct?? Wow - SHOCKED - is the only word.

Picker as I have said many times, give her immunity, she is a small fish...... Do I think she took the 5th because she is hiding something, yes, do I think we will eventually find out what, most likely yes, because in the end they will give her immunity to get her to talk...

You cant take the 5th if you have been granted immunity because you cant incriminate yourself once granted immunity which is the purpose of the 5th....................If granted immunity and she refuses to talk then she is in a world of hurt facing jail time, loss of job, and benefits including pension....

I have also said I believe in ALL the amendments of the Bill of Rights and support them all including the 5th... Your wrong on lose the 5th lose them all, lose the 2nd you lose them all, it is the one that guarantees the others are there...........

Picker as I have said many times, give her immunity, she is a small fish...... Do I think she took the 5th because she is hiding something, yes, do I think we will eventually find out what, most likely yes, because in the end they will give her immunity to get her to talk...

You cant take the 5th if you have been granted immunity because you cant incriminate yourself once granted immunity which is the purpose of the 5th....................If granted immunity and she refuses to talk then she is in a world of hurt facing jail time, loss of job, and benefits including pension....

I have also said I believe in ALL the amendments of the Bill of Rights and support them all including the 5th... Your wrong on lose the 5th lose them all, lose the 2nd you lose them all, it is the one that guarantees the others are there...........

That's not what you said in your post above so I guess I was confused. I guess you and joe would have been right up there asking people to name names.

The constitution is like religion. The ones that usually crow and thump their chest the most about them are the first to ignore them when they don't suit their purpose. It's funny how that always happens.

That's not what you said in your post above so I guess I was confused. I guess you and joe would have been right up there asking people to name names.

The constitution is like religion. The ones that usually crow and thump their chest the most about them are the first to ignore them when they don't suit their purpose. It's funny how that always happens.

I said throw her in jail if she want testify, I also said grant her immunity which will mean she cant use 5th as a shield.....

I highly recommend you not challenge my belief in or support of the constitution and our Bill of Rights.

I said throw her in jail if she want testify, I also said grant her immunity which will mean she cant use 5th as a shield.....

I highly recommend you not challenge my belief in or support of the constitution and our Bill of Rights.

I don't have to challenge anything your comments speak volumes about your beliefs - believe me.

I said throw her in jail if she want testify, I also said grant her immunity which will mean she cant use 5th as a shield.....

I highly recommend you not challenge my belief in or support of the constitution and our Bill of Rights.

And that's a funny statement as you certainly feel entitled to challenge other's beliefs? I guess we can expect you to stop doing that?

It must be pretty frustrating seeing your hero finally being revealed for who he really is.

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